06-15-2004, 02:53 PM
ok, for starters, Sam and i are still 16 too. but she's been on the BC Shot for a long time n e ways. U know what sucks!!!! ima turn 17 and she'll still be 16 for a month. Man ima be a Statatory <--- i need Hooked on Phonics Rapist. lol man im horrible, i dont know if i could go a month n e more. but n e ways, Apossal, the word ur looking for could be Pre / Post marital sex. but i think what u where looking for is the word Abstinance <---- *sobs*. Lol u guyz wanna know whats sick, I Command my AFJROTC group and we give a sex ed thingy right. so im preaching to these middleschoolers about Abstinence <--- some 1 hlp me and im being such a hippocrite but n e ways, Apossal, you needing to go fondle <--- i just quit is just too much for me man.
my son's name is going to be Drecin Douglas Dial
my son's name is going to be Drecin Douglas Dial