06-17-2004, 04:34 AM
**** **** ****!i hada drema about it last night..it as an odd dream...i finally hada girl sucking my **** it felt refreshing mostly but tthen this wipser came 2 me and say its not real!!!!!!!!!!!!!then iwas like wtf i wlak out the dooor and theres is a laien staring strait at me and immeditely i knew ihave 2 admitt there real now and join thee forces if i were 2 survive so i dead the nthe alien escorted me out my door then the girls dad came up 2 me found out she wa sucking my **** and i had 2 hurt him the girl got pissed then i appear on this ***in long *** water slide maybe trillions of feet up form the earth.and god damned long my pseed got faster and faster as idroped ithoguht iwas goign 2 evbaporateit was rediclous!