07-01-2004, 10:47 AM
AzNUnknownJ Wrote:Where did you find out that 1.10 would be their final major addition?
I found it out from a past interview they had, I would'nt post a lie about it, I myself would like to see more additions, But they made 1.10 knowing there are people out there with mod making skills, which gives a lot more gameplay value, which is stated in the readme to the 1.10 patch changes.
Fire-Queen Wrote:So there's no major changes left for diablo 2?? do you know if blizzard is considering a "diablo 3"type thing??
Well, as stated above, Mods are an alternative to the game, they do add a great deal as well, Blizzard will most likly release another patch, to fix bugs, as they always do. As for Diablo 3? Bill Roper which helped with the development of Diablo 2, has stated, there may be future plans for such a game, but not gaurenteed, Just like they said about a Sequal to Starcraft, Being (Starcraft 2) I hope that my post has cleared up any details you all have asked about a new patch and such.