07-15-2004, 03:11 AM
well i wouldnt say not to do nm cows caz lik as painkiller said it u can get to lv 55 from lv 25 rather fast... and after you r cowing at lv 55 u should b doing baal runs making ur exp go up alot faster at ur level... hell cows r rather harder and more lik for ppl with loads of good sh!t and lik for a zon u would b needing 45/120 and 60/160 WF and the good equipment and in ur iventory would b lik annie lik 30 290 just for cows....so hell cows would be so fast for u to loose exp then gainin but thats only if u hell cow with ssupid nubs that think they can kill hell cows when they r lv 70 with cruels and shit...