07-29-2004, 12:51 PM
Ok I herby pronounce the KamikazeslayerS open for business on the USEast realm...Last ladder the Hells_Phoenix was a hit with great people alike so you can never get enough of a good thing right? Well a new ladder a new clan name. I am recruiting members as of now all old members and new members are allowed to join if you want in post a bit about yourself and if you can PM me on Diablo2 my account name is KamikazeslayeR if you have any questions...I don't care if your new or a veteran lookin for friends on D2 I recruit all as long as you respect your clan members and others around you...There are no name tags on chars because labeling is wrong in my point of view...You just know who is in the clan and become friends with most...So if you want to join a clan this is the clan for you...Also in our clan we will have tons of fun...If we can we try to help each other by rushing or giving extras to the needy in our clan...As of now most of us won't have any extras but as time goes on we will be loaded with pretty good items for new chars...Oh yeh also this clan is hardcore and softcore...I try and play on both to get a bigger crowd into my clan...