07-30-2004, 07:15 AM
300 mana is WAY too much. Two sojs with 300 mana is more than enough mana. You're going to need about 85 mana at MAX(without gear) if you're gonna wear full tals and 2x sojs. You're also going to want to put 1-3 base points into Warmth, as Sorcs are mana pigs and you're going to need the Regen. Other than that, his guide is good. You're also going to want a point into chilling armor or shiver armor(and use the one you perfer.) As Dylan said, you're also going to want to max out Nova as well, and for MF(meph, Light is horrible -vs- Meph, but if you must make a Lite build..), drop Chain Lightning. Use lightning. More damage, and your target is ONE monster, not multiple.