10-30-2003, 12:02 AM
i need:
08 gaze
titans(must be 9% and above 185% ed)
i have:
full nats set
maras ammy
2x highlords ammy
crescent moon ammy
09 shako
4 soc balrog skin
8/14/14 string
manald heal
this is for Useast my acnt name is all_legit whisper me with wuw and wug or just post here
08 gaze
titans(must be 9% and above 185% ed)
i have:
full nats set
maras ammy
2x highlords ammy
crescent moon ammy
09 shako
4 soc balrog skin
8/14/14 string
manald heal
this is for Useast my acnt name is all_legit whisper me with wuw and wug or just post here