08-05-2004, 09:25 AM
Ah yes, but they were fought in the name of God and because someone else didn't believe in their God/Gods. The point is if everyone just kept their own beliefs instead of building this big belief structure, organized religion, then thousands of lives would have been spared and the world would seriously be a much more peaceful place. But no, since all these books have been written to dictate how we should live our lives people have interpreted them into thinking if we don't follow everything this text says we will end up in Hell. God banished Satan to Hell because Satan claimed he was more beautiful than God himself, what happened to forgiveness? I think the Bible is too flawed to be taken as some law of life. I say if you live your life and do what you think is right then you should welcomed to Heaven no problem. But apparantly most religions think I have to accept a savior, or follow their teachings, or even convert others to my cause in order to get into paradise. Sorry but if that's God's will then it's not really a God I want to praise.
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."