08-08-2004, 02:47 AM
ya the quill rats are embarrasing to die from but they do a shitload of poison. its like im going to shenk look its a puny quill rat i got 1k life and u got like 10 o shit i got 1 life now. BadAssSorc was killed by Quill Rat. dolls used to be a problem for me but if u kill em b4 they kill u its all good cuz they have like no life. souls are a pain in the *** for any sorc telein to baal. for necros its not even a battle. *necro goes in tp* *necro dies second he enters* God damnit!. since im never in arcane those little towers dont bother me. if ur a poison nec they really bother u. they are the first immune in the game i think and they are poison immune.i hate unravelers and those guys. they always hide sumwhere where u dont see em so u kill like 2000 skelis and ur like wtf? cuz they keep coming. and then its like o there he is in that dark corner where no1 is. for me any thing that mana burns Stranglers and ghosts types are the worst ever. especcially if ur melee u do like a ww (which isnt melee but close enuf) ur like **** i cant do another this blows. and then u run or pot just to get one more ww in.