08-14-2004, 11:56 AM
Legolas Wrote:This really pisses me off when ever i go to a duel game and somone kills me cuz they like triplle team me ussaly there always like OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED then i say u triple teamed me they say ussaly cry? its like y would i cry its so annoing then there always like noob u cant even talk to someone all they do is say like cry? noob or owned its so annoing
You mean like the ones that are always town guarding, noob killing, camp hugging noob duellers? or the level 8 that comes in just to steal your gold? Or the ones that when you kill, who always say something like UR SO F***IN LUCKY, or LOSER or OMGWTFBBQ LAAAAAGGGGG!, and blah blah blah.