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How to build a bow sorc
How to build a bow sorc? and what gear should i use?
... one question,

cyberfire2k4 Wrote:... one question,

Because they are fun.

My bowa sorc is as followed....


Bow: Widow Maker 200% +4
Armor: 160/60 with life mod
Helm: Shako with a 40/15 helps
Belt: Razor
Boots: Treks (ithink)
Gloves: IAS gloves
Rings: Raven
Amulet: Mara
GC: 10x Fire GC
SC: 20 to life 5 res SC x 9 and 1 anni


Fire Mastery
1 into energy sheild
Shiver arm

Thats just a set up off the top of my head, it might not be THE BEST bowa sorc set up but it's decent a does pretty good in duels.
how much damage do you do with a bow sorc /w enchant on?
I've heard of some people doing 17k but I don't see how, I do around 11k.
bowasorc is pretty fun, but for ammy i think wc a is better if ur in NL..
Whats WC?
bowa sorc??? use a bloody wf, that's probaly how they get like 17k
But they need guided arrow so wf wooldnt work
DeStRuCtIoN Wrote:bowa sorc??? use a bloody wf, that's probaly how they get like 17k

Hahaha, think about it for a sec, no guilded arrow = can't hit anything.Rolleyes
wc ammy = wraith collar ammy

...and dmg on enchantress sorc doesnt really dpend on weps dmg, it dpends on enchant lvl
Here's my build for it:

Widowmaker Ward Bow (Guided arrow, your primary bow)
160/60 Armor (More damage and SPEED)
120/45 Helm (More damage and SPEED)
Highlord's Wrath Amulet (IAS, deadly strike, etc...)
Rare Mana leech + FCR ring (FCR for tele, mana leech for tele as well)
Raven frost ring (CBF, cold absorb, AR bonus)
Gore Rider War boots (CB, OW, DS, Fast r/w, etc...)
Nosferatu's Coil Vampirefang Belt (Leech, IAS, slows target, ect...)
Dracul's Grasp Vampirebone gloves (Leech, Life tap!!!, etc...)

If you're rich, you might want to VEX your Widowmaker for more Mana leech for when you teleport, and switch your mana leech ring for a BK ring.

Alternative items:

Cat's Eye Amulet (More IAS, Fast r/w, missile def, dex bonus, etc...)
BK ring (+Skills, +Life, life leech)
Manald Heal Ring (+Mana leech, +mana regeneration)
Soul Drainers (massive dual leech)
Vampire Gaze (massive Dual leech, PDR, some cold damage)
Chains of Honour Runeword (+skills, +resists, +damage to demons & undead, etc...)
Stone Runeword (resists, DEFENCE, etc...)
Steelrend Ogre Gauntlets (Good defence, %ed, etc...)
Stone Of Jordan Ring (% mana increase, + skills)

Max Enchant
Max Warmth
Max Fire Mastery
Max Shiver Armor

1 in Static Field
1 in Telekinesis
1 in Chilling Armor
1 in Teleport
1 in Energy Shield (if you want)
1 in prerequisites

Strength: As much as needed
Dexterity: As much as possible, while keeping vitality at above 200 or so
Vitality: Rest goes here
Energy: 0 or 20-30, depending on if you want to rely on massive mana leech.

With max synergies and fire mastery, Enchant does...

691-882 Fire Damage Increase with 3 + fire skills
1022-1266 Fire Damage Increase with 7 + fire skills
1456-1761 Fire Damage Increase with 11 + fire skills
1968-2338 Fire Damage Increase with 15 + fire skills

The damage increases more and more as you put more points into it. 11 is the damage with only + skills from charms and nothing else. If you want +15, you should consider switching your rings to BK or soj's, and chance the ammy to a +3 to fire skills ammy. Bam, there's your 4 extra fire skill points, and 600 extra fire damage.
My Enchantress:

Primary Weapon: Botd Hydra (i like a challenge and wanted more dmg)
Back-Up: +3 to Enchant Leaf Staff ( adds 6 to enchant and lots to warmth)use this to cast enchant with and tele with
Inventory: 6bo cta and lidless

Armor: +3 Enchant Ormus W/ 40/15 in it

Helm: Shako w/ 40/15 in it

Ammy: +3 to fire skills

Rings: 1 soj 1 raven ( cannot Be frozen)

Gloves: Magefists

boots: Gores

Skill dest: 20 warmth
20 enchant
20 mastery
20 shiver armor
20 light mastery
left over Thunder storm
1 static
1 tele

That is +16 to enchant right there

fill inventory with resist sc's, 290pdsc's, and 5 fire gc's

Stats: strength- enough to use equip
dex- 200
life- all left after strenght and dex
mana- none ( what little u hav recovers really fast from ormus mages and warmth)
u see.... no enchanttress needs to max shiver armor...and dex whould b only as much as the bow needs since guided will hit for sure.. man u guy should think before u make something..and really u shold have 50/50 +skill stuff and ias/fcr stuff ...
Thunderstorm with maxed Lightning mastery barely does 2k, so it is not worth the 4 points. Much better to put 20 into Shiver armor for the huge defence bonus instead.

Skill is already filled by your inventory, so the IAS should be dominant in the equipment you wear. You can always favour +skill gear on your equipment as well, but it would lessen the effectiveness of this build. The enchant adds AR so you need more pure physical damage than fire damage. 3k is NOTHING these days. You will need much more if you want to be able to kill with a single target attacking sorceress. So overall, it should be more like 25/75 +skill/fightning

FCR is only helpful when teleporting and nothing else, so don't mass it. You can always put a wizzie and a lidless/splendor on your switch just for tele'ing, but make sure that you have a CTA. It is much more important.

Also remember that +skills does not work with synergies. This means that if you have +fire skills, it will not raise the warmth synergy to enchant.
....Im just assuming this char will be hard to lvl.......
Just for info -> Bow sorc pvp use enchant ofc but they also use the holy shock bug from dream :

replace ur helm with a dream diadem

then max LIGHT mastery and you'll see the boost of damage Smile

--> max fire mastery
--> max light mastery
--> max enchant
--> max warmth

rest is up to you i just put some base.

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