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Barbarian vs Caster build
A friend gave me an interesting idea of barbarian vs caster, so I thought of a build for it. This build is new to me, or might be old to you, but who cares. I can't believe this build looks almost exact as a whirlwind build though.... any comments will be welcome.

Attribute Points=--

Strength : 30 (None here, enigma will cover the rest.)
Dexterity : 20 (None here, you won't be using a shield.)
Vitality : 25 (All attribute points goes here.)
Energy : 15 (None here.)

- STR = 1-74 (Enigma) 25-40 (Beast) + 10-20 (Marrowwalk) + 10-15 (Dracul's Grasp) + 5 (Mara's Kaleidoscope) + 10-20 (Hellfire Torch) + 10-20 (Annihilus) + (STR from either circlet or amulet if you choose so)
- Total STR = 71-194 + (STR from circlet / amulet) = 101-224 + (STR from circlet / amulet)
- DEX = 17 (Marrowwalk) + 10-20 (Nightwing's Veil) + 5 (Mara's Kaleidoscope) + 10-20 (Hellfire Torch) + 10-20 (Annihilus) + (DEX from either circlet or amulet if you choose so)
- Total DEX = 52-82 + (DEX from circlet / amulet) = 72-102 + (DEX from circlet / amulet)
- VIT = 5 (Mara's Kaleidoscope) + 10-20 (Hellfire Torch) + 10-20 (Annihilus) + 0-505 (Attribute Points)
- Total VIT = 25-550 = 50-575
- ENE = 10 (Beast) + 5 (Mara's Kaleidoscope) + 10-20 (Hellfire Torch) + 10-20 (Annihilus)
- Total ENE = 35-55 = 50-70

- Approximately 2130 life without gears.

490 plus 15 attribute points from quest equal 505 total points.


Armor : Enigma Breast Plate
(MAIN) Weapon #1 : Beast Berserker Axe
(MAIN) Weapon #2 : Grief Berserker Axe
(SECONDARY) Weapon #1 : +3 Warcries Spear
(SECONDARY) Weapon #2 : +3 Warcries Spear
Belt : Arachnid Mesh
Boots : Marrowwalk
Gloves : Dracul's Grasp
Ring #1 : Stone of Jordon
Ring #2 : Stone of Jordon
Helm : Nightwing's Veil / Circlet with +2 BARB skills, FHR, STR or DEX, and Resists (FCR is optional)
Amulet : Mara's Kaleidoscope / Amulet with +2 BARB skills, STR or DEX, and Resists (FCR, and mana regeneration are optional)

- Armor could be changed to Enigma Archon Plate if you have enough STR with the items provided except Enigma.


(7x) Masteries Grand Charms
(2x) Combat Grand Charms
(1x) Annihilus
(1x) Hellfire Torch (Barbarian)
(10x) 20 Attack Rating / 5 Resistance All Small Charms (They exist right?)

Skill Points=--

Combat Skills
- (1) Bash : 1
- (18) Bash : 4
- (2) Leap : 1
- (3) Stun : 1
- (4) Concentrate : 1
- (17) Concentrate : 15
- (5) Leap Attack : 1
- (6) Whirlwind : 20
- Berserk : 1
Combat Masteries
- (7) Axe Mastery : 20
- (15) Increased Stamina : 1
- (16) Increased Speed : 1
- (12) Iron Skin : 1
- (14) Iron Skin : 9
- (13) Natural Resistance : 10
- (8) Howl : 1
- (9) Shout : 1
- (10) Battle Orders : 20
- (11) Battle Commands : 1

98 plus 12 skill points from quest equal 110 total points.

How to kill casters=--

- Teleport, Whirlwind, Died (Probably)!
- Repeat the step above if they did not die yet!
- This build might also works to kill other classes I guess.... heh.
k i woudl leik to help u totally wiht remaking this build. k first off thsi build is pretty old now=\ its called a bvc tehre emant to stask+ if tehre way gay absorb. k tehse r how most bvc do it
k lets start off with prebuff
5 bo helm
cta/hoto ppl tell me it adds an extra +1 to bo
+3 war cry ammy
k tahts sounds good for bo should get in the 35++

now for gear heres the tricky part:
lite- 3xlo life helm or 2x lo coa Smile
fire- i think vex is the max to fire resis helm? if so same as above just vexes Tongue
cold- w/e the cold max resis is and same as above

belt- dungo, snowclash, tgods depending on wat ur dueling
gloves- dracs yea thatw basically it or mages for mroe fcr
rings- 2xdwars,2xravens,2xwisps, or if u dont want to be a hoe 2 x fcr wiht str %to ar and + to ar
boots- imps SmileSmile
ammy- a +2 barb 10 fcr alotta str and resis
helm- for not elements use a arreats
weops- grief and beast zerks, or if u duel melee grief+doom TongueTongue
armor- enigma is a MUST vs caster tele Smile
20/xx barb torch
20 stat anni
37x 3/20/20's muahahaha

im nto positive completely on skills but thsi is wat i would do
leap-20 trust me use it u will get wat i mean
ww- 20 duh?
bo- 20 duh?
axe mastery- 20?
now u can start putting them into natural resis and frw skills if u want thats wat my friend did

dex-none u dont need block ur vs'ing casters!
energy- wtf energy?
Charms are TOTALLY WRONG...

37 x 32020s plz..
ONLY useful barb skiller is wc and ure not gonna use that.

Rest into iron skin,nat res..


Why nightwings?
Use arreats...the god barb's helm...Or a -15req 15res jool inside.

Marrowwalks? nono.
Use a gores for melee or a imps / DGLP for casters/elemental
Stone of jorden for ring...?Nonoo..
Angelics ammy+2 angelics ring...U need at least 24k ar...Against hdins or maybe somem melee u see u pubbies.

Quote: (10x) 20 Attack Rating / 5 Resistance All Small Charms (They exist right?)
Nope they done exist
ar=steel prefix
res=shimmering prefix.

For gloves...Dracul? nono...Use a wizzy gloves if ur realm has it...If not use a trangs.
If ure going for a legit,[non unperms items]...The fcr ure breaking shud be the 34 or something..Forgot..
Almost impossible to get 65fcr if ure using trangs.
Now how to kill casters?
Leap tele ww.
Leap will stun opponent...Tele beside and do a DoD..Dance of Death...A triangle ww.

Against melee...Like chargers/smiters...WW aways from em..>If they shift smite...Clip em with ww.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
you might as well delete this thread than ._.
Im just giving u a rough idea of how BvCs are meant to be.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!

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