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Has anyone here played ADOM?
What is it?
Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion
ADOM is an ascii text rougelike game. this is the homepage for download.

before you puke your guts up at an ascii text game i gotta tell you it's pretty cool. it's kinda like dungeons and dragons and diablo mixed. there's tons of quests and the game itself is very long. you basically complete quests and pick up tons of equip and artifacts.

stuff like sword of sharpness (4d8+6). the damge rolls and armor rolls are dice.

anyway it's a cool game and there's a pretty big forums with spoilers and whatnot. if you want to play you should check out andy william's guidebook but don't read too much if you don't want to know all the secrets. the game is real long though so learning how to start of is helpfull.

in this game you only get one life, you have to watch every step you take because you could raise a character to lvl 50 and die on the last lvl or because of something stupid you did so it gets pretty hair raising even though your character is only a "@" on the screen and monsters are like "o" for orc or "D" for dragon. lol sounds funny but it's pretty much the shit. free too
yeah i played it a while back and it was awesome for a while, but i got stuck and got bored... i didnt know there was a site for it and stuff i got it off downloads website

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