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[Recruiting] New D2 Mod
Hey all I am going to be undergoing creating a new mod for D2 LoD 1.10 called The Lost Islands.

It will be a total mod including, new/changed maps,changed cities, a new story, new cube recipes, new/changed monsters, changed classes, changed/new skills, changed UI, new/changed Items/sets and much more as I work on it.

I am mainly looking for people with experience in graphic editing to help outwith the following;
Title Screen GFX
Loading Screen GFX
Monster GFX
Item GFX

I also welcome any help with world editing for making the new maps as this is a first for me, but I am catching on so I will not really need a lot of help.

For now that is all I am looking for, though I may be looking for more later.

For helping you get to be on the exclusive beta testing team and you get your name in the credits obviously. Keep in mind that this is a long term commitment since this will not be done over night. Please reply here or PM me if you are interested.

Information about the Mod;
I will be creating a website for it with details on the mod and progress on how far it has gotten. (the website Link will be here once it is up and the Update Archive will be moved there.

I will update this post as the mod develops.

Below are the changes/updates for the listed month and year.

June 2009
- Decided on New Title (The Lost Islands)
- Created new class name and description Based on Barbarian called Wildman (To be changed later)
- Created new class name and description Based on Paladin called Messiah
- Created new class name and description Based on Amazon called Huntress
- Created new class name and description Based on Necromancer called Summoner
- Created new class name and description Based on Sorceress called Mage
- Created new class name and description Based on Assassin called Ninja
- Created new class name and description Based on Druid called Elf
- Edited Some max stack sizes
- Changed some start stats
- Changed starting equipment
- Implemented PlugY and a larger inventory & cube
- Added a few cube recipes
- Increased experience gain
- Edited some text in the UI
- Website officially online at or (if first is down) [Still under construction]
[Image: gambitsig2.png]
"But... invader's blood marches through my veins, like giant RADIOACTIVE RUBBER PANTS! The pants command me. Do not ignore my veins!" - Invader Zim
Resource-wise, I assume you know and use Phrozen Keep; here's a link to the Knowledge Base: The Phrozen Keep - Knowledge Base.

I was gunna say that complete overhaul mod are very ambitious projects, and that you should start small (ie like a skill change mod), but if you've already done that and are feeling ambitious, good luck. I only have experience in playing 'em, not making 'em.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
Yeah I have been around there a lot, and I have made 5 personal mods, but now am making a full mod like Median etc. I forgot about the knowledge Base though so thanks for the link.

Doing this all solo is harder then I thought...but i got a site up finally lol
[Image: gambitsig2.png]
"But... invader's blood marches through my veins, like giant RADIOACTIVE RUBBER PANTS! The pants command me. Do not ignore my veins!" - Invader Zim
I may or may not help with graphics. >.> It all depends on how lazy I'm feeling at the time.
[url=javascript:void(0);][Image: lostodd2.png?t=1230460315][/url]
Maybe is better then a "Hell no!" ^_^
[Image: gambitsig2.png]
"But... invader's blood marches through my veins, like giant RADIOACTIVE RUBBER PANTS! The pants command me. Do not ignore my veins!" - Invader Zim

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