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Runescape 2:The Party Room Guide
The Party Room.

The Party Room has three key parts
1: The chest. This is where you put the item you want to transfer.
2. Party pete. He is critical, he tells you when your item will Drop
3. The Lever. You must pull this, and hit balloon bananza to make partyt pete count down.
__________________________________________________ __________________________
Party Room Xfer Basic.

MANY people transfer through the party room, however,
they are not very good at it, and you can use this guide against them
to get there items ;p

First: You must put your item in the chest. MAKE SURE THE CHEST IS EMPTY!

Then you must run to THIS spot

The reason for this is so you can tilt the camera foward, and cover all
of the hotzones, which will be explained later.

Once baloons drop, start poppin'
__________________________________________________ _______________________
The Items:
The items used to transfer HAVE to be 49999gp or below (market price)
The reason for this is so the bankers+Gaurds dont alert other players
of an ongoing "drop party". This minimizes the amount of people, if
any,coming to your little transfer session.

Commonly used items are:
Rune Platebodies.
Rune Kitesheilds
Rune platelegs
Rune Skirts
Rune 2Hand Swords

You can use other items if youd like, but i prefer using The Rune

Side note: Many people put 49999gp in the chest, DO NOT DO THIS
There is a chance your money may be split in to several balloons.
__________________________________________________ _______________________
The Worlds.
Most people choose an unpopulated world to transfer.
Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesnt.
A good world to use is a world with about 1000-1100 players.
My method of world changing, is i start somewhere around world 22,
Scout worlds in order until i find a good one.

There are people out there who hunt down xfer'rs and try to take
there items.


__________________________________________________ _______________________

As i mentioned earlier, there are zones in the party room.

The cold zones are where the item will most likely NEVER drop
(out of 300 plates ive probobly gotten one there)
The Green zones are where the item could/might drop
The Hot zone is where the item will most likely drop.

Side note: When balloons drop, they drop in certain order and make
a zone of themselves as shown in this pic.

(i messed up the pic a little, but theres 3 baloons, forming an unfinished square.
The 3 baloons form a zone, showing that the item has a high chance of
falling there.
Here is the outcome.

As shown, it did infact drop in the "balloon zone"

You might be wondering "what if someone comes?"

This happens ALOT while xfering, im going to tell you something
most people dont know.

If someone comes and starts popping baloons, POP BALOONS IN THE
I cannot explain why yet, but when somebody comes and starts popping
balloons, the item will almost always be around them.
Im 80% sure that if theres multiple people popping in a certain area
jagex designed the system so the item will not apear on a completely
different side of the party room.
__________________________________________________ _______________
Party room transfering is time consuming, and frustrating.
Although there is a method, there is some luck involved in party room

Here is a progress report of what ive experienced using my guide:
30/32 plates
8/10 plates
2/6 plates (Bad luck)
19/20 plates
5/5 plates

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The items used to transfer HAVE to be 49999gp or below (market price)
The reason for this is so the bankers+Gaurds dont alert other players
of an ongoing "drop party". This minimizes the amount of people, if
any,coming to your little transfer session.

Commonly used items are:
Rune Platebodies.
Rune Kitesheilds
Rune platelegs
Rune Skirts
Rune 2Hand Swords

You can use other items if youd like, but i prefer using The Rune

Trading System

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