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[Source] 5/24/2012 A Shattered Crown Begin Quest Bot v1.2
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* Author: Bobbyjayblack
* Name: A Shattered Crown Begin Quest Bot (Mira Bot)
* Version: v1.2
* Filename: ascbq.cs
* Compiled location\name: .\ascbq\bin\Debug\ascbq.exe
* Required references: D3Advanced .NET.dll
* Description: A D3Advanced C# bot that does the quest Act 1 A Shattered Crown Begin Quest over and over.
*     It changes quest to Act 1 A Shattered Crown Begin Quest. Starts Game. Quests until Act 1 A Shattered Crown Northwest Gate. Exits game, and repeats.
*     You must not have Act 1 A Shattered Crown Begin Quest at a Resume point. If you do, simply change quests, Start Game, Exit Game, and then .load ascbq
* Usage: Compile ascbq, move ascbq.exe to D3Advanced\Assemblies\ascbq.exe . Once logged into the game, type: .load ascbq
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

using D3;

namespace ascbq
    public class Program
        private static bool debug = false;
        private static int _frameCount = 0;
        private static int step = 0;

        // Edit these to match your bar
        private static SNOPowerId barSkill1 = SNOPowerId.Barbarian_GroundStomp;
        private static SNOPowerId barSkill2 = SNOPowerId.Barbarian_ThreateningShout;
        private static SNOPowerId barSkill3 = SNOPowerId.Barbarian_Revenge;
        private static SNOPowerId barSkill4 = SNOPowerId.Barbarian_FuriousCharge;
        private static SNOPowerId leftMouseSkill = SNOPowerId.Barbarian_Frenzy;
        private static SNOPowerId rightMouseSkill = SNOPowerId.Barbarian_WarCry;

        public static bool CheckItem(Unit unit)
            // Edit to whatever you want to pickup.
            return unit.Name.Contains("Topaz") // Gems
                || unit.Name.Contains("Amethyst")
                || unit.Name.Contains("Emerald")
                || unit.Name.Contains("Ruby")
                || unit.Name.Contains("Book") // Craft Mats (add "page"?)
                || unit.Name.Contains("Tome")
                || unit.Name.Contains("Mythic") // Health Potions
                || unit.ActorId == SNOActorId.GoldCoin
                || unit.ActorId == SNOActorId.GoldCoins
                || unit.ActorId == SNOActorId.GoldLarge
                || unit.ActorId == SNOActorId.GoldMedium
                || unit.ActorId == SNOActorId.GoldSmall
                || unit.Name.Contains("Chromatic") // Resist All Items
                || unit.Name.Contains("Spectral") // Resist All Items
                || unit.Name.Contains("Rugged") // +% Maximum Life
                || unit.Name.Contains("Stalwart") // +% Maximum Life
                || unit.Name.Contains("of the Leech") // X Life on Hit
                || unit.Name.Contains("of Carnage") // X Life on Hit
                || unit.Name.Contains("of Gore") // X Life on Hit
                || unit.Name.Contains("of Mangling") // X Life on Hit
                || unit.Name.Contains("Scouting") // % Magic Find
                || unit.Name.Contains("Ransacking") // % Magic Find
                || unit.Name.Contains("Seeking") // % Magic Find
                //|| unit.ItemQuality >= UnitItemQuality.Magic1 // Pickup magic/rare/legendary items, I found this to fill my inventory in 30~ minutes. Currently, it keeps trying to pickup items over and over.
                || unit.ItemQuality >= UnitItemQuality.Rare4 // Pickup rare/legendary items
                || unit.ItemQuality == UnitItemQuality.Artifact;
        // Stop editing

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Game.Print("A Shattered Crown Begin Quest now active.");
            if (Game.Ingame)
            Game.OnTickEvent += new TickEventHandler(Game_OnTickEvent);

        private static void Game_OnTickEvent(EventArgs e)
            if (++_frameCount % 20 != 0)

            /* TODO: Find UI Element to Revive at last checkpoint when dead.
            if (Game.Ingame)
                if (Me.WorldId != -1 && Me.WorldId != 0 && Me.Life == 0)
                    Game.Print("I died! Reviving...");
                    Click("Revive at last checkpoint UIElement");
                    step = 17;

            switch (step)
                case 0:
                    if (Click("Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetCampaign_main.LayoutRoot.Menu.ChangeQuestButton"))
                case 1:
                    if (Click("Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetQuestSelection_main.LayoutRoot.OverlayContainer.QuestMenu.NavigationMenuList._content._stackpanel._item2"))
                case 2:
                    if (Click("Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetQuestSelection_main.LayoutRoot.OverlayContainer.SelectQuestButton"))
                case 3:
                    if (Click("Root.TopLayer.BattleNetModalNotifications_main.ModalNotification.Buttons.ButtonList.OkButton"))
                case 4:
                    if (Click("Root.NormalLayer.BattleNetCampaign_main.LayoutRoot.Menu.PlayGameButton"))
                case 5:
                    if (Game.Ingame && Me.InTown)
                case 6:
                    if (MoveTo("Deckard Cain"))
                case 7:
                        Interact("Deckard Cain");
                case 8:
                case 9:
                    if (MoveTo((float)3003.098, (float)2790.004))
                case 10:
                    if (MoveTo((float)2993.186, (float)2718.52))
                case 11:
                    if (MoveTo((float)2954.805, (float)2711.546))
                case 12:
                    if (MoveTo("Haedrig Eamon"))
                case 13:
                    if (!Click("Root.NormalLayer.conversation_dialog_main.button_close"))
                        Interact("Haedrig Eamon");
                case 14:
                case 15:
                    if (MoveTo((float)2792.586, (float)2619.849))
                case 16:
                    if (Me.LevelArea == SNOLevelArea.A1_trOUT_NewTristram)
                        Interact("Cellar of the Damned");
                case 17:
                    if (MoveTo((float)175.9097, (float)150.4982))
                case 18:
                    if (Attack("Door"))
                case 19:
                    if (MoveTo((float)132.1171, (float)127.0518))
                case 20:
                    if (MoveTo((float)132.5787, (float)168.4666))
                case 21:
                    if (!Attack("Mira Eamon") && Unit.Get().Where(x => x.Name.Contains("Mira")).FirstOrDefault() != default(Unit) )
                        Attack("Ravenous Dead");
                case 22:
                    if (!SnagItems())
                case 23:
                    if (MoveTo("Haedrig Eamon"))
                case 24:
                    if (!Click("Root.NormalLayer.conversation_dialog_main.button_close"))
                        Interact("Haedrig Eamon");
                case 25:
                    if (!Click("Root.NormalLayer.conversation_dialog_main.button_close"))
                        if (!SnagItems())
                case 26:
                    if ((!Me.InTown) && (Me.Mode != UnitMode.Casting || Me.Mode != UnitMode.Warping))
                    else if (Me.InTown)
                case 27:
                case 28:
                    if (!Game.Ingame)
                        step = 0;

        public static void ExitGame()
            UIElement ui = UIElement.Get(0x5DB09161C4D6B4C6);
            if (ui != null)
                step = 0;

        public static bool Click(string name)
            var ui = UIElement.Get().Where(x => x.Name == name).FirstOrDefault();
            if (ui.Name != null && ui.Visible && ui.Name == name)
                if (debug)
                    Game.Print("Clicking " + ui.Name.ToString());
                return true;
            return false;

        public static bool Attack(string name)
            var u = Unit.Get().Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (u == default(Unit))
                return false;
            if (u.Life <= 0 || u.Mode == UnitMode.Dead)
                return true;
                if (debug)
                    Game.Print("Attacking " +name +u.Life +"/" +u.MaxLife);
                Me.UsePower(barSkill1, u);
                Me.UsePower(barSkill2, u);
                Me.UsePower(barSkill3, u);
                Me.UsePower(barSkill4, u);
                Me.UsePower(leftMouseSkill, u);
                Me.UsePower(rightMouseSkill, u);
            return false;

        public static void Interact(string name)
            var u = Unit.Get().Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (u.Name.Contains(name))
                if (debug)
                    Game.Print("Interacting with " + name);
                Me.UsePower(u.Type == UnitType.Gizmo || u.Type == UnitType.Item ? SNOPowerId.Axe_Operate_Gizmo : SNOPowerId.Axe_Operate_NPC, u);

        public static void Interact(Unit u)
            if (debug)
                Game.Print("Interacting with " + u.Name);
            Me.UsePower(u.Type == UnitType.Gizmo || u.Type == UnitType.Item ? SNOPowerId.Axe_Operate_Gizmo : SNOPowerId.Axe_Operate_NPC, u);

        public static bool MoveTo(float x, float y)
            if (debug)
                Game.Print("Moving to " + x + ", " + y);
            Me.UsePower(SNOPowerId.Walk, x, y, Me.Z);
            if ((float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Me.X - x, 2) + Math.Pow(Me.Y - y, 2)) < 5)
                return true;
            return false;

        public static bool MoveTo(string name)
            var u = Unit.Get().Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (!u.Name.Contains(name))
                return false;
            if (debug)
                Game.Print("Moving to " + name);
            Me.UsePower(SNOPowerId.Walk, u);
            if ((float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Me.X - u.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Me.Y - u.Y, 2)) < 5)
                return true;
            return false;

        public static bool MoveTo(Unit u)
            if (debug)
                Game.Print("Moving to " + u.Name);
            Me.UsePower(SNOPowerId.Walk, u);
            if ((float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Me.X - u.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Me.Y - u.Y, 2)) < 5)
                return true;
            return false;

        public static float GetDistance(string name)
            var u = Unit.Get().Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name)).FirstOrDefault();
            return (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Me.X - u.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Me.Y - u.Y, 2));

        public static bool SnagItems()
            if (debug)
            List<Unit> items = new List<Unit>();
            foreach (Unit u in Unit.Get())
                if (CheckItem(u) && u.ItemContainer == Container.Unknown)
            var iCount = items.Count();
            if (debug)
                Game.Print(iCount.ToString() + " items found");
            if (items.Count() > 0)
                if (debug)
                    Game.Print("Picking up: " + items[0].Name);
                return true;
            return false;

How to compile C# projects using Microsoft Visual Studios 2010:
1) Click File>Open>Project/Solution
2) Navigate to where you extracted the .zip
3) Click ascbq.sln
4) Click Build>Build Solution

SNOPowerId Enumeration

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