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Interesting AIM conversations
LOL I get some...ahem...Unusual AIM conversations.....if you folks get any funny them here!

fiercefairy911: LOL *feels kidnapped*
icefog79: lol
fiercefairy911: lol I just posted that joke on d2sector
icefog79: lol
icefog79: there was one time i got stopped by a cop
fiercefairy911: when?
icefog79: was a little over a year ago
icefog79: i pulled over to the side of the road and was dealing with.....well......nature called and he pulled up
fiercefairy911: LMAO
fiercefairy911: get caught with all your glory hanging out?
icefog79: lol yeah somewhat embarresing
icefog79: anywho, i was on my way home from a party and had a little to drink that night
fiercefairy911: Did you get a tickett?
fiercefairy911: LOL OMG
icefog79: he said he had to write me up but he gave me a choice
icefog79: said he could write me up a traffic violation or indecent exposure
fiercefairy911: That sucks
icefog79: yeah
fiercefairy911: which did you choose?
icefog79: i already pay enough for insurance so i didnt want a ticket on my record, so i chose the indecent exposure one
fiercefairy911: omg
fiercefairy911: have to pay a fine????
icefog79: yeah
icefog79: $950.00 :-\
fiercefairy911: that was rotten for him to do
fiercefairy911: but al least he didnt give you a breathalizer
icefog79: yeah
icefog79: lot to pay though
fiercefairy911: you REALLY had to go potty I guess
fiercefairy911: 1k for a ****
icefog79: yeah
icefog79: well, it was 100 bucks for every inch of my ****
fiercefairy911: ROFLOL
icefog79: LOL
fiercefairy911: best keep that in your pants then when in public
icefog79: lol

I am Fiercefairy and Icefog is a friend that lives in AlaskaWink

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
Wow now that is verrrrrrrrry strange but pamela you make very awesome threads. I brought your photos of you one back to life by trying to make one myself not knowing you already did and someone made a link to ur old one and i think people are postin on it again
uh oh sexual innuendo.. little kids are watching lol. but that pretty funny
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
hahha that rocks
Ahh the interesting life that I lead.

[06:34:41 PM] Justin: well, rodney dangerfield just died :'(
[06:35:15 PM] Ashes to ash: I'm surprised he lasted as long as he
[06:35:36 PM] Justin: ya, he had a good, long run
[06:35:46 PM] Ashes to ash: for an overweight comedian.
[06:35:56 PM] Ashes to ash: most last until 45, tops.
[06:36:03 PM] Ashes to ash: 35*
[06:36:07 PM] Justin: he went until 82
[06:36:19 PM] Ashes to ash: not bad.
[06:36:43 PM] Ashes to ash: I think I'm going to create a black list.
[06:36:53 PM] Justin: people you dont like?
[06:37:12 PM] Ashes to ash: People I expect to die sooner rathee than
[06:37:17 PM] Ashes to ash: rather*
[06:37:18 PM] Justin: ohh
[06:37:34 PM] Ashes to ash: louie anderson is top.
[06:37:47 PM] Justin: lol
[06:37:52 PM] Justin: he's still alive?
[06:38:03 PM] Ashes to ash: lol, as far as i know.
[06:39:57 PM] Ashes to ash: Courtney Love and Macaulay Culkin can't
have much time left either.
[06:40:14 PM] Justin: ahh
[06:40:18 PM] Justin: not macy
[06:41:23 PM] Ashes to ash: macy gray's not much into hard drugs or
being reckless. She'll just be one of those washed out
celebrities that we can't get rid of.
[06:42:01 PM] Justin: lol, did you see that commercial she did for
that Sony mp3 player?
[06:42:09 PM] Ashes to ash: lol, yes i did...
[06:42:25 PM] Justin: my god was she high
[06:42:52 PM] Ashes to ash: well, when no one's payed attention to you
for 5 years, it's time for drastic information.
[06:43:16 PM] Ashes to ash: action*
[06:43:17 PM] Ashes to ash: lol
[06:43:18 PM] Ashes to ash: oops
[06:43:27 PM] Justin: lol
[06:43:52 PM] Ashes to ash: I don't expect Abbie to live past 25
[06:44:11 PM] Ashes to ash: Julie Hall, Chantell. They're screwed.
[06:44:34 PM] Justin: dont forget Lea
[06:44:57 PM] Ashes to ash: yeah, i could see that
[06:49:21 PM] Justin: brb
[06:54:52 PM] Justin: jesus christ, those SUU bastards are persistent
as **** to get me to go there
[06:55:10 PM] Ashes to ash: tell them Ty said to **** the hell off

I'm Justin, and the other person is my friend Ty. This is just an everyday conversation.
Session Start (Yahoo! - Iced_Angel_666:perfect_falls2001): Thu Oct 14 18:57:29 2004
perfect_falls2001: ello matey lol
Iced_Angel_666: Oh god.. I was in a good mood too >.<
perfect_falls2001: hey Sad
Iced_Angel_666: What?
perfect_falls2001: thats hertfull
Iced_Angel_666: feeling alright?
perfect_falls2001: hmmm.....not really
Iced_Angel_666: I noticed.
Iced_Angel_666: What's wrong?
perfect_falls2001: nothin just got called a slut and a freak to many times today and some guy punched me for being well me
Iced_Angel_666: Damn girl that sucks, and btw Justin just ran to his gym...he's..been under alot of stress lately, something happened last night like this too, but alot worse....So now he..OH SHIT he just broke his puncing back...
Iced_Angel_666: punching(
Iced_Angel_666: My god.. punching**
perfect_falls2001: oh
perfect_falls2001: yea but it was like 6 jocks that punched me at once
Iced_Angel_666: Uhhhhh
Iced_Angel_666: I'm afraid of Justin right now...
Iced_Angel_666: That's not something that comes often..
perfect_falls2001: o
perfect_falls2001: hu are u?
Iced_Angel_666: Cause usually we're pretty evenly matched, to to speak
Iced_Angel_666: Zach, why?
perfect_falls2001: oh didnt know
Iced_Angel_666: OQ
Iced_Angel_666: OWWWW
Iced_Angel_666: Phucker
perfect_falls2001: wat?
Iced_Angel_666: The *** hit me...hard
Iced_Angel_666: Oh shit.....
Iced_Angel_666: ****ing great.....................
perfect_falls2001: oh
Iced_Angel_666: 1. Why's Justin so mad?
Iced_Angel_666: 2. Why did Zach run off spitting / coughing blood?
Iced_Angel_666: 3. Who are you?
Iced_Angel_666: n.n
perfect_falls2001: idk....justin punched him and michele
Iced_Angel_666: Ow... :/
Iced_Angel_666: This is Dante if you were wondering.
perfect_falls2001: ok
Iced_Angel_666: What are ya doing Mich?
perfect_falls2001: nothing being bored.....i think i lost my hyperness for the rest of the week
Iced_Angel_666: Smile Good.
Iced_Angel_666: =D
perfect_falls2001: :-<<
Iced_Angel_666: Sad Sad what?
perfect_falls2001: im bored as hell and being normal im not being me
Iced_Angel_666: Well.
Iced_Angel_666: Then be you
perfect_falls2001: cant no sugar in the house
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
perfect_falls2001: well there is but its fake
Iced_Angel_666: You cant be you with out sugar?
perfect_falls2001: yea i can but this is my normal non sugar high self
perfect_falls2001: ask nikki it sucks im more of a goth lol
Iced_Angel_666: My god
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
perfect_falls2001: see ask her
perfect_falls2001: ask me what/
Iced_Angel_666: Non dovrebbe prendere lo zucchero per essere voi, voi dovrebbe essere voi sempre
perfect_falls2001: *?*
Iced_Angel_666: Dimentichilo
Iced_Angel_666: Forget it..
Iced_Angel_666: Scroll up, if you wish.
Iced_Angel_666: Gradisco la torta ^_^
Iced_Angel_666: Michele?
Iced_Angel_666: Nikki/
Iced_Angel_666: ?*
perfect_falls2001: nikki still
perfect_falls2001: oh yea michele is being a gothic *****
Iced_Angel_666: Isn't she always?
Iced_Angel_666: =D
perfect_falls2001: ice went out for sugar
perfect_falls2001: no she is normally half and half
Iced_Angel_666: Nikki,
Iced_Angel_666: Hug?
Iced_Angel_666: ^_^
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
perfect_falls2001: Ella necesita la ayuda moral
Iced_Angel_666: ...
Iced_Angel_666: o.O
Iced_Angel_666: What language is that..
perfect_falls2001: ....i said she needs the moral aid
Iced_Angel_666: But, what language is that
perfect_falls2001: of sugar so she isnt pure gothic...her dad dont like her like that
perfect_falls2001: spanish
Iced_Angel_666: Lol.
Iced_Angel_666: You speak Spanish, or do you use a translator?
perfect_falls2001: i cant speek some spanish nick.....taught me some before he died so....i use a translator sometimes
perfect_falls2001: i am a quarter spanish and 3 quarters indian
perfect_falls2001: nick is the other way around
Iced_Angel_666: perfect_falls2001 is typing a message.
Iced_Angel_666: You type slow :p
perfect_falls2001: =;
Iced_Angel_666: =; ?
Iced_Angel_666: :\
Iced_Angel_666: =; odd face.
Iced_Angel_666: Big Grin
perfect_falls2001: im bored here is michele
Iced_Angel_666: alright
Iced_Angel_666: I'll let Justin on, I have to take care of some things anyways
perfect_falls2001: ello
Iced_Angel_666: EHAKFJKfja!
perfect_falls2001: *rest her head on the wall*
perfect_falls2001: :-&
Iced_Angel_666: Michele
Iced_Angel_666: Do you love me?
Iced_Angel_666: (Jusitn)
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
perfect_falls2001: like a brother yea
Iced_Angel_666: Well, I love you MORE than that
Iced_Angel_666: Roflamo
perfect_falls2001: woah
Iced_Angel_666: Yes, it's true.
perfect_falls2001: ur not makin me laugh
Iced_Angel_666: Will you marry me?
Iced_Angel_666: Eh, sorry it was worth a shot.
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
Iced_Angel_666: :\
perfect_falls2001: nice try
Iced_Angel_666: Indeed.
perfect_falls2001: im bored
perfect_falls2001: me and nikki are bored
Iced_Angel_666: ~Nvm~
Iced_Angel_666: I'll stfu before I get hurt :=S
perfect_falls2001: we should go to the beach looking for guys
perfect_falls2001: hu do u want on nikki or faith or me
Iced_Angel_666: Up to you.
perfect_falls2001: just pick a friggin person
Iced_Angel_666: Bob teh uber-l33t builder.
Iced_Angel_666: -.-
perfect_falls2001: *sighs*brb
perfect_falls2001: how long u guys gonna be on?
Iced_Angel_666: Maybe, 9 - 930
Iced_Angel_666: I gotta go, so everyone has to get out.
Iced_Angel_666: Gotta meet a friend up at the skatpark later.
Iced_Angel_666: skatepark*
perfect_falls2001: well nikki and faith are watchin a movie and im gonna go take a shower......
perfect_falls2001: ill talk to u when i get out
Iced_Angel_666: Can I come? (kidding)
perfect_falls2001: no....
Iced_Angel_666: Why not put Nik. or Faith on while you're in the shower?
perfect_falls2001: because they are watchin a movie
Iced_Angel_666: I don't care, put one of 'em on!
perfect_falls2001: no
perfect_falls2001: ill be back in like 15 mins
Iced_Angel_666: Fine, I'll be back later..
Session Close (perfect_falls2001): Thu Oct 14 19:42:39 2004

Session Start (Yahoo! - Iced_Angel_666:perfect_falls2001): Thu Oct 14 20:06:31 2004
perfect_falls2001: miss me? [Offline Message (Thu Oct 14 19:59:24 2004)]
Iced_Angel_666: No.
Iced_Angel_666: Tongue
perfect_falls2001: hey
Iced_Angel_666: hey
perfect_falls2001: grrr
Iced_Angel_666: what
Iced_Angel_666: am i supposed to say grrr?
perfect_falls2001: nvm
perfect_falls2001: no
perfect_falls2001: nvm
Iced_Angel_666: Michele.
Iced_Angel_666: Go to teh rpg site?
Iced_Angel_666: I'm bored?
Iced_Angel_666: So I'll RP?
perfect_falls2001: fine dork
Iced_Angel_666: Dont call me dork?
Iced_Angel_666: **Waits** XD
perfect_falls2001: derk
Iced_Angel_666: Derk
Iced_Angel_666: Ty.
perfect_falls2001: lol
perfect_falls2001: nerd and dork
Iced_Angel_666: I know.
Iced_Angel_666: Or, you can call me MEP
perfect_falls2001: lol
Iced_Angel_666: M.E.P. rather
Iced_Angel_666: XD
Iced_Angel_666: Brb, I gotta talk to April
Iced_Angel_666: Alright, back.
Iced_Angel_666: TALK
perfect_falls2001: ello mate
Iced_Angel_666: -.-
Iced_Angel_666: Aye lassy.
perfect_falls2001: lol
Iced_Angel_666: get on teh rp now?!!?!?!? >.<
perfect_falls2001: i am on it
Iced_Angel_666: o.O
Iced_Angel_666: doesnt say you are
perfect_falls2001: well i am
Iced_Angel_666: "If you've been a little depressed lately and have contemplated partaking in the bliss of death, here are a couple of cool ways to kill yourself. Even if you don't use these exclusive royalty-free methods, remember to do it as creatively as possible. Don't be boring and just take sleeping pills --- go out with style and flare."
Iced_Angel_666: "All these methods require some planning but don't let that dissuade you. Your life must be pretty pathetic if you're killing yourself. Why not leave a legacy?"
Iced_Angel_666: "Here are a couple of great ways to kill your self by jumping off a tall building or cliff or basically anything really high. The thing about these is that they generally work best if you can get a big crowd watching before you jump. Don't do it when there is no one around. There's just no bloody point in that. "

Iced_Angel_666: "Explosives Strapped to Your Body

Difficulty level: 7

Get a LOT of explosives. The more the better.
Hook up a detonator to an altimeter. Set it for 100-200 feet. That will give you good dispersion.
Mix vaseline and gasoline in a bucket.
Find a really tall building. Something like the World Trade Center (not anymore, but you get the idea) is perfect and is in a sufficiently crowded area to generate the proper sized crowd.
Get an extra large trench coat, ski mask, duct tape and a lighter.
Bring your materials to the top of your building. Liberally apply the vaseline-gasoline mixture to your entire body. Duct tape the explosives around your legs, arms, head and torso. The more you use the better. You cannot overdo this. Attach the altimeter to the explosives.
Put on the trench coat and mask so that the explosives are not visible.
Start ranting and throwing things so that you are sure to attract notice. Drag this part out as long as possible. Say anything that comes to mind but try to stay away from real problems. Your love life DOES NOT make for a good sound bite. Ask for news cameras from the major networks. Pace around a lot while waving your arms.
DO NOT let on that you have explosives on your body. The police will clear the area and you definitely don't want that.
When you've gotten the crowd to a fevered pitch, when the helicopters are hovering like vultures, whip off the jacket and set yourself on fire.
Wait until you are completely engulfed in flame then jump.
Try to steer yourself towards the crowd. That way flaming falling body parts will pelt the fleeing onlookers when you explode.
Congratulations! You've just made history."
*** Your previous message has not been sent. Reason: Maximum length (800) exceeded. You can recall the last message typed with Ctrl-Up or Up, depending on settings.
Iced_Angel_666: "Explosives Strapped to Your Body

Difficulty level: 7

Get a LOT of explosives. The more the better.
Hook up a detonator to an altimeter. Set it for 100-200 feet. That will give you good dispersion.
Mix vaseline and gasoline in a bucket.
Find a really tall building. Something like the World Trade Center (not anymore, but you get the idea) is perfect and is in a sufficiently crowded area to generate the proper sized crowd.
Get an extra large trench coat, ski mask, duct tape and a lighter.
Bring your materials to the top of your building. Liberally apply the vaseline-gasoline mixture to your entire body. Duct tape the explosives around your legs, arms, head and torso. The more you use the better. You cannot overdo this. Attach the altimeter to the explosives.
Put on the trench coat and mask so that the explosives are not visible.
*** Your previous message has not been sent. Reason: Maximum length (800) exceeded. You can recall the last message typed with Ctrl-Up or Up, depending on settings.
Iced_Angel_666: "Explosives Strapped to Your Body

Difficulty level: 7

Get a LOT of explosives. The more the better.
Hook up a detonator to an altimeter. Set it for 100-200 feet. That will give you good dispersion.
Mix vaseline and gasoline in a bucket.
Find a really tall building. Something like the World Trade Center (not anymore, but you get the idea) is perfect and is in a sufficiently crowded area to generate the proper sized crowd.
Iced_Angel_666: "Get an extra large trench coat, ski mask, duct tape and a lighter.
Bring your materials to the top of your building. Liberally apply the vaseline-gasoline mixture to your entire body. Duct tape the explosives around your legs, arms, head and torso. The more you use the better. You cannot overdo this. Attach the altimeter to the explosives.
Put on the trench coat and mask so that the explosives are not visible.
perfect_falls2001: shut up
Iced_Angel_666: "Start ranting and throwing things so that you are sure to attract notice. Drag this part out as long as possible. Say anything that comes to mind but try to stay away from real problems. Your love life DOES NOT make for a good sound bite. Ask for news cameras from the major networks. Pace around a lot while waving your arms.
DO NOT let on that you have explosives on your body. The police will clear the area and you definitely don't want that.
When you've gotten the crowd to a fevered pitch, when the helicopters are hovering like vultures, whip off the jacket and set yourself on fire.
Iced_Angel_666: Why? Lol
perfect_falls2001: because ur ignoring me
Iced_Angel_666: I like saying ways to kill yourself, I'll prolly use one of these, too.
perfect_falls2001: well g4i
perfect_falls2001: *u
Iced_Angel_666: le
Iced_Angel_666: let
Iced_Angel_666: elkf
Iced_Angel_666: flkd
Iced_Angel_666: play!
Iced_Angel_666: falay!
Iced_Angel_666: >.<
Iced_Angel_666: im not ignoring you..
Iced_Angel_666: you're not talking
perfect_falls2001: annoyin me sry
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
Iced_Angel_666: Mich?
Iced_Angel_666: I love you, bare my children?
Iced_Angel_666: Jesus christ talk..
perfect_falls2001: gross justin
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
Iced_Angel_666: Got you to talk, eh?
perfect_falls2001: i dont feel like being on a rpg
Iced_Angel_666: :\
Iced_Angel_666: What'cha wanan do?
perfect_falls2001: idk
Iced_Angel_666: Make out?
Iced_Angel_666: rofl
Iced_Angel_666: (kidding)
Iced_Angel_666: -.-
Iced_Angel_666: I love you.
Iced_Angel_666: Phuck me all night long?
Iced_Angel_666: MY GOD TALK
Iced_Angel_666: -.-
perfect_falls2001: :-O
Iced_Angel_666: LOL
Iced_Angel_666: Now she talks ~.~
Iced_Angel_666: Brb me likey ice cream..
Session Close (perfect_falls2001): Thu Oct 14 20:38:58 2004

Session Start (Yahoo! - Iced_Angel_666:perfect_falls2001): Thu Oct 14 20:40:28 2004
Iced_Angel_666: YuMmY iN MeH TuMmY
Iced_Angel_666: TALK
Iced_Angel_666: >.<
perfect_falls2001: :-S
Iced_Angel_666: Got a problem? :S
Iced_Angel_666: I like Ice cream, and cookies, deal with it?
Iced_Angel_666: XD
Iced_Angel_666: michele damn you talk :\
Iced_Angel_666: TALK
Iced_Angel_666: >.<>.<>.<
perfect_falls2001: #-o
Iced_Angel_666: Wtf?
Iced_Angel_666: You're not Michele, are you?
perfect_falls2001: yes i am
Iced_Angel_666: wtf is #-o
Iced_Angel_666: :/
perfect_falls2001: idk
Iced_Angel_666: You high?
Iced_Angel_666: Drunk?
Iced_Angel_666: Bored?
Iced_Angel_666: All of the above?
Session Close (perfect_falls2001): Thu Oct 14 20:48:30 2004

Session Start (Yahoo! - Iced_Angel_666:perfect_falls2001): Thu Oct 14 20:48:34 2004
Iced_Angel_666: Lol
perfect_falls2001: none
perfect_falls2001: im being normal me
Iced_Angel_666: ... ~.~
perfect_falls2001: suprising isnt it?
Iced_Angel_666: No.
perfect_falls2001: brb

P.S. I...was and prolly still am to a certin extent high when I was doin this stuff ~.~

Me = Iced_Angel_666
perfect_falls2001 = ol' friend.
[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
Here's one w/ one of my ex's :\ (High the whole time..)
Session Start (MSN - [[email protected]:~!Lyñ§!~(L][email protected]:~!Lyñ§!~(L[/email]) Mä¢k~): Thu Oct 14 18:14:33 2004
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: hey
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Hello.
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: whats up?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: The sky.
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: what are you doing ?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Sitting outside, waiting for Zach to get off the vert ramp, so I can go on?
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: You laugh alot.
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: i knoi
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: i cant help it
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: habbit
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: "i knoi?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: :/
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: my step bro said the same lol
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Knoi, new word?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Smile
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: no lol
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: know*
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: I'm bored
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: so am i
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Cybah? Lol.
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol thats a cool spelling of it
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: ;/
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: I'm still bored.
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: same lol
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Cybah?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Lol
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: no?
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: im on my dads computer..
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Fine?
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: omg
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Oh, my god! Becky!
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Look at her butt!
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: It is like soooo big!
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lmao
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: !!!
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: "I like big butts.."
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: i have that song
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: I hate that song
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: and i can not lie
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: My otha brothas wont deny
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: .:\
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: ANNOYING
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: -.-
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Cybah meh sexah beasyness?
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~: lol
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Cybah wit meh sexah beasyness?
~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~:
*** [email protected] (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Cybah wit meh sexah beasyness?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Lol
Session Close (~!Lyñ§!~(L) Mä¢k~): Thu Oct 14 18:33:58 2004

Another MSN log, another chick
Session Start (MSN - [[email protected]:Living][email protected]:Living[/email] next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...): Thu Oct 14 18:50:19 2004
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: hey
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Hello.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Sounds fun?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Smile
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: whats up?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: The sky?
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: oh for sure
Session Close (Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...): Thu Oct 14 18:51:17 2004

Session Start (MSN - [[email protected]:Living][email protected]:Living[/email] next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...): Thu Oct 14 18:51:21 2004
*** Users currently in conversation:
*** [email protected]
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Whoops.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Exited the thingie MCbobter.
*** [email protected] (Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...) has joined the conversation.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: bober*
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: last time i checked the sky sure was up but i heard a rumor that its gonna fall soon
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: x.x
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Really?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Take covah?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: I must hide meh sexah beasyness?
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: lol
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Bend?
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Lol
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: have fun
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: ~.~
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: sexy
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Lol
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: In 23 hours, 60 minutes and 44 seconds, i will get 1 dollah.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: WOOT 44 - 23!
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: nice
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: 23- 14!
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: 14-7
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: 7 - 2!
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: YAY! ONLY 23 HOURS 59 MINUTES AND 41 SECONDS!
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: My god am I high? ~.~
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: maybe
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Indeed.
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Get on
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: nah
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: my bnet aint working
Verkollkommnung ist im Auge des Beschauers: Why not?
Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...: i dunno
Session Close (Living next door to the United States is like sleeping in the same bed with an elephant...): Thu Oct 14 19:00:56 2004
[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
Can I join your next IM cyber? :p
SURE!!! This is a conversation I had with a friend that I post with on EW...he was a bit anxious for some Information!

<TABLE id=BodyTable style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed; FONT-SIZE: 67%; VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0><TBODY style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top"><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>hi</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:36:05 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>hey you</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:36:20 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>erm... 4 STARS!!!!!!!!!!!</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:36:27 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>NNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!111</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:36:29 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>i know! wtf</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:36:44 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>angry idiot i nkow it</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:36:47 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>or a jealous chrono</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:36:50 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>ah</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:37:04 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>could be</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:37:39 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>reading shaadows e0mail</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:37:48 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>oh forward it to me</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:37:49 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>eep </TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:38:01 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>did i type that stupidly</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:38:15 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>nah</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:38:21 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>anyway forward the e-mail to me</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:38:27 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:38:44 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>its pretty straightforward</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:39:43 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>well... forward it then..</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:08 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>lol </TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:11 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:12 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:13 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:14 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:14 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:21 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>too many okays</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:31 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>lol</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:40:57 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>hoow about ikiss your happy *** quiet till im done?</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:41:10 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>is than an insult?</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:41:12 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>hush im slow</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:41:16 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>no</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:41:19 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>ok</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:42:23 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>gtg now bye</TD></TR><TR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0edff"><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>8:42:50 AM</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>k</TD></TR><TR><TD>8/25/2003</TD><TD></TD><TD>12:19:39 PM</TD><TD></TD><TD>The Elven Forest RULEZ!!!!</TD><TD></TD><TD>fierce fairy misses nightblade</TD><TD></TD><TD>hi</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
blindman u dirty fool!
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
That was just a bit odd. But that one with the 1,000 payment was funny!
BMT, you bring teh ropes, you're in.

[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
Bring the ropes??? 0.o

My friend that has skipped too much school to play FFXI.......

Tommy says:


Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:

hi baby

Tommy says:


Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Tommy says:

how long?

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:

till 8 I think

Tommy says:


Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Tommy says:

today was boring ._.

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Tommy says:


Tommy says:

cant wait till friday tho

Tommy says:

halfday heh

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Tommy says:

so what you been doing all day?

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:

cleaning house

Tommy says:

school and sleep here lol

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Tommy says:

eh once i get on im gonna have to get off a few mins after =/

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Tommy says:

i might try to sneak on just so i can get a few things done

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:

yo sneaky devil

Tommy says:

devil indeed >= )

Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:


Pamela:A Fool for FFXI!!!! says:

you get caught you will get grounded

Tommy says:



A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
That was....not very interesting :p

Mine are better XD

And yes, bring the ropes, ropes are fun, if he wants fun, he must bring the fun. :\
[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
Alright. I'll bring some saddles and ball gags while im at it Wink.
i can barely read them ... all exept the 1st 1,,, im bored... there not funny if u wanna c a funny 1 ask me to post mine and my friends its hilarious ima go look on my pc i got it somewhere there
[Image: graveskullcopy5io.jpg]

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