10-11-2004, 03:34 PM
I have an eth cara + an eth valor 4 trade
Pul'ed Eth Carapace
235%ed(205 base/2803 def overall)
14% regen mana
14% dr
54% cold res
Zod'ed Eth Valor
1 to all skills
152%ed(1958 def overall)
15% dr
-I need 3/20/20's preferrably....but i will take good items of any sort.
Pul'ed Eth Carapace
235%ed(205 base/2803 def overall)
14% regen mana
14% dr
54% cold res
Zod'ed Eth Valor
1 to all skills
152%ed(1958 def overall)
15% dr
-I need 3/20/20's preferrably....but i will take good items of any sort.