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i need a simple answer of how to pick up items i DONT want id them, and sell them to shop so i can have money to buy potions and revive merc cause i found that i ran out of 3mill+ last run :\

for example: if i want it to pick up eth gladiators banes and stash them, but if its non-eth i want it to id and sell to shop... is that possible?

or more simple just have it pick up something like ik maul and sell it...

help me Smile

Then follow the instructions. That is what you mean right?
You got to set the pick it to sell or not sell items.
; [unique string]
; Code="abc" - [Optional] This is the 3 letter itemcode.
; Description=<string> - [Optional] This will print when the item drops. if not defined nothing will print
; This will also be what is written to your logfile
; xxx=xxx - [Optional] This is how you check for certain mods on the ground such as sockets
; Identified=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = identified, 0 = unidentified
; Type=<string> - [Optional] shield/weapon/armor/helm/bow/other
; Level=<string> - [Optional] rare/unique/set/magic/normal/craft/superior/lowquality are accepted
; ClassLevel=<string> - [Optional] normal/exceptional/elite are accepted
; Pickup=0/1 - [Optional] 0 = dont pickup, 1 = pickup {default if not specified}
; HasSockets=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = has sockets, 0 = doesnt have sockets
; isEthereal=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = is Ethereal, 0 = isnt Ethereal
; iditem=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = id the item and check mods, 0 = don't id

there is no sellitem=1 command, unless i overlooked it... is there?
if i just do pickup=1 iditem=1, then will it sell it because it doesnt have desirable stat mods?

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