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My Bar
"sooo? we gonna kill things? cmon we need action im bored, lets play, adventur DO SOMETHING"
"please excuse my ignorance. i am terribly sorry pamela. splinter cell you are right i did not look far into the issue"

OOC wow im stupid i forgot all about that and missed the !pam! thing
ooc yea i dont even know what your talking about so...

*cmon lets kill*
*seems to be getting aggravated*
*we shall kill when the need arrises beholder, not sooner. We need not draw unwanted attention our way*
.. i dont see why we dont just draw attention to ourself and just kill them as they come
hey every body i havent been on in a long long time but im back
*looks at deathknight and gives him a ripdown sio only his underware is showing*
lol you too are weird and can you get banned for posting sexual stuff?
IDK i havent so i guess unleess it really explicite then you have some leway
*Beholder we will be overwhelmed if we draw too much attention to ourselvs*
well lets make a good move fast cause im getting tired
*We will in good time, my friend.*
*appears very angered and very distrought ready to act with out thinking almost psychotic*
*The Princess begins to chant in a soft voice ,the language ancient and long forgotten by the masses...Her eyes flash over to a bright crimson!*
*Stroking the amulet at her neck it begins to glow a radiant golden hue...and then Pamela touches the ring on her delicate hand to the necklace*
*In a sudden blinding light Sepriou stands before them all!*
*Pamela has used the amulets magic with her heratige ring to summon him to her....the mages do not hesitate....and cast magic that will not allow his Demons to come thru the portal she created!*
*Casting aside her cloak she grabs The Sword of Ages and springs forward...seeing shock and horror in his evil face*
*Showing no mercy Pamela strikes a deep wound into Seprious...seperating his arm from its shoulder*
*Spinning away quickly she slashes from behind and lays his side opens ....blood pours from the wounds and Seprious crumples to one knee...defeated but still her brother*
*Looking up at her...his dying words sear her he whispers* "I have always hated you ....I will lie in hell waiting for your death!*

*As tears stream down her face Pamela watches her brother die...and leans onto the wall for support*

*Pamela turns to her friends and dabs her eyes...looking very lost and in great pain*

I think my friends that I will wait here as you men take care of the rest of the Gobblins....*Pamela sits on the floor and rocks back and forth hugging her knees protectively*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*looks at the battle with great intensity and fevor*
"yes death thats what i like to see"
*as you look a beholder he seems to be getting bigger, his image begins to look my demonish*
*Flames begin to shoot from Splintercell's sword as goblin after goblin is slain* *"TO HELL's depths for all of you!!"*
*seems even more pleased by the killing of the goblins*
*Lord Apocalypse after man years of travling finaly reaches this destination. Lord apocalypse is a tall man of about 5' 11" clearly human, as he aproaches over the dunes the glint of his Iron torso plate can be clealy seen, His pauldrons clearly well maintained and his chain mail under the torso plate clinks gently as the warrior walks towards the bar, his brown trousers the only pretection on his lower body however. His long purple cloak billowing out behind him on it his family crest around which is the insignia of the kingdom. his dark brow hair now greying slightly ripples in the wind his steel grey eyes taking in the scene before him, He takes in the goblins attacking the men and he sees Pamela on the floor hugging her knee's*


*He draws the sword of the kingdom a short, two handed straight sword of simple design with a simple black wooden varnished hilt brass hand guard and end cap, the sword was sharpened to near perfection, Lord Starts to run forwards his sword raised when he reaches the first goblin he brings the sword around in a powerful arc spiiling its guts he then turns away and starts hacking his way to Pamela, when he reaches her he turns his back to her his sword held out in front of him*

I'll Defend you my lady. I owe that much to you at least.
*Seering from the heat of Hell's fire, Splintercell's sword glows like the sun* *After finishing off the last of the goblins and defending the mages as the last of the magical spells are broken, Splintercell slides his great sword back into it's sheath, and approaches Pam* *A faint glow of fire in his eyes, Splintercell kneels respectfully in front of Pam* *"My Lady, I shall serve you as your head guardsman if you wish. Let this war stand as testimony to the power of light and all that is good. Let your brothers death signify the turning point in a world that has been darkened by his very life, and take comfort in knowing that his life, be he your brother or not, was not worth saving for his blackened heart. Hopefully, now his heart and soul are free, free of the darkness that consumed him and the treachery he was involved in. Perhaps you will feel better when you sit on your rightful throne, Queen Pamela."* *Standing, Splintercell uncovers the throne on which Queen Pamela may rule* *Removing his sword and laying it on the ground in front of Queen Pamela, Splintercell vouches his never ending service and protection to Queen Pamela.*
Holy Sh#t that was a long way to say something i could normaly say in a sentence

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