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foH help me
im at my last char in my account (meaning i made one of each char and completed them with all the itemz they need) the only char i odn't have is a pally! so i decided to make the funnest pally that i think is kool which comes to foH! so guys plz i need help tell me wat my stats should be

my items so far:
helmConfusedhako/i have griffons but ill use shako which is better?
armor: bp enigma
Shield: hoZ
belt: spider
weapon : hoto
ammy: mara
rings: 2x sojs
boots: need one! can someone tell wat is good boots for foHers

skills to max:
20 foH
20 holy shock
20 holy shield
11 Convict (with my items i will have 25 to convict all together which is good enough)
rest on defiance

anything im missing or doing wrong???? if do plz tell me

i have no anni cuz i ain't that rich! i need 1 MORE ANNI!!! I HAVE LIKE 6 anni all my chars has one accept my foH! O mY!! this is wat i planned so far

30 str (depend on enigma to hold the rest)
28 dex (to use hoto and with my shako and mara they give 7 to dex)
XXXX Vita (REST GOES HERE!!!!!!!! O MY!!)
40 engery (guess ill depend on itemz for mana and sojs!)

yess i know too lil dex but i don't wanna put like 100 somehin dex just for blocks... to my point of view i think foHers are all about life and their defense block is unneccessary.

well thats wat i planned so far! my foH pally is lvl 68 "DID EVEN NOT TOUCH STATS OR SKILLS YET!!!" so plz if im makin a mistake plz correct me i don't wanna **** up on my last char!

question: wats the dmg on foHs usually which can 1 hit kO? wats the dmg of ur foH if u have one
question: wat is some good boots i can use??? wat boots would u suggest and wat boots do u use for ur foH if u have one
question: wats ur defense of ur foH pally?
question: did u read everything i typed???

For the helm, it's not too hard to find a rare circlet that can be much better than shako or griffs, buf it not, use either one. Depends on how high your base damage is. If it's high, then use griffs to increase it by %. If +2 skills increases it more, then use a shako. Compare the two when you're wearing it. Remember that -%enemy res works at 1/3 efficiency during PvP situations.

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