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Useast Ladder Price Guide
Useast Ladder Softcore Price Guide

*Note does not include all items only good ones Wink * - tell me what else to add to the price guide

Runes :

High Runes:
Ber = 2 Ist+Mal

Jah = 2 Ist+Mal
Ohm = 2 Ist+Mal
Zod = 2 Ist+Mal
Cham = 2 Ist+Mal

Mid-High Runes:
Vex = 2 Ist+Mal
Lo = 1 Ist+Mal
Sur = 2 Ist
Gul = Ist + Um
Ist = 3 Um

Mid Runes:
Mal = Um + pul
Um = 5 Lem
Pul = 3 Lem



Lightning Facet (5/5 die) = 2xIst
Lightning Facet (5/5 level) = Ist+Um

Fire Facet (5/5 die) = 2xIst
Fire Facet (5/5 level) = Ist+Um

Cold Facet (5/5 die) = 2xIst
Cold Facet (5/5 level) = Ist+Um

Poison Facet (5/5 die) = Ist
Poison Facet (5/5 level) = Mal

Magical Jewels:

30-34 Ed/ 15 Ias = Ist-ish
35-38 Ed / 15 Ias = 3 Ist - High Rune+2 Ist
39ED / 15 Ias= 7xIst
40Ed / 15 Ias = 8xIst

30-34 Ed/ 15 Max = Ist-ish
35-39 Ed/ 15 Max = 1 - 2 Ist

30-34 Ed/ 10 Min = Ist-ish
35-39 Ed / 10 Min = 1 - 2 Ist

35-39%ed/7%FHR = Mal - Ist

15Ias / 12-14 Resist = Ist - Ist+

15Ias / 15 Resist = 3 Ist

15 Ias / 7% FHR = 2 - 3 Ist
40 ed / 7% FHR = Ist - 1.5 Ist
37-40%ed = Pul-Um

Rune words :


Beast Caddy = 1-1 High Rune+ depending on +skill, ed
Beast Zerker = 1-1 High Rune+ depending on ed
Beast Ettin Axe = 1-1 High Rune+ depending on ed

Call to arms :
(Best if made in flails or crystal swords. Ethereal multiplies the price even more.)

(x/1/x bo)= 1.5 - 2 Ist / Ist+Gul - 2 Ist
(x/2/x bo) = 2.5 - 3 Ist / 2 Ist+Gul - 3 Ist
(x/3/x bo) = 3.5 - 4 Ist / 3 Ist+Gul - 4 Ist
(x/4/x bo) = 4.5 - 5 ist / 4 Ist+Gul - 5 Ist
(x/5/x bo)= 5.6 - 6 Ist / 5 Ist+Gul - 6 Ist
(x/6/x bo) = 6.5 - 7 Ist / 6 Ist+Gul - 7 Ist
(Perfect Stats) = 8 Ist++

Doom Zerker Axe
(330%ed-349%ed) = 1.75-2 High Rune
(350%ed-365%ed) = 2-3 High Rune
(365%ed-370%ed) = 3-4 High Rune

Doom Ettin Axe
(330%ed-349%ed) = 1.5-2 High Rune
(350%ed-365%ed) = 2 High Rune
(365%ed-370%ed) = 3 High Rune

Doom Ethereal Cryptic Axe (Note: it might be more or less depending on the -cold resistance factor)
(330%ed-349%ed) = 2 High Rune
(350%ed-365%ed) = 2.5-3 High Rune
(365%ed-370%ed) = 3-4 High Rune

Doom Ethereal Giant Thresher/Thresher (Note: it might be more or less depending on the -cold resistance factor)
(330%ed-349%ed) = 2.5-3 High Rune
(350%ed-365%ed) = 3-3.5 High Rune
(365%ed-370%ed) = 4 High Rune minimum
(Note: this may seem odd that it's worth more than cryptic, but these are much more rare since these weapons
don't always get 6 sockets and are much faster than cryptic. These can hit a breakpoint where cryptics cannot hit.
Use a Andy's Visage with a 15ias jewel to see the speed for yourself.)

Chaos Claws
No good +skills = Ist+Mal-2xIst+Um
Good SKills = 3.5 - 4.5 Ist ( With venom, df, mb, it can go for much more)

Fury = 2-3 Ist ( User defined, some prices may vary )

Famine = 1 High Rune

Heart of the Oak 30-33 res = 1.5 Ist
Heart of the Oak 34-37 res = 2 Ists
Heart of the Oak 38-39 res = 2.5 - 3 Ist
Heart of the oak 40 res (Perfect) = High rune+ / 4 Ist (In order to get this, must be perfect and a flail.)

Breath of the Dying:

Non-Ethereal :

Phase Blade = .75-1 High Rune (Note: no one really makes or has these.)

Botd Hydra Bows and Crusader Bows :
(350%ed-365%ed) = 1 High Rune
(370%ed-384%ed) = 1.5-2 High Rune
(385%ed-394%ed) = 2-2.5 High Rune
(395%ed-400%ed) = 2.5-3 High Rune
(400%ed++)=3 High Rune and Up

Etheral :

Botd Ethereal Zerker :
(350%ed-360%ed) = 3 - 4 Ist
(361%ed-370%ed) = 4 - 5 Ist
(371%ed-389%ed) = 6 - 7 Ist
(390%ed-395%ed) = 8 - 9 Ist
(396%ed-400%ed) = 10 - 12 Ist
(400%ed++) = User defined, Some people will go as high as 15 High runes for a 415%ed.

Botd Ethereal CB :
(350%ed-360%ed) = 3 - 4 Ist
(361%ed-370%ed) = 4 - 5 Ist
(371%ed-389%ed) = 6 - 7 Ist
(390%ed-395%ed) = 8 - 9 Ist
(396%ed-400%ed) = 10 - 12 Ist
(400%ed++) = User defined, Some people will go as high as 15 High runes for a 415%ed.

Other Ethereal Botd :
Warspike = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
Great Poleaxe = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
Giant Thresher = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
Warpike = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
Ghost Spear = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)
Thunder Maul = 1.5-3 High Rune (Note: Only 400%+ would get 3 High Rune)

Armors :

Bramble Light
25-39% Poison 1xIst-2xIst+2xUm
40-45% Poison 2xIst+2xUm-3xIst+Mal
46-49% Poison 4xIst-7xIst
50% Poison 8xIst+


Enigma prices vary on 2 different things, Strength Requirement, and Defense... A average defense is about 1220 Plus... Anything less
then 1200 is POOR. Enigmas With +1300 def are definently worth around 2 high runes or maybe a little more...

Light = 5xIst for average 8+Ist for 15% sups(does not include breast) and 9+Ist for 15% Sup Archons)
Breast Plate / Min Str : 35
Dusk Shroud / Min. Str : 77
Wyrmhide / Min. Str : 84
Scarab Husk / Min. Str : 95
Wirefleece / Min. Str : 111
Archon Plate / Min. Str : 103
Great Hauberk / Min. Str : 118

Medium=4-6.5xIst Sometimes less and very rarely more.

Boneweave = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 158
Diamond Mail = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 131
Balrog Skin = 1.5-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 165
Kraken Shell = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str : 174
Lacquered Plate = 1.25-2 High Rune / Min. Str :208
Sacred Armor = 1.25 - 2 High rune / Min. Str : 232

Heavy=4-6.5xIst Sometimes less and very rarely more.

Loricated Mail = 1.25 - 2 High Rune / Min. Str : 149
Hellforge Plate = 1.25 - 2 High Rune / Min. Str : 196
Shadow Plate = 1.25 - 2 High Rune / Min. Str : 230
Sacred Armor = 1.25 - 2 High rune / Min. Str : 232

Stone Ethereal Elite = Ist - Ist+ (Note: depends on type/ed/defense)
Stone Elite = Um-Ist (Note: depends on type/ed/defense)

CoH(low str)= 1-1.5 High Rune
CoH(high strength)= 1 High Rune
Delerium = Mal-Ist (Note: pm me if you need a pc on a barb or druid Delirium)

Exile Ethereal Kurast (40res+ or 50ed+/ar)) = 2-3+ High Rune (Note: Depends on defense, aura)
Exile Ethereal Vortex (40res+ or 50ed+/ar) = 2-5+ High Rune (Note: Depends on defense, aura)
(Note: Ed/ar is worth a little more than resist).
Exile Ethereal Elite Other Shields (40res or 60ed+/ar) = 2++ High Rune (Note: Depends on shield, defense, aura)

Normal/Socketed Items

Ethereal :
Berserker Axe (6) = High rune
Warspike (6) = Pul-Um
Colossus Blade (6) = 1.5 Ist
Warpike (6) = ist

1.10 Sets:
Griswold's Set = Mal
Immortal King’s Set = Um
Mavina's Set = Pul
Trang's Set = Pul
Aldur's Set = Pul
Natalya's Set = Pul-Um
Tal Rasha's Set = Ist


Unique Charms:
Anni : (These are hard to price do to there being sooo many possibilites of the outcome. Mainly user defined, prices just for reference.)
Unid :2xIst
Low :10 -13 / 10 -13 / 5-6 = Mal - Ist+
Mid :14-16 / 14-16 / 7-8 = 2 - 3 Ist+
High :17-19 / 17-19 / 9-10 = 5 - 10 Ist ( Depends on how bad person wants it. )
Perfect :20 / 20 / 10 = 11 - 13 Ist

Gheeds = basically pul but u can get higher if u try(Note: Depends on %MF)

Small Charms:
7% mf = Pul
7% mf 9+% Res=Ist
7% mf 5% res all=2xIst
100 psn dmg = Lem-Pul
100 psn dmg 20 life= Ist+
20 life = Lem-Pul
20 life 5% res all= 3xIst+(can get more depending on how much people need it)
Baal Sc = Pul

Grand Charms:

Baal Gc = Pul

Skill Charms :

Necromancer Charms :

+1 Poison & Bone Plain = Mal
+1 Poison & Bone / 20-35 life = Ist-3.5 ist
+1 Poison & Bone / 35-39 life = 4-5.5 ist
+1 Poison & Bone / 40+ life = 6xIst+
+1 Poison & Bone / fhr = 4 ist

+1 Summon Plain = Pul
+1 Summon / 20-35 life = Um-2xIst
+1 Summon / 35-39 life = 2-3xIst
+1 Summon / 40+ life = 4xIst+
+1 Summon / fhr = 1 Ist+

Sorceress Charms :

+1 Fire Plain = Um – Mal
+1 Fire / 20-35 life = Ist-3xIst
+1 Fire / 35-39 life = 4-5.5xIst
+1 Fire / 40+ life = 6xIst+
+1 Fire / fhr = 4 Ist

+1 Cold Plain = Ist
+1 Cold / 20-35 life = 1.5 - 4 Ist
+1 Cold / 35-39 life = 4-5.5 Ist
+1 Cold / 40+ life = 6xIst++
+1 Cold / fhr = 3 - 4 Ist

+1 Lightning Plain = Um
+1 Lightning / 20-35 life = 1-2.5xIst
+1 Lightning / 35-39 life = 2.5-5xIst
+1 Lightning / 40+ life = 5xIst+
+1 Lightning / fhr = 2 ist

Barbarian Charms :

+1 Warcry Plain = Pul - Um
+1 Warcry / 20-35 life = Mal-1.5xIst
+1 Warcry / 35-39 life = 2-3.5xIst
+1 Warcry / 40+ life = 4xIst+
+1 Warcry / fhr = 1.5 Ist

+1 Combat Plain = Pul - Um

Asassin Charms :

+1 Traps Plain = Um
+1 Traps / 20-35 life = 1-2.5xIst
+1 Traps / 35-39 life = 3-5xIst
+1 Traps / 40+ life = 5.5xIsts+
+1 Traps / fhr = 3.5 Ists

+1 Shadow Masteries Plain= Pul

Druid Charms :

+1 Elemental Plain = Um
+1 Elemental / 20-35 life = 1-2.5xIst
+1 Elemental / 35-39 life = 3-5xIst
+1 Elemental / 40+ life = 6xIst+
+1 Elemental / fhr = 3 Ist

+1 Summoning Plain = Pul
+1 Shape Shifting Plain = Pul

Paladin Charms :

+1 Combat Plain = Ist
+1 Combat / 20-35 life = 2 - 4 Ist
+1 Combat / 35-39 life = 5-7xIst
+1 Combat / 40+ life = 8xIst +
+1 Combat / 12 fhr = 4 Ist
+1 Deffensive Auras w/ mods = Pul
+1 Offensive Auras Plain = Pul - Um

Amazon Charms :

+1 Bow = Pul

Uniques :

Ethereal Unique Weapons:

Warning: Many of these items are priced at what their value is, but will be difficult to sell at that price, namely Eth Astreons and Runemaster)

Ethereal Astreon's Ward = Vex-High Rune++ (Perfect worth MORE)
Ethereal Titans(190%-200%ed/8-9%ll) = ist-2 ists
Ethereal Titans 200% x%ll = 5xIst++
Ethereal 5 Sock Runemaster = Vex-3 High Rune(Note: Depends on %ed)
Ethereal Tomb Reaver(3 sock) = 2 ists++(Note: Worth more dependant of ed/res/mf)
Ethereal Heavens Light(2/+3 Skills/%ed) = Mal - 2 High Rune (Note: Depends on Ed%, sockets, +skills... Perfect worth 2 - 2.5 High runes)
Ethereal 20dr Gaze = Ist-Ist+
Ethereal 10LL/28+str Andy’s = Ist-Ist+
Eth Bartucs(190%-200%ed/8%ll) = Ist++ (Note: Dependant of ed)
Eth Reapers Toll = Ist - Ist+ ( Depends on Ed% and LL% )

Ethereal Death Cleaver
230%ed-240%ed = 2xIst
241%ed-250%ed = 3xIst
251%ed-260%ed = 10xIst
261%ed-269%ed = 13xIst
270%ed-279%ed = 20xIst+
280% = 30xIst+

Etheral Stormlash ( Very Rare )
Low Ed = 2 - 2.5 Ist
Mid Ed = 3 - 6 Ist [
High Ed = 2 - 3 High Runes
Perfect = 4 - 6 High Runes

Ethereal Unique Armors:

Shaftstop Ethereal = Mal - Ist
Skullder's Ire Ethereal = Mal - Ist
Templar's Might Ethereal (+1 skills) = 1 - 2 Ist (Note: heavily varies depending on ed/stats)
(+2 skills) = 1 - 2 High runes (Note: heavily varies depending on ed/stats)
Ethereal Sandstorm Trek= 2-3 Ist ( Based on stats )
Unid = Mal - Ist
Arkaine's Valor Ethereal (+2 all) = 2-6xIst

Non-Ethereal Unique Weapons:

Thunderstrokes(200%ed/+4 Java Skills) = 2 Ists (Note: ONLY 200%ed/+4 Java skills)
Grandfather (Perfect) = Ist
(200-249) = Um-Mal
(150-199) = Pul or less
Windforce = Um-Mal
Ali Baba (isted x2)= Ist - Ist+
Estuchas(+3/20%fire/xx%light) = Mal+
(+3/xx%fire/20%light) = Mal+
Mang Song = Um-Mal (Note: Worth High Rune for a completely perfect!)
Azurewrath = Mal-Gul (Note: To get gul it has to be high %ed with other stats above average, can get High Rune if completely perfect!)
Scheafer's Hammer= Mal-Gul (Note: To get Gul, it has to be 130%ed-perfect)
Stormlash= Pul - 2 Ist ( Depends on Ed% )

Death's Web
2/1/xx = Um
2/2/40-43 = Mal
2/2/44-48 = Ist
2/2/49 = 2 Ists
2/2/50 = 5xIst

Death Fathom
29% = 7xIst++
30% = 12xIst+
30/40/40 = 17xIst++

Occulus = Pul


Helms :

Harlequin Crest = Pul+
Perfect = Um
Nightwing's Viel (15% cold skill) = Ist-Vex (Note: completely perfect goes for High Rune)
(< 15% coldskill) = Pul-Ist
Crown of Ages (2/20-25/10%-12%) = Pul - Mal
(2/25-30/10%-12%)= Mal - Ist
(2/20-25/13%-14%)= 1 - 2 Ist
(2/25-30/13%-14%)= 2.5 - 3 Ist
(2/20-25/15%)= 7xIst
(2/25-30/15%)= 10xIst

Arreats Face :
Unid = Pul
190%+/5%LL = Um
190%+/6%LL = Um+
195%+/5-%LL = Mal
Perf 200/6 = 2xIst+

Giant Skull (2 sockets, 30+Str) = Um
Vampire Gaze
Damage reduce 15-19% : Lem - Pul
Damage reduce 20% : Pul - Um
Perfect (8/8/20) : Um - Mal
Griffons Eye
(20/15) = 1-3 Ists (Note: Anything under 20/15 = Less)
Perfect = 1 High rune

Body Armor :

*Tyreals Might = 40xIst+

Levi(20%-24%/40-50) = Pul-Mal
(25%/40-50) = Mal-Ist+
25/50/1650+ = 2xIst+
Skullder's Ire = Pul
Ormus' Robes (15% cold) w/+3 blizzard = 1 - 2 Ist
15% w /+3 Chain Lightning = 1 - 2 Ist
Arkaine's Valor (+2 all) = Um+
Unid = Um

Shields :

Stormshield = Pul
Boneflame (+3 skills) = Um-Ist
Herald Of Zakarum
Unid : Mal - Ist
150-180% : Mal
180-195% : Ist
195%+ : 1-2 Ist
Perfect : 2 - 2.5 Ist+
3/3/3 Darkforce = 3-4xIst
x/3/x Darkforce = Ist-2 Ist


Steelrends(50%-55%/15-20) = Ist
Steelrends(55%-60%/15-20) = 3xIst+


War Traveller's (45-49) = Mal+ - Ist
War Traveller's (50) = 1 - 1.5 Ist
Sandstorm Trek (15/15) = Um-Mal
Shadow Dancers(+2/xxdex) = Pul-Gul (Note: To get Gul, it has to be +2/25dex)
Marrowwalks(+2) = Ko-Pul (Note: Depends on strength/dex)


Arachnid's Mesh = Mal
Verdungo's Hearty Cord (38-40 vit) = Pul
Verdungo's Hearty Cord (15%dr) = Um
Verdungo's Hearty Cord (40 vit/15% dr) =Ist+Um+


Highlord's Wrath = Pul
Mara's (20-24res) = Mal
Mara's (25-27res) = Ist
Mara's (28res) = 2 Ist
Mara's (29-30res) = 2.75 Ist
Mara’s (30res) = 5xIst+
2/2 Seraphs = Um - Mal


Ravenfrost (220+/20dex) = Um-Ist
Ravenfrost 250/20 = 3xIst
Carrion Wind (9%) = Pul
3% BK Ring = Um
4% BK Ring = Mal
5% BK Ring = Mal+ - Ist
Natures Peace = Lem-Pul
Wisp(20%absorb/xx%mf) = 1-2 Ist (Note:20 absorb valued regardless of mf%)
Wisp(20-20) = 2 - 2.5 Ist
Soj = Ist + Um / Gul

Sets :

Tals Ammy = Um

Tals Armor = Mal


400 Def Elite Light Armors= Pul
500 Def Elite Light Armors=Mal-Ist
600 Def Archon's=2xIst++

500 Def Elite mid/heavy Armors=Pul
650 Def Elite mid/heavy Armors=Mal-Ist

800+ Defense=Um+
850+ Defense=Mal
900+ Defense=Ist+Um
950+ Defense=2xIst++

400 Def Light Armors= Pul+
500 Def Light Armors= Mal
550 Def Light Armors=1.5xIst++(Includes dusk's over 520)
575 Def Ligh Armors=3xIst+
603 Def Legit Archon's=8xIst++

500 Def Heavy Armors=Pul
600 Def Heavy Armors=Pul - Um
691 Def Sacred=2xIst
Dont we already have a price guid here?
ya decided to add another one Tongue
why cant you trade 40/15's here ?? enlighten me ples
i didn't make the whole price guide up if i did that would take forever i took different things from differnet places lol so most credit goes to D2Jsp forums i trade there and it really good Tongue
this is alot better guide then the other 1 thats 4sure i seen alot of stuff that was right Wink
Burnin says this: Skidude, if you think my guide is a load of Sh*t, then tell me whats wrong
yep, it kinda includes more items (such as giants skull that i found but couldn't be bothered asking for value), thx to this guide i'll be richer one um...
martin887 Wrote:Burnin says this: Skidude, if you think my guide is a load of Sh*t, then tell me whats wrong

alot of stuff is wrong with it look at this guide and then your lol
I'd like to see you do better Skidude.
ah crap that suks, just saw my giant skull again... 1 os but 35 to str... i hope that's still a um...
Giant skull usually dont go for nething at all, even if 2 pretty muc that 1 os is worthless
Damn I was ripped on some of my stuff, assuming this is accurate. Sad

I traded a regular +1 poison and bone skills GC for an um.. so not.. HUGE, but at the time I could of used the mal a LOT more. :/

Good guide.
that means i got a good deal on my cold skiller w/12%fhr i got jah +mal for it ha ha ha ha

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