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need teh inputage...
need teh inputage...

[Image: cyberfire2k4.1.jpg]

and [Image: 3.jpg]

well, i made the background first, and i made it larg so i could play around with it to find a "sweetspot" to drop my name...

then i just did some radial bluring on teh text to get it to look like its a cutout and someone has a green flashlight behind it... spookay eh? lol

so, whatchyas think?... is it better than my old siggy ?
should this go in the show off thread?
neg, im not showing off... im trying to learn how to make it better, hence not showing off but trying to score tips from people who are well versed in teh art of photoshop =p
i did that and someone told me to put it in the show off thread o well
yea its way better then ur old sig....and thats a tight backgrounds you made
i messed up on a tutorial to make a different background, but this started to look nifty, so i stuck with it, and inverted the colors from a nasty brown / orange color to this =0
Sorry, but next time put this in the show-off thread, you'll get your input there.
~ Closed

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