12-08-2003, 08:13 PM
Well, this has been a long time coming... but I now officially have no time for Diablo II Sector. Obviously I do have some spare time but none of which I wish to spend on the site as Diablo II bores me to death and computers for that matter. (Haven’t played it for months upon months now...just keeping this site ticking over to keep gamers happy).
Hits to the site have dropped dramatically as of late. One fifth at times. Mainly due to there only being 6 downloads instead of the previous sites 210+. I will still be around to make little changes here and there... Pay the bills (this site will never die... so don’t worry)...
So to the point, I'm looking for some dedicated willing people to do the majority of running the site. Keeping the news updated and current, adding new downloads as they appear public etc etc. Pretty much general webmaster roles. The sites pretty well setup at the moment, so all that needs doing is content related.
I wont be saying Yes to anyone that applies overnight, as I want them to be someone active in the community, not someone that read this, registers and sends me the typical “Yo’ I cann help you out man!” E-mail which are really starting to piss me off. Like I’m going to consider someone that can’t use proper English sheesh!! If they’re a new member a few weeks here should suffice, enough time to see that they won’t cause havoc amongst you all. They should be competent in html and show that they are capable of running a site that has a rather large amount of visitors a day. (Lets just say more than 30K :p) It’s never easy finding someone to co-admin so it might be a month or so before I accept some ppl to help out) For ppl interested it would be best for you to sent me a message (spitfire at d2sector.net) with your skills, sites you have / help run etc etc.
Anyhow, ciao for now.
- Spitfire
Hits to the site have dropped dramatically as of late. One fifth at times. Mainly due to there only being 6 downloads instead of the previous sites 210+. I will still be around to make little changes here and there... Pay the bills (this site will never die... so don’t worry)...
So to the point, I'm looking for some dedicated willing people to do the majority of running the site. Keeping the news updated and current, adding new downloads as they appear public etc etc. Pretty much general webmaster roles. The sites pretty well setup at the moment, so all that needs doing is content related.
I wont be saying Yes to anyone that applies overnight, as I want them to be someone active in the community, not someone that read this, registers and sends me the typical “Yo’ I cann help you out man!” E-mail which are really starting to piss me off. Like I’m going to consider someone that can’t use proper English sheesh!! If they’re a new member a few weeks here should suffice, enough time to see that they won’t cause havoc amongst you all. They should be competent in html and show that they are capable of running a site that has a rather large amount of visitors a day. (Lets just say more than 30K :p) It’s never easy finding someone to co-admin so it might be a month or so before I accept some ppl to help out) For ppl interested it would be best for you to sent me a message (spitfire at d2sector.net) with your skills, sites you have / help run etc etc.
Anyhow, ciao for now.
- Spitfire