11-22-2004, 04:53 AM
hey im just looking for a price guide for useast, in sojs, 290s or what ever.
Iso Useast Sc Price Guide
11-22-2004, 04:53 AM
hey im just looking for a price guide for useast, in sojs, 290s or what ever.
11-22-2004, 05:32 AM
US east nlsc
Common Terms Glitch= This is an item that had a zod in it from v. 1.09 then in 1.10 due to a glitch in the game when you unsocketed it, it kept the zod property. Bugged= This is an item that for whatever reason has mods not usually seen on it. Examples would be Bugged Tals(+2 all skills, 25% dr, 40% resist all) bugged 70/15's(15 life 70 mana small charms). There are more that I cannot currently think of. Upped= These were previously ladder items handed down to non ladder. There prices are usually much greater than the original version. FT= For Trade ISO= In Search Of(Sometimes seen as DISO wich is Desperately In Search Of) OT= Off Topic (Please put this before the title of your thread to clarify it is not trade related PC= Price Check (If you have an item and are unsure of its price put this and then the item name) QT= Quick Trade (Someones looking to make a fast trade) Note Due to lack of time and desire I did not list prices of perfect items. If you have an item that is completely perfect then it will USUALLY greatly increase the value unless the need for it is low. Major Corrections Removed the rare item prices because these vary too much on the buyer and alot of other stuff. For best results you should ask for a pc on items like that. Added a small dictionary and a few links to other trading sites. This thread got pinned and I added a link to the trade mod/scammer post. 32020's became the main currency. Added the whitelist and made a few minor changes. Special Thanks Too: Tenjuna w.K)bRoOkLyN Absolut AoshiOniwaban D3ths_Wrath (This guy put this guide togeather first but had been gone for some time and I just updated it.) General Currencies (The number to the right is its value in 32020's. This is an old small charm that was duped in 1.09 and has 3 max damage, 20 attack rating, and 20 life 100x Perfect Gems = 1 7% smfc = .125 Stone of Jordan = .25 290 = .5 3max/20ar/5rw = 1 3max/20ar/5fhr = 1 5rw/5res all sc = 2 5fhr/5res all sc = 2.5 40/10min = 1-1.5 40/15ias = 1 40/9str = 1-1.5 GUL = .2 MAL = .5 UM = .5 CHAM = 1-1.5 LO = 1-1.5 SUR = 1 IST = 1 ZOD = 1-1.5 JAH = 1-1.5 BER = 1-1.5 OHM = 1-1.5 VEX = 1-1.5 Ratio of high runes to 32020s= 2:3, 3:4 Runewords Beast Caddy = 3-5 (depends on stats caddy has) Beast Zerker = 3 Beast Ettin Axe= 2-3 Bramble (Light): (less than 30% with less than 17 thorns) = 1 (less than 45 % with less than 19 thorns)= 2 (45% - 50% with imperfect - perfect thorns) 5-9 Bramble (Medium/Heavy): (17 thorns) = 1 (18-20) = 2-3 (21 thorns) = 2-4+ Call to Arms x/1-3/x = 1-3 Call to Arms x/4-5/x = 4-5 Call to Arms 6/6/4 = 10x32020 Price is decided by the battle orders attribute. it is usually worth, in 32020's, whatever its bo it is worth. if it is eth and in a flail or crystal sword price goes up if it is in a weapon with high requirements it is alot cheaper. Chaos = 1-5 depends on the premods and ed usually 3, if you make, use a suwayyah as this is the most expensive(very common to find on the weapon rack after killing meph) CoH 70%=1-2 CoH +70%=2-3 Delerium = 1 if made in a druid helm with good premods (tornado and hurricane for example or battle orders for a barb) it can be worth much much more Doom Berserker = 2-5 (mostly depends on – cold %) Ethereal DOOM Polearms 3-6 Eternity Ethereals = 1-2.5 Exile Ethereal Vortex (40res+) = 7+ Exile Ethereal Vortex (60ed+) = 30+ Exile Ethereal Royal (60ed/1xxar) = 15+ Duped 59/116 with any mods=18-24 Duped 59/116 with 16 aura and 1.2k+ def=35+ The first 2 vary alot so make sure you just auction them Famine = 1-2 Hand of Justice Bow = 2-5 (best if in mat bow) Hand of Justice Melee = 1-3 Heart of the Oak 30-35 res = 1-2 Heart of the Oak 36-39 res = 2-3 Heart of the Oak 40 res = 4 Heart of the Oak eth=listed resist price times 1.5 can get more for a perfect eth Stone Ethereal Elite = 2-4 Stone Elite = .5-1.5 Breath of the Dying BotD Non-Ethereal Berserker = 1-3.5 Colossus Blade = 1-3 Phase Blade = 1-2 Hydra Bow = 1-4 Crusader Bow = 1-4 Botd Ethereal Berserker 350-389= 4-7 Berserker 390-400= 8-10 Berserker > 400 = 10-25+ Collosus Blade 350-389 = 3-6 Collosus Blade 390-400 = 7-9 Collosus Blade > 400 = 9-20+ Warspike = 3-5 Thunder Maul 2-4 Ogre Maul - 1-2 Great Poleaxe = 2-4 Giant Thresher = 2-4 Warpike = 3-5 Ghost Spear = 2-5 Enigma(most go for 3x32020 but if real high defense or 1,337 defense it can go for ALOT 1,337 because it spells LEET and is sort of a collector item) Light Dusk Shroud= 2-3 usualky but if 1.3k def it can go for 5 Wyrmhide = 2.5-3 Wire Fleeece = 2.5-3 Scarab Husk = 2.5-3 Archon Plate = 2.5-3 usually but if 1,350 def can go for 5 Great Hauberk = 2.5-3 Medium Boneweave = 2-2.5 Diamond Mail = 2-2.5 Balrog Skin = 2-2.5 Kraken Shell = 2-2.5 Heavy Lacquered Plate = 2-2.5 Sacred Armor = 1-3 with high str low def ones are cheap and high def ones are coveted by some high str charachters) Loricated Mail = 1.5-2.5 Hellforge Plate = 1.5-2.5 Shadow Plate = 1.5-2.5 Normal/Socketed Items # = number of sockets Non-Ethereal Berserker Axe (5) = .5-1 Berserker Axe (6) = .25-.5 Warspike (5) = .25 Warspike (6) = .125 Colossus Blade (6) = .25 Caduceus (5) = 1-3 Warpike (6) = .25 Light Armor (3) 501+ def = .5-1 Light Armor (4) 501+ def = .5-1 Medium Armor (3) 500-550 def = .5 Medium Armor (4) 500-500 def = .5 Heavy Armor (3) 550-600 def = .5 Heavy Armor (4) 550-600 def = .5 Heavy Armor (3) 600+ def = .5-3 Heavy Armor (4) 600+ def = .5-3 Ethereal Berserker (6) = 3 Sup. Berserker (6) = 10++ Colossus Blade (6) = 3 Sup. Colossus (6) Blade = 10++ Warspike (6) = .5-1.5 Warpike (6) = .5-1 Ethereal Thunder Maul - .5 Ethereal Ogre Maul - .25 Ghost Spear (6) = .25 Great Poleaxe (6) = .25 Giant Thresher (6) = .5 Light Armor (4) 675-750 def = .5-2 Medium Armor (4) 750-850 def = .5-1 Heavy Armor (4) 850-900 def = 1-4 Charms Annihilius 20 stat so so other stats: ~3++ 20 res so so other stats: ~2+ 20/20: ~8+++ +1 Poison & Bone Plain = .5 +1 Poison & Bone / 30-35 life = 4-5 +1 Poison & Bone / 36-39 life = 6-9 +1 Poison & Bone / 40+ life = 10+ +1 Poison & Bone / fhr = 4-6 +1 Fire Plain = .5 +1 Fire / 30-35 life = 4-5 +1 Fire / 36-39 life = 6-9 +1 Fire / 40+ life = 10+ +1 Fire / fhr = 4-5 +1 Cold Plain = .5 +1 Cold DUPED 25 life = 1-1.5 +1 Cold / 30-35 life = 4-5 +1 Cold / 36-39 life = 6-9 +1 Cold / 40+ life = 10+ +1 Cold / fhr = 4-5 +1 Lightning Plain = .25-.33 +1 Lightning / 30-35 life = 2-3 +1 Lightning / 36-38 life = 3-5 +1 Lightning / 39 life (Duped) = 1-2.5 +1 Lightning / 40+ life = 7+ (hard to get what these are worth because 39 was duped so it is hard to get over 4x for any of them cept 45 wich will get alot) +1 Lightning / fhr = 2 +1 Traps Plain = .5 +1 Traps / 30-35 life = 4-5 +1 Traps / 36-39 life = 6-9 +1 Traps / 40+ life = 10+ +1 Traps / fhr = 4-5 +1 Martial Arts Plain = .25 +1 Martial Arts / 30-35 life = 1-2 +1 Martial Arts / 36-39 life = 2-3 +1 Martial Arts / 40+ life = 4.5+ +1 Martial Arts / fhr = 1. +1 Elemental Plain = .5 +1 Elemental / 30-35 life = 4-5 +1 Elemental / 36-39 life = 6-9 +1 Elemental / 40+ life = 10+ +1 Elemental / fhr = 4-5 +1 Pala Combat Plain = .5 +1 Pala Combat / 30-35 life = 3-4 +1 Pala Combat / 36-39 life = 5-7 +1 Pala Combat / 40+ life = 10+ +1 Pala Combat / 12 fhr = 4-5 +1 Warcry Plain = could get 3 for 2x32020 +1 Warcry / 30-35 life = 2 +1 Warcry / 36-39 life = 3 +1 Warcry / 40-45 life = 4-6 +1 Warcry / 46-50 life = 7+++ *Note: 46+ life can only spawn from glitched chests +1 Shape Shifting / 30-35 life = 1-2 +1 Shape Shifting / 36-39 life = 3-5 +1 Shape Shifting / 40+ life = 6+ +1 Shape Shifting / fhr = 1-2 3max/10-19ar/20 life sc = .75-1.5 3max/10-20ar/5rw = .66-1.5 3max/10-20ar/5fhr = 66-1.5 10max/ar/40+ life gc = 2-5++ 10max/ar/12fhr gc = 2 20life/5res all sc = 2 Uniques Weapons Grandfather (Perfect) = 1 Grandfather (200-249) = .5 Grandfather (150-199) = .125 Redeemer Ethereal = 1-4 Razor's Edge Ethereal = .5-3 Windforce = 1-3 SoJ 190%+ Demon's Arch Ethereal = 2-4 180%- Demon's Arch Ethereal = 1-2 Bonehew Ethereal = 1-3+ Boneshade = 1 SoJ, 2 if perf Eschuta's Temper (+3skills/20fire)= 3x+ Eschuta's Temper (+3skills/20light)=2x+ Asterons (non-eth) = .25-2 Asterons (ethereal) = 1-3 Titan's Revenge (Ethereal) = 1-2 Helms Harlequin Crest = 1-3 SoJ Nightwing's Veil = 1-4 (20% seems to go for 3 alot) Crown of Ages = .5-5 (These are rather cheap if it only has 1 socket. Resistances are not that important either. So if you see it priced like it is do not pay alot for one with low dr or only 1 socket.) Giant Skull (2 sockets, 30+Str) = .125-.5 Vampire Gaze (x/x/20) = 1-3 SoJ Ravenlore = .5-1 Armor (prices are given assuming Ethereal armors are zoded) Shaftstop Ethereal = .5 Skullder's Ire Ethereal = 1 Ormus' Robes (15% cold) w/+3 blizzard = 2-4 Ormus' Robes (15% fire) w/+3 fireball = 2-4 Ormus' Robes (15% Light) w/+3 Lightning = 1.5-3.5 Arkaine's Valor (+2 all) = .5-1 Arkaine's Valor Etheral Arkaine's Valor Ethereal (+2 all) = 6-12+ Arkaine's Valor Ethereal PERFECT = 20 Steel Carapace = .5 Steel Carapace Ethereal = 9-13+ Steel Carapace Ethereal PERFECT = 20 Templar's Might(def < 1800, +1 skills) = .5 Templars Might (Def > 1800, +2 skills) = 1-2 Templar's Might Ethereal (+2 skills)= 8-14++ Shields Stormshield = 1-3 SoJ (148 base Defense = 1-2) Head Hunter's Glory (3 sockets) = .5-2 Head Hunter's Glory Ethereal (3 sockets) = 1-3+ Boneflame (+3 skills) = 1-2 Herald Of Zakarum = 1 SoJ-32020 Herald Of Zakarum Ethereal = 1-4 Gloves Dracul's Grasp = 1-2 SoJ Steelrend (30-50ed/XXstr) = 1-2 Steelrend (51-57ed/15-17str) = 3-4 Steelrend (58-60ed/18-20str) = 5-9+ Perfect Steelrends =10++ Boots War Traveller's (45%+) = 1 SoJ War Traveller's (50%+) = 1 Sandstorm Trek (15/15) = 1 Sandstorm Trek Ethereal = 1-6 Marrowwalk (+2) = 1-4 SoJ Belts Arachnid's Mesh = .75-1 Verdungo's Hearty Cord (38-40 vit) = 1 Verdungo's Hearty Cord (15%dr) = 2-3 Verdungo's Hearty Cord (40 vit/15% dr) = 3-5++ Amulets Highlord's Wrath = 1-2 SoJ Mara's (30res) = 2 08 Saracens = 6-8+ 08 Highlords = 6-8+ Rings: Ravenfrost (Perfect) = 2 Carrion Wind = .25 Wisp Projector(18+ absorb) = 2-3 Wisp Projector(10-17 absorb) = .5-2 BK Ring = .5 (depends on %) Soj = .25 08 Ravenfrost = 3-6+ Jewels: Unid Unique = .5-1 Lightning Facet (5/5 die) = 3-4 Lightning Facet (5/5 level) = 2 Lightning Facet (Imperfect die) = .5-1 Lightning Facet (Imperfect level) = .5-1 Fire Facet (5/5 die) = 2-3 Fire Facet (5/5 level) = 2 Fire Facet (Imperfect die) = .5-1 Fire Facet (Imperfect level) = .5-1 Cold Facet (5/5 die) = 2-3 Cold Facet (5/5 level) = 2 Cold Facet (Imperfect die) = .5-1 Cold Facet (Imperfect level) = .5-1 Poison Facet (5/5 die) = 1.5 Poison Facet (5/5 level) = 1.5 Poison Facet (Imperfect die) = .5-1 Poison Facet (Imperfect level) = .5-1 Glitched Items *Glitched* Paladin Arkaine's Valor Ethereal (+2 all) = 30-60++ *Glitched* Barbarian Arkaine's Valor Ethereal (+2 all) = 30-60++ *Glitched* Druid Arkaine's Valor Ethereal (+2 all) = 30-45++ *Glitched* Non-Melee Arkaine's Valor Ethereal (+2 all) = 10-30+ *Glitched* Gladiator’s Bane Ethereal = 15-35 *Glitched* Arreat’s Face Ethereal = 15-45+ *Glitched* Herald of Zakarum Ethereal = 4-10+ *Glitched* Guardian Angel Ethereal = 3-6 *Glitched* Shako Ethereal = 10-22+
11-22-2004, 08:51 AM
Wow that was awesome, thanks so much dude, i appreciate it.
11-22-2004, 09:05 AM
next time please give credit to the Battle.net forums which you copied it from, thanx.
11-22-2004, 09:11 AM
Give credit where credit is due
11-22-2004, 02:02 PM
what a LEGIT 100 psn / 20 life sc worth ?
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