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Lightning/Fire or Fire/ice sorc help
which one is better? i want fire most of all but mixed with what? i dont want to have to come to those nasty fire immunes and die. i gotta be prepared Big Grin. im kinda a medium/poor people. so can someone provide me with info of what i should max and what skills i should have and what dex,vit,energy,strength i should have and the medium/poor items that are useful?
use a fb sorc pure fire. for stats put enough str to use items no dex all rest in vita some in energy.
max fire ball, fire bolt , meteor , fire mastery and warmth(at the end).
use hoto or occy, vipermage , shako , lidless or sanc for more res , mara , 2xsoj , frostburn or magefist , water walk, arach if u can. get fire gc's if u can too and life sc's.
heh what about fire immunes? i want this chara to be like a hell rusher chara.
I think your best bet against immunes is to get a holy freeze merc and build him up..

I'm making a meteorb and all I can say is @ lv18 or so (11 base) .. orb probably isn't going to cut it against any of the stronger immunes, particularly in Hell. >_> I can handle nm fine no merc though.
with a meteorb sorc you want to max meteor, fball, fire mastery, orb, and then 10 points or so in cold mastery. then you can put other points in pre reqs/other needed skills (tele/static/some kind of cold armor or whatever). my 88 sorc does pretty fine w/hell (i usually play solo); uh shako, tals ammy, tals armor, tals belt, eschutas, lidless, travs, magefists, 2x nagels, yeh so its not really expensive gear or anything. i also have a merc; nm act 2 defensive, havn't really gotten him all suited up but for now he uses 2os eth bonehew (don't know wut 2 put in sockets yet, perhaps amn for ll or shael for quicker attack?), eth vamp gaze, and skullders.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
how about defense? what can i do so its hard for hell monsters to attack me?
uh, don't let them hit you lol. jk, your merc will be able to act as a meat wall that will take some of the attack off you and on them. uh, u can put some points (don't remmeber how many) into dex to get a higher blocking rate, if you ever get in a stuck position with monsters after your a$$ teleport can save your life there; basically defense is never usaully the high point of any sorc build, so just be careful in the hellish world of diablo 2 =P
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
hehe. i suck at teleing my @$$ off cause of the stupid monsters make my sorc twitch. also what about resist? stupid souls pizz me off all the time.
I hate occy auto tele.

as for resists only thing I can think of is get some scs, and I put a pd in my lidless. :/ souls still hurt no matter what though.
whats a pd?
make fire sorc for pking and ice for mk
skrew litening
Perfect Diamond.
whats pk and mk? lol im a noob
PK is player killing and mk is monster killing.
a pd is a Perfect Diamond(dang you, hfday, i was gonna help him Wink
lol ^^

BTW, if you want a relative idea of a meteorb sorc.. I'll tell you all of stats of mine right now. (in progress)

Just have to see how I hold up in hell.
that can be arranged Big Grin

Not looking good so far in hell, but NM is a cinch.

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