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Anyone here play FFX-1 (Final Fantasy 11 Online). I do and I think it's one of the coolest game I've ever played and I'm not even that far into the game.

I'm a Galkan named Underwatermelon and with the job levels:

20mnk (almost 21, soon I can use my Spike Necklace..+3str and dex,'s gonna be killer)
8war (working on getting to 10 right at the moment)

I'm trying to get to lvl 30 so that I can get all the other jobs. I'm going to try to be a smn or bst because they seem like they would be fun jobs to have. Just wondering if anyone else here plays it.

Oh by the way I am on the world Fairy. So if anyone plays and is on that world you gotsta lets me know.
If i didn't have to pay subscription i'd live in that game.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
yeah the 15 bucks a month plus a dollar for each character after the first one is a pain, especially without a job, but i think it is worth it. there aren't very many games that i actually pay to play online but that is one of them. i've been trying to find an easy way of making money so if anyone knows a quick and easy way of making money (besides farming) please let me know
Check they have a way there. I read it ages ago when I thought I was gonna get it then I looked at my pockets :/
I think the fights are too slow, and the running. Even if you are on on of those choboco things its still slow.

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