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PvM Bowazon Guide - see what u think
I know most ppl wud think what is the point? But I prefer playing PvM rather
than PvP, prob coz I suck at PvP Tongue

This is my first guide, I'm no expert, but I've managed to survive somehow,
some of my methods may seems weird, but they've worked for me


Strength: 110
Dexterity: 220+
Vitality: Everything u can spare
Energy: none

Strength is that high so u can use the buri, it has knockback which is quite
useful if u find yourself being trapped in small corners or being ganged on
by cows. Dexterity is useful because it increased you def and your attack,
not as much as strength but it does give you and edge. Life is essential,
you will need at least 700 to survive, anything less and you will just
slaughtered in hell.


Now here is where we get technical, you might think eh? Why there? Well in
PvM you need these skills.

Critical Strike - 10
Penetrate - 10
Pierce - 10
Dodge - 10
Avoid - 10
Evade - 10
Magic Arrow - 1
Multiple shot - 5+
Guided Arrow - 20

This is min setup you should have, try to max GA asap. If u want u can try putting more into multiple shot if u think you haven't got enough arrow spread. If 5 is enough for your liking try putting more into Dodge/Avoid/Evade.
Every skill lvl into these will help you avoid most attack by enemies


Weapon 1 - Lycanders Aim
Weapon 2 - Buri
Helm - Shako/Valkyrie Wing/Vampire Gaze
Armor - Arkaine's Valor/Guardians Angel
Boots - Gore Rider/War Traveller
Belt - String of ears
Gloves - Venom Grip/Hellmouth
Ring 1 - Bul-Katho's
Ring 2 - Raven Frost
Amulet - Mara's Kaleidoscope
Charms - All poison damage and resists


It's extremly hard as PvM amazon because you will find early on that your resit is so low and damn immunes are really hard. This is why you need to collect as much poision damange charms as possible, also do the anya quests asap to raise
your resist. Don't ever miss this quest out, it's so important if you want to stay alive.

Lvling tips

1-20 - trist and tomb runs work very well
21-24 - cows are good, but finding a good cow where cow are being killed quick is hard, so be patient
24 - ancients, get a lvl from this
25-50+ - BAAL BAAL BAAL RUNS Tongue

Use this as a similar way to lvl up through nightmare and hell, take time to search for items, any rares with added elemental damage and faster attack will do you the world of good.

As i said, first guide, but this worked fine for me, if u have any problems tell me and i will check to see what i can do to improve for other people
Ewww... Not good, sorry for my rudeness. Max STRAFE. Strafe is 10x better than Multi. 1 in Multi, it's a prerequisite for Strafe. Your belt should probably be a Verdungo's. Helm can be Andy's also. Use Laying of Hands gloves. Amulet should be Atma's or Highlord's. Armor should be CoH/Enigma, but Arkaine's is a good choice. Bow(s) should be BotD bow, WF, or Buriza Do-Kyanon. And good Lord... DO NOT normal Baal until lvl 50+. Normal Baal until 40 then go to nightmare. You need a point in Valkary also.
ya strafe will help or 20 multi and cut the buri and lycanders **** use WF!!! or hell rack - if ur weird and cta coh will pwn your valor or a 160/60 would gaze would help or use 40/15 steal squeal will be good to why stings use V-coil

AND do not baal in norm to lvl 50 only 40 then goto nm and baal to near 70 hehez
The whole strafe VS multi thing is bull shit. It's a prefrence not one is better than the other. Let him decide Multi > Strafe not you. They both have there ups & downs, I my self perfer multi because it only requires one arrow to hit about 5 enemys.

EDIT: he never says what difficulty baal runs, he just says 25-50 lay off him
strafe only takes 1 arrow too if u didnt know and it auto aims for u and costes lesser mana
well i used this and it worked fine for me, just test it out in single player first, mind u i was lucky getting loads of resit charms and poisons, i had about 4 290 [Image: tongue%281%29.gif]
i would go for mshot instead of strafe even though it does less dmg u fire MORE ammount of arrows than with strafe in the same time.As fro mana cost that shouldn`t be a prob for a bowazon because a good bowazon should fire 2-3 mshot/strafes and her mana should be full again cause of her mana/life stolen which should never be left outside of a zons gear

Oh and this guys r right...u`d better use wf or botd on a bow instead of buriza or lycander`s aim.they r much better(my opinion)and u shouldn`t spend so many points in those passive skills cause at higher lvls they won`t be worth dropping any points in them and i`d say max valkyre(ur best defender)

Critical Strike: 20
Pierce: Only that much you have to have for getting the max chance (better use Razor Tail - got pierce attack)
Strafe: max
Cold arrow: 1 (Very nice. Shot 1 cold arrow into the monsters, everythings frozen, and strafe like hell Tongue)
GA: 1 (Strafe is much better than GA. Trust me)
MS: 20 (So you have an option...)
Valkyrie: 1
This thing what creates a picture of the ama (lol don't know what it's called): 1

I think that's it.

1st Hand: Faith grand matron bow +3 bow skills
2nd Hand: WF with shael or CTA
Helm: Gaze is good, andy face is good, too, or a rare circlet with double leech, ias, frw and res.
Ammy: Cats eye or Highlord's
Rings: Godly double leecher with about 6 double leech, str, dex and res. 2nd ring raven.
Boots: Gores. Nothing else.
Gloves:Some crafted gloves with knockback (for the 1st weapon set - you need it really bad) ias and leech.

Torch, anni, maybe two 15 all res gc, rest with 3/30/20. I like to leave 8 spaces free, don't know about you. Don't forget tp tome (lol)

Merc: got the cold arrow. No need for freeze merc. Might is also useless. Thorns also. But a really nice aura is blessed aim. Yep. It boosts your ar sky high. And that's very important. A bowzon with good gear (the one I listed above) has about 1,5k strafe dmg as far as I remember. That's not much. So she must have a chance to hit of 95%. That's why I also prefer 3/30/20s.
yeah thats pretty cool
yea that`s a cool guide but i don`t think that 20 in strafe and 20 in ms would be worthy.In my opinion u should only use one of those.bout the valkyre i think that maxing it would be great for a hardcore.bout the merc for hc chars i would say that def merc is better than ar cause u need to survive...but a zon must survive while shooting due to leeches
i was saying about the lower guid from RaZzor not the top one lol.. But yeah

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