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Help me out please
Well here is my story, I have a lvl 75 bowazon in the US west realm. I used to have valk wing, razortail, war travelers, a buriza, and some other stuff like mara's and shaft. One day a guy came along and offered me a 1.09 windforce for most of my stuff. So we put all the stuff on the screen and then he said he had no room. When he got finished clearing his inventory, I didn't notice that he has swapped his windforce for a magical hydra bow. So i lost all my equipment and I am now left with some gems, some cash, and a hydra bow. If anyone can help me out by giving me some equipment so can use my char again that would be greatly appreciated.

US west realm
Account name is "screwhead11"
well..... if you where on US East realm i could of helped you. If you do get help, you got be more careful the next time you trade, theres scammers everywhere..
Yea... i was so anxious to get the windforce that I forgot the check the bow.

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