12-30-2004, 10:54 PM
OK.....4 Drinking pots, go in this file:
(ur d2jsp folder) / Scripts / Tools / LifeWatchXp.d2l
Go down till you see that:
" LW_ChickenLife " is the %of life you want to quit game if u get there
" LW_ChickenMana " is same but for mana
" LW_LifeTresh " is %of life to drink a heal pot
" LW_ManaTresh " Same but for mana
" LW_LifeRejuvTresh " %of life you wanna use a rej pot
" LW_ManaRejuvTresh " %of mana to use a rej pot
" LW_QuitOnNoDrink " is if you can't drink pots bcuz u stunned or w/ever and you get below this %of life, it will exit game
" LW_ChickenOnOutOfManaPots " will exit game if u don't got mana pots
" LW_ChickenOnOutOfHealPots " same but for life pots
" LW_ChickenOnOutOfRejuvPots " same again but 4 rejuv's
Now, Run your bot and it's supposed to drink pots correctly
Note : Your config is made 4 having : HP / HP / HP / MP in belt.....
Say me if you wanna change it and I'll post here how........
(ur d2jsp folder) / Scripts / Tools / LifeWatchXp.d2l
Go down till you see that:
LW_ChickenLife = 20;
LW_ChickenMana = 0;
LW_LifeThresh = 40;
LW_ManaThresh = 10;
LW_LifeRejuvThresh = 0;
LW_ManaRejuvThresh = 0;
LW_QuitOnNoDrink = 40;
LW_ChickenOnOutOfManaPots = false;
LW_ChickenOnOutOfHealPots = false;
LW_ChickenOnOutOfRejuvPots = false;
" LW_ChickenLife " is the %of life you want to quit game if u get there
" LW_ChickenMana " is same but for mana
" LW_LifeTresh " is %of life to drink a heal pot
" LW_ManaTresh " Same but for mana
" LW_LifeRejuvTresh " %of life you wanna use a rej pot
" LW_ManaRejuvTresh " %of mana to use a rej pot
" LW_QuitOnNoDrink " is if you can't drink pots bcuz u stunned or w/ever and you get below this %of life, it will exit game
" LW_ChickenOnOutOfManaPots " will exit game if u don't got mana pots
" LW_ChickenOnOutOfHealPots " same but for life pots
" LW_ChickenOnOutOfRejuvPots " same again but 4 rejuv's
Now, Run your bot and it's supposed to drink pots correctly
Note : Your config is made 4 having : HP / HP / HP / MP in belt.....
Say me if you wanna change it and I'll post here how........