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need hammerdin build,
i got a ladder paly but i wanna make a good build and not screw up on this guy like i did with all my barbs. Rolleyes
ive heard some nice things about hammerdins, but personally i think the hammers come out too slowly!
OK heres, your build:

::SKILLS:: (all values are base)
Blessed Hammer 20
Vigor 20
Blessed Aim 20
Concentration 20
Redemption 1-20
Prayer 1
Defiance 1
Cleansing 1
Smite 1
Holy Bolt 1
Charge 1
Holy Shield 1-20
Might 1

::STATS:: (all values are base)
Str 140-165
Dex 120-130
Vit 300-350
Ene 15-50

Shako (Ber, Um, or ptopaz)
Arkaines Valor (Ber, Um, or ptopaz) or Chains of Honor or Enigma
Hoz (Um, or pdiamond)
Heavens Light or hoto flail
Uprgaded Frostburn Ogre Gauntlets
Upgraded Tearhaunch Myrmidon Greaves
Arachnid Mesh
Mara's Kalideoscope
Raven Frost

This build has got everything a hammerdin needs, mana, mana recovery (redemption) and badass life. On weapon swap I **highly** suggest a Call to arms to increase his life/mana even higher. This builds equips primary downfall is really fast cast, which can be tough to aquire on the primary non sorc caster items. one option is to swap off the arachnid for a caster belt, but thats your call.
wow, maybe u should just post stuff for every char, ur that detailed!
can yu post a build for my fire sorc?? ahaha
yea i kinda need a mf/fire/ice sorc that can survive hell
so far all i really need is a skullders or possible something else with mf.
if you socket the shako with a cham then you could get another soj, get a low str enigma( tele, skill, dr, mf, str) so you only like like 50 points into str to wear zak. heart of the oak has fast cast and 3 to skills.

if you socket the shako with a cham then you could get another soj, get a low str enigma( tele, skill, dr, mf, str) so you only like like 50 points into str to wear zak. heart of the oak has fast cast and 3 to skills. magefists r good for fast cast and mana regen.
I suppose you could cham the shako, but that would lower the VERY necissary DR esp if you want to duel. and the ravenfrost is MORE than a good fill for a soj, sojs are too overrated. besides, this build can net you a 11k hammer without any skill charms.

[not]nublitoria Wrote:yea i kinda need a mf/fire/ice sorc that can survive hell
so far all i really need is a skullders or possible something else with mf.

FIRE STORM (fire/ice) SORC

Fire Ball 20
Fire Bolt 20
Frozen Orb 20
Fire Mastery 20
Cold Mastery 5
Warmth 3
Telekenisis 1
Teleport 1
Static Field 1
Inferno 1
Ice Bolt 1
Ice Blast 1
Frost Nova 1
Glacial Spike 1
Blizzard 1

Shako (Cham)
Enigma Wire Fleece or Archon Plate
Heart of the Oak flail or Deaths Fathom Dimensional Shard
Stormshield or Rhyme Heater (elite buckler)
Arachnid Mesh
Maras Kalideoscope
2x Soj

OK here it is, It may look doubtable, but this build can flesh out some serious fire damage, even without meteor. With just firebolt and fireball and mastery maxed, and these items you can get a 5-6k fireball. Note, this is a lvl 85 version of this build, as all my builds are. The Orb is a secondary attack that can still deal a bit of damage, and with the DF's bonus to cold damage, you wont need much cold mastery.

This Builds Primary failing, as with all multi-tree sorcs, is that she cant do nearly as much damage as a sorc who has maxed one tree. I havent built this build myself yet, but I can imagine it would mf well. I *did* however test a SP version of it, and yes, it does kill. Just not as fast as a fire sorc, or blizzard sorc might.

PS. Sorry bout not getting stats up, I havent got those worked out yet.
true, u get less dr if u cham the shako, but a soj would give a huge mana boost and +1 to all skills if u tele fst enough then u wont get hit u should have like 75% faster cast with these items

and with the fire sorc, energy sheild is great for dueling, u just need a crapload of mana or some points into telekinesis
I got a hammeridian that i started he lvl50 (at the moment) but hes only ganna use,
-guardinangel templer armor
-wizpike (50%fast cast)
-string of ears
and so far his blessed hammeers at 29, and concentration at 22 (at the moment..hehe)

u think he'll turn out ok?....and by the way wats a "hoz"?...
hoz is herald of zakerum aka "zak"
ooo!!! a ZAk shield ok ok ty
Kai. Wrote:OK heres, your build:

::SKILLS:: (all values are base)
Blessed Hammer 20
Vigor 20
Blessed Aim 20
Concentration 20
Redemption 1-20
Prayer 1
Defiance 1
Cleansing 1
Smite 1
Holy Bolt 1
Charge 1
Holy Shield 1-20
Might 1

::STATS:: (all values are base)
Str 140-165
Dex 120-130
Vit 300-350
Ene 15-50

Shako (Ber, Um, or ptopaz)
Arkaines Valor (Ber, Um, or ptopaz) or Chains of Honor or Enigma
Hoz (Um, or pdiamond)
Heavens Light or hoto flail
Uprgaded Frostburn Ogre Gauntlets
Upgraded Tearhaunch Myrmidon Greaves
Arachnid Mesh
Mara's Kalideoscope
Raven Frost

This build has got everything a hammerdin needs, mana, mana recovery (redemption) and badass life. On weapon swap I **highly** suggest a Call to arms to increase his life/mana even higher. This builds equips primary downfall is really fast cast, which can be tough to aquire on the primary non sorc caster items. one option is to swap off the arachnid for a caster belt, but thats your call.

for this guide i suggest 20 holy shield and 3 redemption and use wizspike for weapon and put the str only up to 105 and put dex to 75 and 130 vit and rest to mana
hey [not]nublitoria,

Just so u know, with hammeridians if u have fast cast rate stuff, then the hammers will come out much much hammeridian use wiz for wep(adds 50%cast) and for armor he uses viper(30%cast) u get the idea ^^ but without ne cast rate stuff hammers will come out very very very slow (>_<)
hammerdins suck. I fought one just today with my lvl 30 pally and he didnt hit me with the hammers
wut lvl was he, b/c hammeridians have to b like lvl70+ to b any decent, and somtimes ur hammer wont hit the target, and NO hammeridians dont suck he proboly just didnt know how to buld one Rolleyes
He was lvl 22 lol. I am still using sigons and he couldn't touch me
well at lvl22 the most dmg he could have done is like once u max hammer, concentration, vigor, and blessed aim ull b doing at least 5k
Kai. Wrote:OK heres, your build:

::SKILLS:: (all values are base)
Blessed Hammer 20
Vigor 20
Blessed Aim 20
Concentration 20
Redemption 1-20
Prayer 1
Defiance 1
Cleansing 1
Smite 1
Holy Bolt 1
Charge 1
Holy Shield 1-20
Might 1

::STATS:: (all values are base)
Str 140-165
Dex 120-130
Vit 300-350
Ene 15-50

Shako (Ber, Um, or ptopaz)
Arkaines Valor (Ber, Um, or ptopaz) or Chains of Honor or Enigma
Hoz (Um, or pdiamond)
Heavens Light or hoto flail
Uprgaded Frostburn Ogre Gauntlets
Upgraded Tearhaunch Myrmidon Greaves
Arachnid Mesh
Mara's Kalideoscope
Raven Frost

This build has got everything a hammerdin needs, mana, mana recovery (redemption) and badass life. On weapon swap I **highly** suggest a Call to arms to increase his life/mana even higher. This builds equips primary downfall is really fast cast, which can be tough to aquire on the primary non sorc caster items. one option is to swap off the arachnid for a caster belt, but thats your call.

I SSSOOOOOOOO AGREE, this guy knows how to build (built mine like that).
thanks to kai's build posted, my non ladder hammerdin does 14k and he doesnt have syns maxed-i still have 2 or 3 to put into far this is the most satisfying build ive ever made. so much dmg in a paladin-props to kai for his gnarly build ^_^
-he uses:
40 res hoto flail
30 maras
gaurdian angel(not high enough for valor)
um'd zak
spiderweb belt
wiz spike gloves
6 combat gc's
4 offensive gc's- for concentration
355 vita
156 str
65 dex
26 ene

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