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Ruin A Wish
50!, Kick MY ***?? I think it would be the other way around, I would use chain lighting...nevermind, he would cap me 9 times yo kid.

It instead is freezing cold, absolute zero, and you freeze, one hot day it gets to a sweltering 40 degrees kelvin and you die from the cold. =p owned

I wish that I saw the sign, and wrote a song about it, instnatly becoming rich.
You become MegaRich and someone hires an Assassin to kill you. GG!

I wish there werent so many Herms on =)
Uhh it would help to kow what a herm was..I will guess.

Instead of herms there are as$holes. =p

I wish I knew what a herm was. =(
haha know what a herm is, but your the only one, and you make fun of everyone because herm is all the sudden your inside joke with yourself. eventually everyone gets really pissed at you and beats the crap out of you

i wish beer was free
Beer goes free, and you drink until your liver dies.

I wish my my PS2 was bulletproof, like my Xbox
you finally got your bulletproof ps2 and so did the other, then someone shot but missed cuz you protected yourself with your ps2 and flew to another ps2 and bounced and flew right at you that you didnt had enough time to react so it hitted you in the head and you died.

i wish i had the best computer ever made
Everyone elses computers sucks, including servers, so you are basicly the same speed as you just were on the net...

I wish Syd Barrett wasn't crazy.
syd barrett becomes sane and stops providing you with entertaining craziness and you go nuts yourself.

i wish i knew who syd barrett is
You find out who he is and become too depressed because his story is sad.

Syd Barrett was the origional frontman for Pink FLoyd, for their first album, Pipers at the Gates of Dawn, he went insane from being high 24/7 on lsd, having his friends put it in his coffee in the morning. After the first album David Gilmoure joined and there were 5 people in PF. Syd wrote 2 songs on the second album and was no longer able to perform so they decided not to pick him up on the way to a concert one day because they figured he wouldn't notice. He got really depressed and eventually had a solo career, that ended fast due to lack of personal intrest on his part. He now lives in Cambridge, and when people talk about anything haveing to do with the past or PF or call him Syd than he gets really depressed and changes the subject, David Gilmoure invited him to his 50th birthday and he never showed up, he didn';t watch Live 8 or anything. He never talks to people. and ignores peole at his door.

Long story short^

I wish I had a way to shorten that^
haha i wish you had a way to shorten it too because it was too long and i didnt read it

you find a way to shorten it but all the newbs coming to the site just to post a million times about mhs and how their accounts got banned cant understand you and make 30 more threads to find out who he is.

i wish my hcl necro hadnt been killed in .8 seconds by a freaking fire catapult last night... (lvl 21 shoud not get owned that bad in a5 especially after plenty of other catapults had hit me and barely hurt)
Ahaha that sucks

Instead he gets owned bye baal, everyone else in your party kills him though and gets quests, just you die. =p

I wish I had more water.
water starts magically falling from the sky and drenches you and you get hypothermia and die

i wish today wasnt so boring
in a case of mistaken identity, you are mistaken for a stupid whiny b!tch and are shot several times in the face

i wish my government hw was done or easier
you finish your hw quickly and easily, but your dog eats it. you try to tell your teacher but (s)he doesnt believe you and assigns you double hw for next time

i wish air conditioning was free
It becomes free and everyone gets it, The earth goes to 0 kelvin...again and freezes the planet, the fish all die, the humans all die, everyone dies when it gets 1 degree above 0k

I wish I could come up with a responce that doens't involve 0 K
you do manage to finally make a response without ending in 0 k but then everyone makes fun of you for doing that and you commit suicide!

well I wish summer was longer
it gets longer and everyday it gets hotter and you die from heat stroke or something

i wish i had more guava juice
your wish is granted and you get all the juice you could ever want, eventually you drink so much of it that you drowned yourself.

i wish for a massage with a happy ending
you get a message and a happy ending not for you but the couple right next to you making love..

I wish I was rejected by society that ended with me having a happy ending..
The happy ending is for everyone else, because you get frozen solid at 0 kelvin.

I wish I was UNSTOPABLE!!!

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