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best wishes man
thanks again all...for the prayers, the PM's, the IM's and just the was probably the toughest day, the funeral...I hate funerals (who doesn't) but its soo much worse when you love the person. She was so young...18, and had so much love for the world. She had so much she could give...i'll make it through it...i'm kinda worried because i have nothing to do, i'm still off work, all my friends went back to college, so i can sit and play d2 yay...
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
just keep busy and for the most part the pain dulls slowly like a well made knife but never really stops causing pain.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
ive sat here for a good 15 minutes... but i really have found nothing better to express my empathy and sympathy towards you and your situation than to just say that im sorry and im sure everyone at this sector is sorry for the sh!t you are feelin right now, just remember man, u still got us, even though u dont know sum of us well... we still will talk and listen to you
yeah i know...i've gotten a couple of IM, i talk to ben usually once a day just to check up on me...chesh has been there, so its great to know you still have people...even though i don't know any of you guys in real my friends in real life have kept me busy but they arn't that worried because they know that i've always had a shit life really...I can't go 6 months without something bad happening...i'll make it through this...Once again i really do appreciate the support, its really great to know people are there for you...
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
Well since marsha's funeral was saturday...and i'm back now there is no need for this thread anymore...
I would once again like to thank all of you guys for your support and prayers in my time of need, its great to know people are there for you...i'll be there for you guys if you ever need it, just ask. I hope none of you have to live through anything like this though. Peace guys...

[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]

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