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suggest a good LLD pls..
im planning to make an LLD, bout lvl30 or lower.. iwas thinkin of a jab zon but i dont know... what u guys think??
A Zeal/Charge Palidan.
i got a kicker sassin lld, she's pretty nice lvl 25.
i was thinking of a jab jav zon using that unique 75%slow spear, (i cant remember the name).. & its pretty no manner lol

btw question bout kicker sins... do u use venom for them??
What is LLD? Low Lvl Dueller?
Keitaro Wrote:What is LLD? Low Lvl Dueller?

Jab zon diff, in a game i saw him/her owning everyone in 1-2 hits... but no wonder i saw his equ with MH really good stuff. Like sup goth plate(12% ed I think) 4 socks 23%ed 34 max dmg and about 24 life....
Heh, jab zons are not the best choice unless your a VLLD (very low lvl dueler.) My personal favorite that I just figured out is the "Glitch Thrower Barb." Hehe he owns lvl 29 and down, and has killed nooby lvl 36's. The "Glitch" is that when he throws his spear, the game freezes slightly during framerate, and the barb and the spear are made invisible untill the spear hits or dissapears from contact. So you could throw at the person, be invisible, and if it hits yay, and if it doesn't then you are still invisible for like 1 or 2 seconds. The gear that you use isnt to hard to get, but making the glitch just right was uber hard. I would be willing to share how to attain the "glitch" but I am only releasing it to close freinds, clan members, and people wiling to pay big for it. Another Low lvl Dueler build i reccomend is a kicksin. I have one myself, and it gets about 1.7k damage per hit, so like 5k damage per round of kicks Wink. Gear for llds is far more expensive than that of mlds and vlld's however, so if you aren't rich dont expect much out of your lld. On SCNL USEast (where i game) LLD's gear and HLD's gear are almost as expensive as each other. WARNING dont plan on going into lld without being hooked, i spent almost 100 32020's just on lld gear and what not, so dont play with the big boys unless ya can back ur stuff up. If ya need any help ill be on almost daily around 5 pm Central time (1 hour behind new york) Ill be on the accounts Chatcraft, packetattack, or gladriel. I love to play open bnet too so if ur a fan of open whisp me some time, i love hangin out with my d2 sector buds!! W0ot ^.^

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Jab zon can be a dangerous lld cuz jab and dodge but i think sacrafice palladin much better have 1 cold charm people cant use raven so they have to freeze just use like full sig and a good low level wep might or conc sacrafices or you can use.. Holy Thunder Smile
You can use death's sash, that has a "Cannot be frozen" mod on it. One good build is a Sac Pally and another good one is a Bash Barb, does amazing well because of the battle orders and what not. If you doing vlld (Level 9-13 I believe), go with a charge-up assassin, martial artist or whatever. They do 1.6k with a full dragon claw strike charged up with mediocre equipment. I have one, but he kind've sucks at the moment, I also have a Bash barb that uses full Isenhart with some little +8 max jewels and -15 requirement jewels in it.
Xell... I do not see how it is possible for a LLD Kicker to do 1.4k per kick. Please explain, because I personally think you're full of garbage when you say that. No offense. But to be on topic, I'd say a Jabber Zon.
well i had a lvl 26 kicker tiger strike she did like 2.4k damage thats cool she didnt have much pro gear to =/
i know one way they can is with tiger strike, that adds alot of dmg, o and also to be on the topic jabber zons owns by far i think, my friend had a lvl like 9-18 and he owned everyone, he was killing all lvls 36 down. i knwo it sounds corny btu i saw it myself. gl on ur lld telebolong
As far as MLD's, I have a lvl 55 Kicker that takes down 80 and up casters with ease.
o yeha and to add on about my friend with the javazon that owned lvl 36 down, one way to get alot of stuff easy is get rushed to hell while ur ur lld and get all the quests liek stats skills resis, then u will get alot more life dmg etc. yeah a mld kiksin own. my friends lvl 58 owns all and i bet his lvl 48 boen amncer could own ur kiksin medicine_man, his bone mancer makes all nm duelers fear him, they always have to bring like lvl 80+ to beat him, then when he beats them they go all wtf!! hwo the heck. thats bull$#!+. haha its so funny
medicine_man Wrote:Xell... I do not see how it is possible for a LLD Kicker to do 1.4k per kick. Please explain, because I personally think you're full of garbage when you say that. No offense. But to be on topic, I'd say a Jabber Zon.
Well to respond to that, you must not know much about llds. My kicksin build is also bugged, it has an ethereal bugged claw that has over 100 max damage on it, repairs durability, has 20 ias, and 20 all resis on it. That accounts for over 500 damage on my build. And to make things even more clear, I have massive dexterity points, and it is hell rushed. So it has about 20*5+15 skill points, you do the math, and has an extra 12 skill points to putz around with. I suppose if i put more equipment on it, it would do much more. Around i would say 1.6 or 1.7k damage. And to be on topic, Jabazon's for LLD's are ONLY good if you have Exceptional LLD gear. Which I am lucky enough to have. I would go with an ethereal javalin, with at least 20 max damage and like 10 ed on it, and has to be a replenish quantity with high ias on it, or you might as well say, COME KILL ME, IM A STUPID BUILD!!! And we all know none of you want to do that. If I might, I'll suggest a nice Jabber/glitch build I've been putzin around with.

This must be hell rushed with all anya, lam essens, and skill quests or it wont work.

Skill pts

Str: enough for equip

Dex: Rest of points (ill explain later)

Vita: None

Mana: None

For your Inventory put 20x 15 life small charms, wich more than makes up for the lack in vitality, BUT!!! if you cant affored that , then split dexterity and life up 50 / 50. And for the other 20 spaces in your inventory, there are small charms that i have found recently that have 50 psn damage as a large charm, not grand, get 10 of those, and you ahve yourself a very nice damage, tanking zon.

Now for point distrubution, I will give you a simple point dist that hints to what i would use if i were making this build, shouldnt be to hard to figure out.

Jab: 20 points

Critical strike: 6 points

This build will be done buy lvl 18, for maximum damage output, mine had about 1.5k per jab when i made mine, you MUST have the psn charms, it adds 500 psn damage over 10 seconds, plus 1000 damage from your equipment!!!

The only necessity for this build is the psn charms, and a VERY nice javalin.

Happy Hunting !!

medicine_man Wrote:Xell... I do not see how it is possible for a LLD Kicker to do 1.4k per kick. Please explain, because I personally think you're full of garbage when you say that. No offense. But to be on topic, I'd say a Jabber Zon.

Well, it is possible, but I am a secretive LLD user for my personal enjoyment. All you have to do is have the right gear, and the perfect point layout with skill distribution, and remember that Hell rushes are always a necessity when trying to make a good LLD (hint) and when making a LLD Kicksin, Slow target is a usefull thing, so those pesky pussies don't run away.

Sorry if this is a double post :/
if ur a low level then how do u get hell rushed?? u have to be lvl 40 to even do ancients in nm.. so how do u get passed that?

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