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Petition to Ban
Well, I petition to ban... Z_cn!!

Reason one being he's an ingnorant, rock-headed jackass.
Reason two is that he flames a lot on random posts by Fuggle Nugget.
Reason three is he changes Fuggle's title every day almost and is all around jackassish to people who don't agree with him.
Reason four being he's a hypocrite.

Now, what do you say to banning? Woots!

(Wasn't sure if I was allowed to post it, wasn't in rules...)
Business & Computer Science major
Im going with Ban (Imagine That) He really is a total ***. He is constantly flaming me and others, and the fact that he changes my title every day to be an *** is enough as it is. No1 on D2S likes him, and he just makes the place look bad in general.
To the Mods/Admins. Do not close this immediatly, we are seeing how many people do agree with us, and if say 20 people say ban would that be enough to ban him. As UGM did point out to me earlier in a pm it would be easier to ban people, but its over 20 people that have to say ban.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
i go with ban also because he is an *** to fuggle......take him out people
Hasen't done anything bad to me before..I see how he changed peoples custom names though, thats ****ing **** me off to, so do what you guys want.
well look at it this way he will run out of points soon the what i think this is a problem to be taking up with the mods you do have just cause but i can see this as a public hanging just cause people are your friends dont get me wrong if he was doing it to me id take it up with the mods too

id suggest a temp ban at first with an explination like 2-7 day's then of ot continues perm ban him so he can't come back

thats my opinion nothing more

i say this is a useless spam thread closen it to keep flamen and spam out
i will show cheshire this thread

It is perfectly legal to change the user titles. You earn your points and get him back. It's all part of the fun. As for this thread, this was just as bad as anything he's done. Z_cn has not spammed or flamed too far out of control, and if he has flamed it's been in Flame wars. And if not, I will keep a closer eye. But for making a thread like this, I'm keeping my eye on someone else as well. No more spam threads about banning. If you have a problem, PM me or another one of the mods. Don't make it public. Period. Good day all.

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