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how hard would it be to......
i was just on another site looking at tradeing ideas and was wondering how hard it would be to set up a sub section in the trade forum for auctions only ??

i got the idea from the rpgtraders web site i wont post the site but it's not hard to find .
the reason why im asking is that when someone has an auction it's so hard to keep track of whats going on cause the spam and crap that get's put into the threads that are going on that way if your having an auction all you can do is bid and comment not spam and say who's got high bid and such.

i dont know it's just an idea and wondering if it possible to implement.

admins and mod's ..well anyone feedback please
i like it, imma bout to put up an auction here when i get my bot running, muashhahahahaha
[Image: userbar579271ff0.gif]
Pamela : What in the hell are drugs? 0.o I take ibuprofin...
i been tryen to keep the spam and threads thats not posted right clear from now on if i see spam or someone not readen rules they will lose rep points
skidude Wrote:i been tryen to keep the spam and threads thats not posted right clear from now on if i see spam or someone not readen rules they will lose rep points

yah i know that ski im not sayin the mods arn't doing there jobe i was just wondering if it might be a posibility . out of curiosity

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