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On a personal note
I'll post more once I come across them on my HD.

This is more of a story or ballad if you will not really a poem persay.
A solo in the night
Filled with joy, pain, sorrow
For hours the solo goes on
Riveted are the spectators
By sound and sight are they held steadfast
Soon the solo changes,
It morphs
A duet is now heard
Two voices both beautiful in sound but both filled with mixed emotions
Fear, joy, pain, relief, hunger, exhaustion
They all meld and twist to form a sound like nothing else

Suddenly silence…
No gasps from the audience
The sirens which once sang their enchanting tune have fallen mute
The scene before the spectators comes into realization
It has been unfolding painstakingly slow through the passing hours
Only now is the true scope realized
The reality has set in
The spell has been broken
Hearts are heavy and minds filled with questions
The mother of just over 16 cradles new born life
With just a small squirm her motherly instincts tell her the new life’s needs
No names are needed
Only feelings, emotions
Teary eyed she admires the sheer beauty and scope of what has just come to pass
Two lives have changed forever
One’s fate is forever sealed
The others is as tedious as a man balanced on a razor
One’s fate will be lost in a shuffle of people and papers
The others will be one filled with wonderment and sorrow
The duet that could have been so beautiful will never be given a second chance
Both singers, whether willingly or not, shall part ways
One will shed tears of regret and love
The other will never know it should shed tears


[size=2]Reaching for a hand
Searching for a rope of life
Your searing touch has lingered all these long years
Burned into my flesh and soul
A mark of our two year journey

I keep reaching for a hand
Searching for a rope
Finding only emptiness

A lingering hug
A brush along my skin
It all reminds me of you
And the time that we once had

I keep reaching for a hand
Searching for a rope
Finding only emptiness

We promised lifetimes to each other
Eternal love and devotion
Love without bounds
Devotion unending

I keep reaching for a hand
Searching for a rope
Finding only emptiness

We both believed in Romeo and Juliet
That lives could be fairy tales
I read you Romeo’s lament to Juliet
And promised each line and word to you for life

I keep reaching for a hand
Searching for a rope
Finding only emptiness Of all the words we spoke to one another memories are all that remain
The charred and smoking skin has slowly healed
Memories are all that is left of the love we once shared
A journey through my mind is all that is our times together

"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
Can you fix the color? My poor eyes cant read that.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
is that better? I dont know why it chose that color to begin with.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem

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