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[ISO]rabies druid guide
im trying to find a new interesting character build and rabies looks kinda fun. Anyone have any kidna guide to make one, or can make one?
Ok check it... for skills...

Werewolf (max)
Lycanthropy (max)
Rabies (max)
Poison Creeper (max)
Raven(one put 1 point on it)
Oak Sage OR Heart Of Wolverine (Rest)

ok... moving on to gear...

Helm: Jalal's Mane
Armor: Bramble
Weapon: Grief and CTA
Shield: Phoenix and Spirit
Rings: Raven Frost and BK
Gloves: Trangs
Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Boots: Sandstorm Trek

As for stats i donno... but tell me whacha think of the build so farConfusedmartass2 (hope i helped you budSmile )
try keitaros guide except use a 6 shaeled phase blade... maybe get an amulet too if ur fancy.. and wheres ur attack rating? ur main dmg comes from rabies and psn so phoenix wont do shit.. well it will only help the weapons base dmg wich is litte. grief might be better but if ur nl use 6 shael pb. umm...... cham something for ur ar maybe? stats would be max block for pvp enough str for gear and rest vit. stats pvm probly the same. oh and use faster hit recovery small charms and shape gcs.
ya this is NL so i cant get grief or phoenix, so ill use pb. But what for shield? SS?
I would do this:
Max Rabias
Max Lycanthropy
Max Werewolf
Max Fury
Max HoW (Pvm)

And no points into Poisen creeper Becouse Carrion wind gives it Charged. (its like the Marrowwalks bug)

For gear:
Jalal (um for res)
Bramble (nice poisen dmg Big Grin )
Trang gloves
Tgod belt
Carroin Wind
Raven frost
Gore Ridder

Deaths wep(Poisen facet)
Storm shield (um for res)

Switch to kill Imunes
Botd ba
Stormshield (um for res)

Stats are easy:
Str for gear
Dex for max block with ss
Vit rest
ene none
for one, why not use two carrions, considering you get two lvl 21 creepers for twice the awesome power, lol. and ba is kinda confusing, just say zerk. Also deaths, as in the wand? that would kinda suck to attack with, plus its ladder only so its prolly expensive as hell. So i think 6 shaeled phase blade is best, and i just got an ebotdz so maybe ill try that out too.
Though Death's Web is great for poison damage, it is very, very slow, I'd go with Shael'd Jalals, Cham'd SS and go with Angelic Ammy + Rings for your Attack Rating. You'll want some fast boots to, such as Alduurs Boots, and maybe some Run/Walk charms so you can catch up to your enemy.
u flat out cant use two angelic rings cause u need the carrion glitch
silver_ice1212 Wrote:try keitaros guide except use a 6 shaeled phase blade... maybe get an amulet too if ur fancy.. and wheres ur attack rating? ur main dmg comes from rabies and psn so phoenix wont do shit.. well it will only help the weapons base dmg wich is litte. grief might be better but if ur nl use 6 shael pb. umm...... cham something for ur ar maybe? stats would be max block for pvp enough str for gear and rest vit. stats pvm probly the same. oh and use faster hit recovery small charms and shape gcs.
If you wana get rid of 10-15K dmg, go ahead and remove the plague bearer for a 6 shael phase blade.

If you want my rabies, then here it is. (new and updated)

Strenght: Enough for eqipment
Dexterity: 175 with eqipment = max block with SS
Vitality: Rest
Energy: 0

20 Rabies
20 Werewolf
20 Lyncanthrophy
20 Oak Sage
1 Summon Spirit Wolf (usefull for meat shield and thorn aura)

Jalas Mane socket with Um
Plague Bearer socket with Shael
Stormshield socket with Um
Bramble Archon Plate 40-50%
Trang Ouls Claws
Verdungo 15%
IK Boots or aldurs
1 Raven Frost
1 Carrion Wind (for bug)
On Switch:
CtA and Lidless (spirit in ladder)

1 Annihilus small charm
10 Shape Shifting Skillers grand charms
9 5% All Resist small charms

Dmg at the end shoud be between 55-65K rabies dmg.
(When you battle a FoH paladin, change weapon and shield to Wizzard Spike socket with Shael and use your spirit shield. When he kills your wolf, you quickly make yourself a wolf again and countiniue run towards him. You can do this because making wolfform goes on FCR. In this way, no FoH paladin can kill you unless you fight 2 of them at the same time.)
imma go try it
[Image: userbar579271ff0.gif]
Pamela : What in the hell are drugs? 0.o I take ibuprofin...
ya i wanna test it on single player but the hero editors on this site come with no items, any have items they can give me or a site where i can get all the 1.10 items so i can test this?
D2sector have item voults or somethng like that in the main page under download. The only bad thing about it is that very few are perfect.

I had problems finding out how to get them into hero editor, but after some research, i found out that you right click and push "import" item and go to the folder and get it. Edit the stats yourself if you wish perfect stats or so. Then you just export the item to the location you fond it before and overwright the old file with the new one.

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