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Sig Graphics
hey i was wondering how to make sig graphics i dont know how like how do u guys add those anime characters to them do you make them or something....? i cant figure out ne thing i know how to do glowing names n stuff like that but not put in graphics please help me!!!

Thank, you:thinking2
get photoshop or paintshop, preferably photoshop. Then just experiment until u understand the program.
First of all that Didn't help me.Second of all i have Photoshop.
Well, what he said was actually a good idea, just mess around with PS until you get it.

You can try checking out for tuts if you need 'em. You could also check out the first link in my sig space if you need some advice.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
well how did u guys do it?:eek: the ones i make with graphics are in paintshop pro and there picture tubes and they stink!!!

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