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Melee Sorc Help
Im making a melee sorc, and not a bow one, one with a weapon, and i need some help. so far this is wut ive figured out for skills:

fire mastery
shiver armor
and the rest split between energy shield and telekinesis

and i need some help picking out items. +skills help more than dmg rite? so would it be good to use a shael'd hexfire or would that still be too slow. or would it be better to use something more like ebotdz or beast zerk???

for helm would i use shako?? armor is coh, shield is ss, ammy and rings ill use angelics, gloves ill use dracs. wut should i use for belt? some people say dungos but i think spider for +skill. and wut would i use for boots.. goreriders?? would open wounds, critical and deadly strike even work for this or only on physical dmg?? i need help..

and stats i kinda know
str: enough for gear
dex: enough for max block
vita: rest
ene: i think none but some people say 50 to help energy shield...
hmmmm ill take a shot. these r the gears i would use

gears for casting enchant
armor- enchant 20% fire ormus
25% fire eschuta +3
+3 fire ammy
20/20 monarch
+3 fire helm
mage fist
10xfire gcs and anni
now for when ur fighting
weop- put beast on to turn to bear but then switch to a 6 sock phase with 4 shaels and 2 15 ias jewels wiht good mods
shield- ss
-gloves dracs i guess
rings and ammy- angelics unless u want one raven actually since enchant gives ar
boots- gores or eth sandstorms
helm- coa wiht 2 bers
invent i think u would need some max dmg charms or poison and anni

i thinks that bout it? lemme knwo if i helped!
melee sorc's scare me....they're touch little b!tches when they've been done correctly, dont ask me what 'done correctly' means for a melee sorc, but ive seen a few that use eth botd archon staff's.....
i think ebotd woudl be jsut plain stupiod, since u only get ur ais from weop and auras, then pahse woudl be best choice, jsut like fuggles fc druid, wouldnt be ne different
You're doing it all wrong Tongue

I've already got my future melee sorc all planned out. Here is how she's gonna be.
Rings&Ammy - Angelics (Duh Tongue)
Armor - Coh
Weapon - Passion phase blade (% ar bonus, zeal)
Shield - Dream Troll Nest
Belt - Verdungo's hearty Coil (DR)
Helm - Dream Bone Visage
Gloves - Bloodfist

Max -
Energy Shield
drop the rest into warmth

Your ES and Dream added damage will be through the roof with 10x lightning GC's (My non-melee sorc does 72k with just those)

With the added enchant damage, you should be doing a decent amount of damage (over 100k)

there's my idea, and I'll be using it Tongue
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
well one thign im gonna say which i have said in earlier posts is that there is no need to max es my friend said, iof u jsut max telekinesis u will still get the max% t mana wihtout maxing the es, thats mena 19 mroe points to use
o and srry for double post but if u use dream helm u should use dream shield also i think, just a thought, and ist ur sorc going to attack very slow even with zeal?
snoboy Wrote:o and srry for double post but if u use dream helm u should use dream shield also i think, just a thought, and ist ur sorc going to attack very slow even with zeal?

I don't think so. She'll be using phase blade, and she'll be hitting almost every hit anyway. Plus you have the dream's aura doing a constant bit of damage, so it all adds up.

Plus, If you're attacking 2-3 times a second with zeal, on a high roll, that's like 80k damage.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
o yeh and antoher thing y use two angelics, u will be getting ar from enchant and zeal, since once u get cold u will be attacking slower and dotn u need 10xfire gcs and anni??
snoboy Wrote:o yeh and antoher thing y use two angelics, u will be getting ar from enchant and zeal, since once u get cold u will be attacking slower and dotn u need 10xfire gcs and anni??

I'm not sure how much AR enchant gives.

Also, I'd rather use lightning GC's , because it adds tons to lightning mastery.

Maybe I could try 5fire 5 lit though, we'll see.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
yeah enchant gives a TON of ar ive heard, ive seen ecnhantresses using no angelics and hitting every hit with so mcuh ar, and im retarded i frogot so much bout ur lite gcs. ur right the ltie mastery is wayyyyyyyy mroe important lol
I'll look into this,

My second choice would have been 2x sojs and a cat's eye.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
aight kool i think if i go to my friends house where he has edito ill test it out too for some help
hm i forgot to mention im nonladder lol.. so without all that light stuff is she just gonna suck?? should i just stick with a fc druid or could it still work on nonladder?
my build would work for nl, and since ur nl u shoudl get a full invent of 3/20/20 or 290s taht would be pimp i think

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