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IronMan 2 Results!
Another fierce battle to the top! The participants were Fuggle Nugget, Shibbied_Killer, Javolin14, Dynafrom, Pantallica, UGM, Tuna-Fish Sushi and Tahu. Pantallica was again the first to reach level 9, but he decided to level to 10 and then start his dueling. Shibbied was slew early on by a Carver and Fuggle was then slew by Pantallica in the Blood Moor. Tahu was then killed by Tuna in a bloody bout. Dynafrom was then also slain by Tuna, in a great display of a low level javazon duel. UGM and Javolin then dueled in the blood moor, and UGM was quickly made into mincemeat at the hand of the Barbarian's sword. Pantallica decided to continue leveling, so he went to the catacombs where he leveled to 11, and met Tuna inside. They dueled, and Pantallica killed Tuna with some major difficulty.

The final fight came to Javolin and Pantallica. They both went into the Blood Moor, and Pantallica immediately molten bouldered Javolin. He then used Firestorm over and over, quickly depleting his life. Javolin countered with a series of devastating hits, but Pantallica bouldered Javolin again, instantly killing him.

Here are the standings -

8. Shibbied_Killer
7. Fuggle Nugget
6. Tahu
5. Dynafrom
4. UGM
3. Tuna
2. Javolin
1. Pantallica

Congratulations and "GD" to all who participated. Again, I expect to see some of you in tonight's Iron Man. which is to be scheduled.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
LOL, Fuggle died fast :p
Business & Computer Science major
Good job Pant, #1 again!
Yes i admit i was raped by the many carver..But i will prove myself worthy to stay in these tonight..
Nice pant, but do you really have to try and add a storyline to it? Tongue
may i make a sugjestion to everyone participating, DONT USE A FING SMITER, they suck at low levels lol
grrr i got second yesterday 6th today, im surpized you beat that barb, he was pritty strong

im gunna do some char testing, your geting owned tonight pantilica!
lolz pant u only beat me cause you ran lolz javolin with some DEVESTATING Hits!! lolz funny
TuNa-FisH_SuShI Wrote:lolz pant u only beat me cause you ran lolz javolin with some DEVESTATING Hits!! lolz funny

I didn't run away -_-;;. I MOVED to get a better angle. Firestorm sucks to aim.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
Pant was it me or you to hit 9 first? We were like even in lvl most of the time. (Well I flew by in the beginning like 2 lvls ahead). Ya I wasnt expecting him to be a fire druid. I was my little ol kicker that did nice dmg. I got like 3/4 of Pants health b4 he got me.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
I hit 9 first. I was 9 1/2 when I saw you level Tongue
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
i hit 9 third but i got to 11 b4 i dueled

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