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Extreme poison necromancer
A poison necromancer could be one of the greatest PVM+PVP character!This guy can kill monsters easily,and kill other players easily too!So that's y I'm posting this guide!

STAT POINTS destribution:

This stat is not really important!Juz add enough to use ur stuff!So juz don't put too much here,cos it pretty wastes ur points~

Add some here to get better blocking,not too much!Around 60-100 is enough!

All the rest goes here!If u put more here,then u get higher life!

Base!Never touch this stat!

SKILL POINTS distribution:

max the following skills:
poison dagger
poison explosion
poison nova
lower resist(U can kill stuff more easily with this)

put some points in the following:
clay Golem(max this if u like,this is really a tank in hell lvl,cos it kills poison immunes)
golem mastery(makes ur golem strong,max if u like)
summon resist(for ur golem's resists)
bone armour(juz helps u abit)


Bramble archon plate/dusk shround
(Gives u extra damge for poison,and also gives u a life saving thorns aura)
(Gives u +2 skills and tele,and other stuff that really improves ur necro)
Skin of Vipermagi
(With resistances and add skills,pretty good)

Harlequin Crest socketed with -5/5 poison facet
(Add skills and mana and life combined with poison facet is godly)
Delirium bone visage
(A pretty good choice)
A nice rare circlet with +skills/reisitances/faster casting rate
(A really good choice)

Trang shield socketed with -5/5 poison facet
(Good if ur using 3 trang items for -enemy poison resisitance bonus)
Homunculus socketed with -5/5 poison facet
(Necessary if using Bramble and not using trang)
(A good one if u can't find the things above)
Spirit Monrach
(With +2 skills and faster casting rate,this thing is good)

(The best boots for a necro)
(The first runner up)
(The second runner up)

Trang belt
(Good if ur using 3 trang items for -enemy poison resisitance bonus)
Arachnid Mesh
(The +1 skill is good)
(Add's nice life)
(Nice lightning absorb)

Trang Gloves
(Good if ur using 3 trang items for -enemy poison resisitance bonus)
(For the faster casting rate)
(Adds u tones of mana)

A nice rare amulet with add skills/life/resistances/faster casting rate
(This is really good if u find one)
A nice crafted amulet with add skills/resistances/faster cating rate
(This is really good if u can craft one like this)
Mara's kaleidoscope
(Nice +2 skills and nice resistances)

A nice rare ring with add skills/life/resistances/faster casting rate
(Really good)
A nice crafted ring with add skills/life/resistances/faster casting rate
(Really good too^^)
Stone of Jordan
(Adds skills and mana)
Raven Frost
(Cannot be frozen)

Death's Web socketed with -5/5 poison facet
(With good +2 skills and -enemy poison resist,really good)
Heart of the Oak flail
(Add 3 skills and faster casting rate)

Then change to weapon B and shield B with:
Call to Arms flail
Spirit shield(could be any shield cos ur not using this for battle,or if ur gonna change this to a shield for battle,then use a monarch)

PVP strategies:

Bonemancer:Juz run towards him,cast lower resist on him,then nove him!He'll die in about 1 or 2 hits
Summoner:Juz lower resist him and his meat shields,then nova him and his meat shields,then he'll die quickly
Poisonmancer:Juz lower resist him and get ur golem to be ur meat shield,resummon him when he dies,try to get something to make him frozen,so u can kill him faster,or use enigma

Chrager:Juz lower resist him and try to run out of the way so he could hit ur golem,when he hits ur golem,nova him
Freezot:Get ur Raven Frost,then no problem,juz lower resist him,then nova him
Zealot:Try to get him out of ur way,then lower resist him,then nova him
Fist of Heaven Paladin:Get ur Thundergods,then lower resist him,nova then done
Hammerdin:This might be abit freaky,but lower resist him,then nova him,but don't let him hit u
Dreamer:Go get ur Thundergods,then get him out of ur way,lower resist him,then nova him
Dragoner:This would be abit harder,cos u gotta run out of his fire,so run as far as u can,lower resist him,then nova him
Avenger:This guy has 3 elements,so u must always run out of him!Then lower resist and nova him

Javazon:He might use charged strike,lightning strike or lightning fury!So use ur Thundergod's then lower resist and nova him!
Bowazon:A bowazon uses guided arrows,strafe or multiple shots!So always resummon ur golem so he could be ur meat shield,then go near him,lower resist him then nova

Lightning Trapper:Go get ur Thundergod's then lower resist and nova him,but always run around cos he got mind blast
[size=2]Fire Trapper:Juz run out of his mind blast and traps,then lower resist and nova t of his mind blast and traps,then lower resist and nova him
[/size]Martial Arts Assasin:Juz lower resist and nova him right away

Whirlwind Barbarian:Juz run as far as u can,then lower resist and nova him
Concentrate BarbarianBig Grinon't let him get u,but juz lower resist and nova him quickly
War Cry Barbarian:Juz don't let him chase u,then lower resist and nova him quickly
Berserker:Juz do let him hit u,then lower resist and nova him

Blizzard Sorceress:Get ur Raven Frost and lower resist and nova him
Orb+Thunderstorm Sorceress:Get ur Raven Frost and Thundergod's,then u'll have no problem with winning
Orb Sorceress:Same as Blizzard Sorceress
Lightning Sorceress:Get ur Thundergod's and kill him right away,if not,ur the one dead
Fire Sorceress:Run out of his fire balls and lower resist and nova him
EnchantressBig Grino let her get u,then lower resist and nova her,pretty simple
Telekinis SorceressBig Grinon't let him get near u,then lower resist and nova him

Wind DruidBig Grinon't get near him,then lower resist and nova him
Fire Druid:Juz don't let him him u,then easy thing comes,lower resist and nova him
Werewolf DruidBig Grinon't let him chase u,then lower resist and nova him

PVM strategies:
Lower resist anything infront of u,then nova them,then they will die immediately

Get a Act2 Nightmare Holy Freeze Mercenary

Doom Polearm
Reaper's Toll


Vampire Gaze
Crown of Ages
Giant Skull
Andariel's Visage

After building ur poison necromancer like this,u'll find this really good and easy to use!Hope u guys do well and hope u guys will be a Killing Spree Slayer!!!


Normal poison necromancer guide, just that you added some extra items people could use instead.
You dont need a raven frost if you use 3 trang items, cause belt have a mod wich gives cannot be frozen. Smile
O!OK!Thanks for reminding~I forgot!
For once I think you actually wrote this guide, rather than ripping it of some other site.

Most of it sounds good, except that you don't want a Reaper's Toll on your mercenary because the Decrepify will cancel your Lower Resist, and a Doom is useless because an Act II Defensive already has a Holy Freeze aura.
ok i got some questions, a magic or crafted ring wiht + skills? ummmm dont think so..., y didnt u put amrrowalks as first choice of boots? it will always help u with bone shield, and y nto fire golem? since ur poison nova is going to bring them down to 1 hp very fast then hoyl fire from goelm kills em, and in shields y didnt u include darkforce as number 1 shield? fcr, if perf has +3 to all skills, good def. and armor with a poisonmancer i would never use bramble, u will do enough dmg the way it is so enigma will be an essential so u can get to them fast enough before they get away. hope all this helps
u might wanna use infinity on your merc since conviction probly works with lower resist. unless your dmg is high enough anyway, then u can use insight or so. also u could use spirit if your dmg is high enough, and arach for similar reasons, but those are just my preferences.
Use a nigma instead of trangs armour..
And why not maras?
And how are u going to kill others?Psn doesnt kill...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
I didn't say use Trang armour!Anyway,doesn't poison kill?My frined whom is a poison necro killed me in a duel game=_="(with his poison)So I think poison kills!Or I think we should ask someone else!(I listed mara's too,I guess u didn't notice!)
probably either use dagger or golem
oops...Its bramble
Why use bramble?Ill suggest tele for the pvp fights...

He never placed any into fire golem...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
The 3 trang items shoud be: Gloves, belt and shield.
+25% psn dmg
-25% enemy psn resist
Cannot be frozen
And it has other usefull mods too.
Fire golem?AlfzZz,do u mean clay golem?And also I think using Bramble is quite a good thing,it makes ur poison more powerful!So I thinkUsing 3 trang items+Bramble_Death's Web is good!U'll get at least 9k poison damage!My friend's poison necro does 13k dmg!
the reason i use clay because it slows enemies down so you can hit them with the dagger but yea maybe a point into firegolem would work after you nova them to one life then the aura finishes them off yea when their at 1 life summon mr pyro and their dead but use bramble for the poison mods

edit: i used blackbog without bramble i still got 10k damage this was on east btw
O!And by the way,kingrookie,can u go see my post about some of my friends using 3 rare paladin builds,cos I'm gonna build a new one,if people think their great,then I should build one,plz go check that out!
without tele ure almost dead...
melee chars own u easy...Especially a skill called charge...charge are dangerous these days lol...
a barb tele beside u...What will u do?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
alfzzz does have a point about that you could get an enigma but bramble works just as well just get a tank and move awkardly nova whenever you can then fire golem should finish if your fast enough don't worry about teles
Yea!So my friend got Bramble for PVM+Enigma for PVP
To clear up a few things, poison will kill monsters, not just bring them down to 1 life. It won't, however, kill other players. Hence why you need a Fire Golem for his Holy Fire aura.
DUH, did no one not read my freaking post, didnt i say jsut about everythign everyone has said so far??

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