my rabies druid does 38K dmg at lvl 73 with 29%psn skill bramble and 10 gcs
Strategy: of course your main attack is rabies but when your enemy is infected (orangish glow) their health will drain quickly depending on how much resist and health they have. after infecting your enemy switch to fury and hit them repeatedly. (more to come as i figure it out)
Rather max skills in this order:
Oak Sage
Dont put skills in fury, cause you have to be very high level to max it, and you wont have very high damage. fury is also owned by many other characters.
However if you are gonna put skills after the 4 main skills, i would strongly advice to put as many point in dire wolf as possible. dire wolf = more hp to spirit wolf wich you have have 5 of, and spirit wolf have teleport. By using the combo of bramble///spirit wolf, you can feel a little safer, but its nothing to rely on since good players will ignore them.
Shield shoud be a Sanctuary Troll Nest, because you wont rely on the 50% damage reduce when you play as rabies.
Doom weapon would good because of the aura, but if its the damage you want, then you rater use a Plague Bearer.
The bramble shoud be between 40 and 50% psn dmg, or else you have more use of a CoH.
The boots shoud be IK boots since you get life and ATR from it. Rabies skill and werewolf skill will boost the ATR fom the boots insane.(compare to what it was)
Rabies druides will never have good ATR unless you you remove the insane damage it can have.
If someone can tell me who can host zip files, then i can get up a zip file with the character.
Doom Berserker Axe is one of the better weapons for this build, far better than a Plague Bearer. Not only is +2 To All Skills a lot better than +5 to Rabies, but on top of that, it has the Holy Freeze aura, and it's a lot faster.
If you need Attack Rating, you can always skip the Raven Frost and Mara's Kaleidoscope and get an Angelic's ring and amulet, or maybe skip the Verdungo's and Sandstorm Trek in favor for a Hsarus' boots and belt.
Cauhtemoc Wrote:Doom Berserker Axe is one of the better weapons for this build, far better than a Plague Bearer. Not only is +2 To All Skills a lot better than +5 to Rabies, but on top of that, it has the Holy Freeze aura, and it's a lot faster.
If you need Attack Rating, you can always skip the Raven Frost and Mara's Kaleidoscope and get an Angelic's ring and amulet, or maybe skip the Verdungo's and Sandstorm Trek in favor for a Hsarus' boots and belt.
If you think that 2+ all skills is better than 5+ rabies, then you just screwed up when it comes to damage. BUT yes, since doom has 2+ and the aura, its a good weapon to use. Dmg damage difference with 10 shape skillers when you using doom and a plague bearer is a matter of around 10K psn damage. And when it comes to speed, put 1 shael in plague bearer and a 15%/mod juwel in the jalas.
While another +3 to Rabies will mean that you do around 7'000 additional damage (I just did the maths), +2 To All Skills means that you get +2 to Werewolf, +2 to Lycanthropy and +2 to Oak Sage. This equals more Attack Rating and a lot more life, and that's before the Holy Freeze Aura comes into play.
Quote:And when it comes to speed, put 1 shael in plague bearer and a 15%/mod juwel in the jalas.
Meaning that he'll not only loose Attack Rating and life, but resistance as well, seeing as he no longer can put an Um in that.
A very good rabies wolf have 6K life++
The meaning of a rabies druide is to get 1, yes only 1 hit, then run away all he can. This means you wanna have a so strong poison damage that it can take out people with 5K hp and 95% poison resistance. Belive me, if you face strong players and get a hit, you dont wanna go to them before they are dead.
But people prefere different setup`s, so it will never be the same.
When i think of it, there is 1 more option of what you can use for a weapon. its a bit funny, but rabies druides may find a death web(the necro wand) very usefull since it gives great -% psn resist.
Death's Web
Unearthed Wand
One-Hand Damage: 22 To 28 (25 Avg)
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 25
Durability: 18
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+50% Damage To Undead
-40-50% To Enemy Poison Resistance (varies)
+7-12 To Mana After Each Kill (varies)
+7-12 Life After Each Kill (varies)
+2 To All Skills
+1-2 To Poison And Bone Skills (Necromancer Only) (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
with my current setup i dont have to hit-and-run i can sit there with a zealer and hit him with fury which kills them even faster. my fury does 2-3k dmg. this build isnt really just rabies its rabies/fury. and i figured out that the max dmg with my items being pef is 50k rabies and 3-5k fury.
oh the life part will be taken care of when i get my cta/ liddless and lvl him more planned to have 6-7k life depending on the cta
The gear you have written is around 38-42K dmg, not 50K. Its impossible. Anyway since you are not rabies druide only, then some new thinking must come, wich i might do later.
Quote:The meaning of a rabies druide is to get 1, yes only 1 hit, then run away all he can. This means you wanna have a so strong poison damage that it can take out people with 5K hp and 95% poison resistance. Belive me, if you face strong players and get a hit, you dont wanna go to them before they are dead.
Yes, I know. But another 7'000 additional damage won't do squat, the damage is already so high that whoever he hits will die very quickly. You're also forgetting the fact that the Holy Freeze aura from Doom will slow whoever you fight down to 45% of their movement speed, allowing for a much easier escape.
Anyhow, new ideas and builds are always a nice thing, and for a Rabies/Fury hybrid, a Doom Berserker Axe is one of the best weapons you can possibly get your hands on, no doubt about it.
Cauhtemoc Wrote:Anyhow, new ideas and builds are always a nice thing, and for a Rabies/Fury hybrid, a Doom Berserker Axe is one of the best weapons you can possibly get your hands on, no doubt about it.