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Xfire is an instant messanging program that works wit games, so when ur playing diablo you can talk to someone playing wow. or if ur doing hw and can play d2 u cant chat with them through Xfire. its a sweet program, and supports many games. for sum games it can even put u into the same game as your friend with the click of a button. unfortunatly this feture dosent work with diablo, but it is still useful for talking to ppl if you are intrested in downloading this go to and send me an IM my screen name is Myxomatosiss. Xfire is awsome, but we need more d2 players to use it. Its mainly used my CS and WOW. you also get a profile, that records the number of hours you play all of your games. it looks like this

[Image: myxomatosiss.png]

Ill talk to you on XfireWink
Looks pretty sweeet, I might get it if i can get my friend to get off my godam cd key.
well give me im me if you do
I have a xfire too If you want to look at my profile look up the username: mr blaine ng
I just invited u to /F L
karantamen - play CoD most of the time.
Alright myxomatosis I added you to my f/l too.
Alright myxomatosis I added you to my f/l too.
Admin plz delete the double post i clicked it twice by accident =(
LoL tripple post

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