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Best Auradin?
I was thinking about making an auradin, and was wondering which is best, and the gear you use. So its either Holy Freeze, Holy Fire, or HOly Bolt.
i dont think holy bolt is an aura.

i'd say holy shock/fire is best for dueling since its 2 auras absorbers would have trouble
Well...PvP=lightning because you can make dreams and have like a level 20000 holy lightning, and own. and add thousands to your damage.
PvM is what silver says, he's right.
Oh, sorry that's what I meant, so 2xdreams and what weapon? Crescent moon for -15% or Doom to slow them? And probably any fast boots. And if I put points onto the synergies of Holy Shock will it increase the damage? My friend says he did and it added. So in that case I'd probably want +skill gear for the belt rings and ammy. Armor would you say enigma or coh?
Points into the synergies will add damage to the Holy Shock aura, yes. Doom is a good weapon, for its Holy Freeze. As for your own aura, Conviction, definatly. So max out Zeal for Attack Rating, Resist Lightning, Resist Cold, and Salvation for synergy damage, and put enough points into Conviction that it'll be at level 25 with all your gear. Rest of the points goes into either Holy Shield/Defiance for blocking and Defence, or Blessed Aim for its passive bonus to Attack Rating.
Alright, thanks Cauhtemoc
OK!So if ur using Dreamx2,then use doom!Max out all the synergies,and use conviction as ur main aura!
If ur using Dragonx2,then use hand of justice and max out all synergies and conviction as ur main aura!
Remember not to put any points in the aura which the item gives u,if u have 2 Dreams,it will be 30lvl holy shock,but if u put a point into holy shock,it will turn to 1 lvl only!
tell me ur results of this auradin
Actually!A dreamer or a dragonner or a pheonix pally are the best auradins!Dreamer gets lots of dmg!Dragonner gets close together!Pheonix pally won't die at all!
madcow stole my sig!! any way use 2x dreams on you and 2x dragons or ur merc and infinity on your merc
TuNa-FisH_SuShI Wrote:madcow stole my sig!! any way use 2x dreams on you and 2x dragons or ur merc and infinity on your merc
Actually i would max Conviction, or at least get it to 25 with gear.
This was my idea for gear
Helm + SHield: Dream (Of course)
Armor: Fort or Dragon, Physical dmg or Fire, your choice.
Weap: Beast (For the max ias and fanat in general durr) or Grief Phase.
Belt: Dungos or if you want less offensive gcs needed arach)
Rings+Ammy: Angelic
Boots: Eth Treks
Gloves: maybe 20 ias 10 cb gloves or some other 20 ias gloves
Switch: must i even say it? Cta+Spirit/Hoz

20 Zeal
20 Convic *Depending on gear could be less*
20 Resist Light
10-15 Holy Shield
10-15 Salvation *Not a big dmg adder so you could use better elsewhere.
10 Deafiance/Blessed Aim *If you need Defence or Ar*
10 Resist Fire *If Using Dragon If not put into anything else you want.*

Or if you want the one that relies on his merc and does more physical dmg and defence.

Merc = Defiance Merc
Dream Helm
Dragon Armor
Pride Weap


Merc = Act 1 Cold
Dream Helm
Dragon Armor
Faith Bow

On Pally
Weap: Last wish
Armor: fort.
Gloves: Steelrends or 20 ias 10 cb gloves (prob the ias ones cuz last wish = no ias)

20 Convic *Or less if you have 25 with gear*
20 zeal
20 Sacrifice
20 Resist Light
20 Holy shield
10 into remaining boosters, Aim for Ar Defiance for D.
Tell me what you think.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Wait, so you can't have an aura din that just runs around? I was hoping it would do enough dmg to kill everyone by just running around. And my friend's making it, and he's being stubborn about it, he thinks that if he max's holy shock it'll stack, and he said he'll just put an infinity on his merc. But he's going to use his conviction as his main aura on his pally first since he already put points on it.
If you use holy shock as your pally's aura with dreams they cancel each other out. Also my pally is good that i just made up. With max resist light and 2x dreams it adds 7k dmg to attack.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
do fuggles guide but put dream helm + sheild and dragon armor then on merc do act 2 dream helm dragon armor and dragon sheild then you could just run around also you can use a sorc get ur merc to wear infinity and light mastery helps the holyshock aura and firemastery helps the holy fire aura
yea fuggles good but try and get dream dragon infinity and max the conviction
Damn, I guess I'll still have to use zeal/charge. So I guess the question of holy freeze is out then, maxing Freeze+synergies, use doom, nightwing, 10 off gcs, arachnids, dual sojs, maras, coh/nigma and zak?
ok this is my auradin i made


helm:dream tiara
shld: Protector shld dream(low str)
armor: dusk Coh
wpn:Crescent moon small crescent(pretty low req)
ammy/rings:angelics and raven
belt:tgods(i had fun dueling trappers)
gloves:was gunna use dracs but never finished

skills were simple 15 conv max light res max salvation and 15 HS and used charge as attack

he did good dmg and he did it pretty quick. but this was quick post they ez builds just u need the gear and all
i think u should use BOTD for the weapon and fortitude for armour~
Can I have a screenshot?

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