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Avenger Help
im making an avenger pally and plz keep in mind when posting that I only play NON LADDER. this is wut i have figured out so farand im really confused on a lot of stuff, so let me know wut u would do..

max vengeance
max conviction
1 Holy Shield
13 resist cold
13 resist fire
13 resist lightning (ill have 13 in each by lvl 79 then keep adding 1 to each as u keep lvling)

str enough for gear
dex enough for max block
vit all rest
ene none

helm - shako or nightwings??
armor - coh or i think maybe a 15/15/15 ormus??
weap - famine zerk
shield - ber'd hoz
gloves - draculs or ias gloves??
boots - goreriders or eth treks??
ammy - maras
rings - dual bk rings or 1bk & 1rfrost
belt - verdungos

it needs a lot of work but i think it has massive potential. let me know any feedback and critcism u have and remember this is non ladder only.
Go with a shako, an enigma, draculs, goreriders, dual bk's but put a cham in the shako for the cbf.
im not gonna suggest any gear but i do know bnet rounds resistances down. if u do realize that each pt into a resist aura gives u +1/2 to a maximum aura, (2 pts in holy fire gives 1 max fire resist) so id suggest 14 atleast for each

im pretty sure avengers deal dmg based on high weapon speed+skill items, i'd therefore suggest some angelics and a chamed item and a very fast weapon, unless veng always hits
I made one of them before, but i were not impressed. (could be because i used shit items back then)
Vengeance elemental damage is % of the base weapon damage
Well, my suggestion is this build:

Strenght: Enough for eqipment
Dexterity: 160-200 base
Vitality: Rest
Energy: 0

20 Vengeance
20 Resist Cold (boost doom damage)
20 Salvation (boost doom damage)
12 Conviction (reduce exactly 150% with skill+ eqipment)
1 Holy Shield
Rest you share on Resist Lightning and Resist Fire.

CoA Cham Ber
Doom Berserker Axe
HoZ socket with Um (ber if your CoA have bad dmg reduce)
CoH Archon Plate (skill and resist)
IK gloves (25% ias when 2x set item)
Verdungo 15%
IK boots (FRW)
Cats Amulet (IAS and FRW)
2x BK rings for life and skill+
On Switch:
CtA and Skill+ shield

IF you feel that you still run to slow, then fill up with enough FRW small charms.
Combat skillers always helps.
5% resist all small charms if you have resist problems also.

However if you are ladder, i think you get the true power of Avenger.
Important eqipment would be:
Doom BA
Dream helm and shield

Now you can max salvation, resist lightning and resist cold to get really good dmg from aura, and still have the vengeance damage.
Auras will now me Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, and Conviction.

Tell me what you think Smile
oh ya i forgot conviction stops at 150% so that leaves skills open.

but i dont understand y u would max salvation since that only gives 6% dmg(2% to each) when the seperate resist auras give 10% each??

also y max resist cold before other too? cold is the easiest thing to sorb, i think to distribute points equally would be better just incase of sorb.

wouldn't ebotdz be better than doomz? it gives more dmg and is faster. i know doom has -cold resist but wouldnt conviction reduce their resist enough already?

and im thinking of using angelics like silver said.
Yes, that would be very clever to use 2 angelic rings, because avengers have huuge atr problems at normal. But you need fast run speed and attack speed to make avengers good. Doom gets extra dmg because resist cold is bouth in vengeance and doom. Holy freeze slows enemys, wich makes them easyer to hit, and run to. BotD would add more damage, but then you loose the holy freeze aura.

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