04-22-2005, 09:39 AM
im making an avenger pally and plz keep in mind when posting that I only play NON LADDER. this is wut i have figured out so farand im really confused on a lot of stuff, so let me know wut u would do..
max vengeance
max conviction
1 Holy Shield
13 resist cold
13 resist fire
13 resist lightning (ill have 13 in each by lvl 79 then keep adding 1 to each as u keep lvling)
str enough for gear
dex enough for max block
vit all rest
ene none
helm - shako or nightwings??
armor - coh or i think maybe a 15/15/15 ormus??
weap - famine zerk
shield - ber'd hoz
gloves - draculs or ias gloves??
boots - goreriders or eth treks??
ammy - maras
rings - dual bk rings or 1bk & 1rfrost
belt - verdungos
it needs a lot of work but i think it has massive potential. let me know any feedback and critcism u have and remember this is non ladder only.
max vengeance
max conviction
1 Holy Shield
13 resist cold
13 resist fire
13 resist lightning (ill have 13 in each by lvl 79 then keep adding 1 to each as u keep lvling)
str enough for gear
dex enough for max block
vit all rest
ene none
helm - shako or nightwings??
armor - coh or i think maybe a 15/15/15 ormus??
weap - famine zerk
shield - ber'd hoz
gloves - draculs or ias gloves??
boots - goreriders or eth treks??
ammy - maras
rings - dual bk rings or 1bk & 1rfrost
belt - verdungos
it needs a lot of work but i think it has massive potential. let me know any feedback and critcism u have and remember this is non ladder only.