04-26-2005, 04:49 AM
What is up with this damn site whenever i click a link like it takes 5 tries but half the time im getting this stupid Error with d2 site
The page you have been looking for has not been found for one of the following reasons:
1: I messed up on a link...report it to me by clicking here with the subject "Broken Link".
2: Cain was hungry and ate it.
3: Baal was pissed off and blasted it to the next dimension.
4: Charsi turned it into a cookie and ate it.
5: It ran away.
6: It caught on fire.
The page you have been looking for has not been found for one of the following reasons:
1: I messed up on a link...report it to me by clicking here with the subject "Broken Link".
2: Cain was hungry and ate it.
3: Baal was pissed off and blasted it to the next dimension.
4: Charsi turned it into a cookie and ate it.
5: It ran away.
6: It caught on fire.