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Widow sorc (Enchant)
Ok, i came up with a resaneble guide for this type of sorc. damage is around 8-12K each arrow on your bow. Am already working on this sorc to test it on, and i will give a respond later to how it works, and if its worth it.

to start with, ill say some breakepoints.
0% FCR = 13 Frames
9% FCR = 12 Frames
20% FCR = 11 Frames
37% FCR = 10 Frames
63% FCR = 9 Frames
105% FCR = 8 Frames
200% FCR = 7 Frames

IAS for a ward bow on a sorc
IAS/Frames per attack/Attacks per second
0 %/16/1.5
8 %/15/1.6
16 %/14/1.7
27 %/13/1.9
42 %/12/2
65 %/11/2.2
102 %/10/2.5
174 %/9/2.7

Now for the stats:
Strenght: Enough for heavies item
Dexterity: Enough for your bow
Vitality: Rest
Energy: 100 (figured with warmth and telekinesis, 100 is enough)

20 Enchant (main skill)
20 Warmth (syn-energy and mana boost)
20 Fire Mastery (syn-energy)
20 Telekinesis (more effective mana shield)
1 in the first cold armor
All remaining skills into energy shield

Gear Setup1:
Shako socket with Cham
Widowmaker socket with Shael
Upgraded Vipermagi socket with 15% ias juwel (just to reach another breakepoint)
Gore Rider (myself i think its a waste of strenght, so here i could use some advice from you guys in the forum)
2x SoJ

Gear Setup2:
2+ sorc skill, 20% FCR circlet socket with Cham
Widowmaker socket with Shael
Upgraded Vipermagi socket with Um
I dont know
2x 10% FCR rings with mods

And for the mercenary, ill use a Act1 normal merc with cold arrows.
Here is the IAS breakepoints for a act1 merc with a hydra bow.

IAS/Frames per attack/Attacks per second
0 %/17/1.4
5 %/16/1.5
11 %/15/1.6
22 %/14/1.7
34 %/13/1.9
50 %/12/2
78 %/11/2.2
120 %/10/2.5
215 %/9/2.7

The point is to give her as high attack speed as possible, because she will die by 1 hit whatever you put on her. Best to make as most out of it as possible. Her damage will of course come of the enchanting skill.

Here is her Gear Setup:
You need 20% more IAS, so you just have to find a helm wich can provide it. I have some suggestions.
1. Andariel have 20% from before, so you can socket it with a Shael or something else.
2. Giant Skull socket with 2 15% ias juwels
3. Stealskull socket with 15% ias juwel
4. Mavinas Diadem (it already have 30% ias on it)
60% IAS armor (very cheap to get. if you are rich and can affort it, give her a 160/60 armor)
Windforce socket with Shael

Well people, tell me what you think of this character, and if it is something wich shoud be different. I diddent wright a pure combat eqipment guide, since am not sure if its worth bothering.
why do you say its a widow sorc and in the sorcs gear it says she uses wf? nvm thats your mercs gear didnt see that looks pretty good but i made one b4 and its not very good but she wasnt an es sorc
alot of things wrong in that guide, ill revamp it
Tahu Wrote:alot of things wrong in that guide, ill revamp it
If you got a better guide, please wright it. Am level 60 now, and have 85 strenght and 150 dex. maxed enchant, warmth and fire mastery. Ill save the rest of my point to see what you come up with. please hurry Wink
I already wrote it
I already tested my, and i aint impressed. It pretty much sucks to have this wodowmaker on a sorc. Damage is low, and you attack slow, and teleport slow.
I look at your guide, and you have like 60 extra strenght just to wear the spirit shield on switch. I would rater use a lidless and use the other skills into vitality or energy. Otherwise, what you wrote is pretty much like mine, exept for you using tunderstorm.

My arrows did 12K at max, and each arrows does almost 0 dmg on people. So if you want a guided arrow character, go for a barbar. At least they can fire faster.
I added my bow sorc build as well it does 22k dmg and more is possible with more gcs and i didnt even have an anni =P

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