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1.5k orberess guide by Holy Shaman
PART I: General Info

This is a guide about sorces using frozen orb/ energy shield, used mainly for dueling and rushing. Note that this is an actual character, my orberess, not an idea in my imagination based on wish lists (see the supplied pics). Well, off we go:

PART II: Skill Placement

20 orb, ice bolt, telekinesis
12 cm, 18 es (approximately)
1 to: ice blast, blizzard, frost nova, glacial spike, frozen armor, shiver armor (that’s what you’ll use), warmth (yes 1, I know its important but at 2.6k mana another point there makes no difference), charged bolt, lightning, teleport, chain lightning)

That’s 101 skill points, obtained at level 90 (there are 12 quest skills). If you plan to level her more, put rest in cm as es will probably be at 95%.

PART III: Skill Info

How Frozen orb works
When fo is cast, 42 shards are sent to every direction, 26 from ball and 16 from the nova at the end (cast from an ama slow missile and count, its easy-also found this number in 2 other forums so I guess its accurate). Thats 42x1462(my dmg)= 61104 at pvm. As ALL monsters will have -100 res from cm, that goes x2=122808. BUT hitting a single opponent with all 42 shards is virtually impossible. A direct hit is approximately 20 shards, so it goes: 20x1462/6 (pvp penalty)=4873!! Thats if opponent has 0 res (not likely, see cm section). Now, thats high.

How cold mastery works
Cold mastery lowers enemy resistance by 5%/lvl and is capped at -100% (double damage). My cold mastery is lvl 38 (12 hard points) that gives -205% enemy res-10% (2 facets)=-215%.That means that at pvm ALL non-immune monsters will have -100% res (cm does NOT break immunities) and at pvp, even if opponent stacks 40% cold res he will have -100%. Taking into account the -100% hell penalty, in order to have 75% vs my orbsorc he must have 390% cold res. Only paladins with aura and 4xsapphire 45 res pala shield can realistically do that.

How energy shield/telekinesis works
Energy shield basically drains mana instead of life, but with no telekinesis it will drain it so fast you'll die. Telekinesis basically reduces mana drain from es. At lvl 1 tk and 95% es, 1 dmg drains 2 mana. That goes 1:1 at tk lvl 15 and only 0.72 mana/1 dmg at tk lvl 20. That means that your high mana+effective es will save you, as it will take many hits to completely drain all your mana (5% of dmg still goes to life, but thats low)

How thunderstorm works
I didn't mention thunderstorm in skill placement as I leave it up to you whether you want to invest one point there or not (dont forget 1 point lightning mastery). Total cost will be 4 skill points (1 tstorm, 1 lm, 1 static, 1 nova-you put points in other prereqs to reach es). While dmg will be low, its a very useful skill as it puts opponents in hit recovery frames, thus giving you a slight edge. If you dont want to invest points there and dont mind precasting use a orb (I use a +2sorc+2 tstorm, cant find a 2/3 one).

PART IV: Equipment

Before I mention equipment choices, take a note of these breakpoints: fcr 63/105% and fhr 86%.
First off, rich man's equipment:

Helm: Nightwing’s Veil (perf would be nice) with 5/5 cold facet. Before anyone starts naming godly fcr circlets, I’ve made a second fcr based setup.
Armor: Chains of Honour. +2 skills, much needed str, huge res all
Shield: Spirit hands down. No blocking but 2 skills, mana, life, good res, and 55 fhr!!!
Weapon: Death’s Fathom with 5/5 facet
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Rings: 2x Stone of Jordan
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Gloves: Frostburns (huge mana bonus)
Boots: Sandstorm Treks (str, vita and of course fhr)
Switch: As high cta as you can afford+spirit
Charms: 9xcold skillers life (yeah, I know, it gets expensive but they don't have to be 40 life) and 1x cold skiller 12 fhr. Mana, life or both scs (don't nedd res with this setup) and anni.
Precasting equipment: Memory on es staff (that can give +9 es-check pic). You gain 4 points there (fathom+spirit=5, staff=9) so it’s worth making it. Thunderstorm orb if you're not too bored running back to town to cast it. Thunderstorm or energy shield ormus, 3 light amulet, light skillers can also be used but it starts to get silly.
Additional Equipment: The fcr equip mentioned below, stormshield for dr and wizzy for res

This setup gives you 75% fcr and 87% fhr. Using fcr items is pointless unless you can get up to 105%. If you decide you absolutely need that breakpoint, DO NOT replace frostburns. Yeah, magefist is a cheap way for 20 fcr but you’ll loose tons of mana, rendering your energy shield much less effective. So, a good 2 sorc (not 3 cold, there’s es remember?) 20 fcr, str, res circlet and 2 10 fcr high mana rings will take you to 105% if you wanna keep fathom. Otherwise, use hoto (or even wizzy) and adjust the other items accordingly (I don’t mention caster amulets as I’m so damn unlucky at them).

About the shield: No blocking is unfortunate… If you want, go for sanctuary at tower shield (low def but also low requirements) and put on dexterity the points you save from not using spirit (lidless on switch for bo obviously).

Here's the less expensive equip:

Helm: Shako with 5/5 facet. 2 skills are nice but whats really important is the high life and mana bonus
Armor: Upgraded umed viper. Ormus is no good for orbsorc (fo ormus not possible), so viper with its awesome 30fcr, high res and 1 skill is the obvious choice.
Shield: Lidless+pdiamond. Spirit has too high str req to use without the +20 str bonus that coh gives+anni bonus. If u dont have 10 cold sks, then use str gcs and put spirit. Otherwise, lidless is reasonable enough, with fcr, skill and some res from pdia (um is a waste if u ask me). Sanctuary not needed, as res all will be adequate
Weapon: HotO or wizy, u choose. HotO gives better dmg (3 skills) and the 10 fcr difference is not important as u reach the 105 breakpoint. Wizy gives huge stacked res+high mana for your es.
Amulet: 2 sorc+other mods, or even 3 cold
Rings: 2xstone of jordan
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Boots: Non-eth sandstorm treks
Gloves: Frostburns
Switch/Charms: Even a cta 1 will help alot. As for charms, as many cold sks as u can get, even clean ones. Dont forget life/mana sc's.

With this setup, she gets little less life/mana and a lot less damage, but easily reaches the 105% fcr bp (very important in this case). Do not mix equip, for example all poor man's choices+fathom because the dmg you'll gain will be less helpful than slower cast rate. She is actually quite viable on this equip, but still weaker than ideal choices.

PART V: Stats

Strength: Top requirement is monarch for spirit, 156. Coh, anni, mara, treks give str but str skillers are a bit of a waste (life skillers benefit you a lot more) unless you cant afford life. I don’t mention how much str exactly you must put, as stats vary. Expect around 85 hard points here (no charms)
Dexterity: Nope, unless you use sanctuary. Actual block is calculated: BLOCK=SHIELDBLOCK*(DEX-15)/2*CHARLVL
Vitality: Some say none for orb/es but investing about 80-100 points is important (es can NOT be 100% remember? Also useful vs poison)
Energy: All rest. Can’t use es otherwise.

Currently I have 1.6k life and 2.6k mana, dealing 1.5k damage


Any merc will do, act 2 or act 5, holy freeze or defiance, provided he is well equipped. My merc uses (see pics)
Eth infinity
Regular forti (may want to use that elsewhere)
Perfect vampire gaze with amethyst (infinity has 200 str req)

Really, all popular choices will do: eth bonehew, upded duri or shaft, eth andi etc. Items don’t have to be that godly but if you’re serious about rushing don’t give him crap

PART VII: Strategy

Well, it all comes down to that. Is it worth it? As for pvm, she owns with ease-no questions asked (cookie cutter? Then how do you call pvp bowazons?). At pvp this is a fast walkthrough: (deep breath)

General: 1.5k orb dmg is about 4k/direct hit at pvp. This is 1 hit-kill for most opponents. Also, don’t forget to constantly drink mana pots for your es and RECAST ES IF MANA END. Absorbs are a pain in the *** but I don’t object to the use of 1 raven. 2 isn’t bad manners but lame (personal opinion). It just kills off the fun part of dueling.

Trapsins: If they don’t have eni that shouldn’t be hard just tele tele tele. If they do have, its more complicated coz they’ll start a tele race round the traps-don’t get sucked in to it, just retreat and attack again. Tstorm is crucial to delay her.

WWsins: Tele a bit far and orb, it should be ok.

Javazons: Very easy (although dodge is annoying), just don’t tele near her and giver her a chance to cs you.

Bowazons: nope. A good bowazon will win almost every time. Tele fast near her (don’t waste time avoiding guided arrows coz they increase fast in numbers) and hope dodge wont work. A stormshield will actually be useful here.

Wind druids: nope. It takes one direct hit to kill off his shield and another to kill him. Wont happen coz casting delay lets him recast.

Shapeshifter: Easy, as every other melee char. If he uses rabies tele fast coz his f r/w is insane and don’t let him hit you, es doesn’t work on poison damage.

Summoner Druid: They stay in town constantly casting bears. These are extremely easy to deal with, but you cant win (in town remember?) so just avoid them or prepare to get really bored

Bone necro: 125% fcr necros are tough coz they fill screen with spirits fast. Your fhr will save you here as will your tele. Get in sight, orb, get away, repeat. Don’t try to hit twice as spirits will catch up and kill you.

Poison necro: Both die if he is bramble or you die if he is eni. Es doesn’t work on poison.

Summoner: Tricky, if he teles on you that’s almost instant death. Tele like mad and cast orbs. Their range will wear off his minions but wait till almost all are gone before you attack directly. Of course, you could always tele around for about 2:30 mins and wait till revives die (your mana is almost unlimited).

Hammerdin: easy, but careful when you tele (may land on hammers but it takes 3-4 to take you down so you have time to kill him while avoiding the rest)

FoHer: Use wizzy to stack res, tele near him, direct hit and laugh

Chargadin: It takes lotsa hits to take you down thanks to es and your high fhr will give you a chance to escape, orb, kill. Fairly easy.

Smiter: That’s a bit more complicated. While he charges to hit you and then smite tele just behind him, orb. He charges again, tele, orb. Always tele against his course.

Tesladin: Tricky one, as there are many different builds. If they are charge hybrids using infinity and dream, use tactics as above. If they are pure tesladins tele fast near him and finish him off, as conviction+holy shock from dream is unhealthy.

WW Barb: Their fcr sux (so you can tele away easily) and your es will leave them asking “sorc how much life?” while they get their body. Doom or beast as 2nd weapon, phoenix, botd, grief: it doesn’t matter. If you find yourself constantly owned by a ww barb, you might have done something wrong.

Concetrater: Tele, orb, if they hit you it doesn’t matter. Easy.

Frenzy: as above.

Singer Barb: They tend to have tons of life and high fcr. If he stuns you it could be the end, if his damage is high. Take advantage of war cry's short range and tele away/cast orb every time he gets close

Fire sorc: 105% fcr fire sorces (well…all of them) can best you if they have high damage. Very important to wear 105 equip, tele and orb from safe distance (a.k.a. distance that gives you time to avoid incoming fballs but close enough for orbs to work). Thought they were easy till I met a fire sorc that took me down 2 hits

Orb/tstorm: Don’t let her tele away as her tstorm will wear off your es. It’s a close matchup but you’ll win easily if you attack immediately (you’ll loose almost no life thanks to es)

Blizsorc: Although good ones are usually one hit kill, this isnt the case here. If his damage is very high and his aim very accurate you could be in some trouble, so use hit and run tactics: tele near him, orb ONCE, tele away. Bliz casting delay+your tstorm are crucial

Lightning: their short range is their doom… you can get really close and orb her to death. If you get hit, its plain luck whether you die: 100 is ok, but 40k even for you is death. Easy target.

Melee sorc: For widowmaker enchantress use bowazon tactics (no dodge here but high es). If she is bear (beast), its an easy matchup as with all melee chars. Just fight from safe distance (dont get hit, they have high dmg).

Am I forgetting someone? Help here? :question:

PART VIII: Conclusion

I think I covered most aspects of this great character (didn’t write where to level her as it is mentioned in tons of other guides). She is VERY expensive and absorbs may disappoint you (I’m not gonna lie to you… every guide says their char is da best, you make them after spending a fortune and gets pwned) but at serious duels you’ll win much more often than loosing plus you’ll have fun. Some pics follow here to show you that this char exists, no numbers whatsoever where calculated/exaggerated but taken directly from the game and that the pvp section was based in actual dueling, not imaginary fights.

All credits go to Holy Shaman
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
i like the build imihgt try it out but i prefer a blizzard sorc
That guide is one of the coolest orberess guides ever...
Im definately making that...But too bad nl and no inifity Sad
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
does this guy plan on killing people with his godly 40% fcr setup?

honestly, do u know how slow 40% fcr is? i can probly hit a person 5x with lighting before he teleports again.
Yes lol...

FO wont need any fcr
Teleing wont really come important here....This is more on the offensive side...ES takes care of defensive...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
hey i know cm can only lower someone's resist to -100 but is there a max lvl it can reach? like conviction only gets to -150 resists.

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