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Disable D2 Music?
First off, I'm not sure if this should be in the tech forum or wherever, so sorry if it's in the wrong place.

Anyway, I like listening to my music when I'm playing D2, but then there's always wierd music and dying monsters and stuff =O

I'm wondering if there is a way to just kill the Diablo music so I can listen to mine, thanks.
I don't feel like getting online now, but just press "Esc" while in the game, and see if there is an audio tab. If so, just turn all of those things as low as you can.

Or you can just listen to music not on the computer, and just turn your computer speakers off, heh.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
I'll look for the audio thing, and I can't really get the music off my computer, they're midi files and my media player burner thing (o.O) will only let me burn mp3s to cds...sooooo...I can't get them on to my stereo or anything. Thanks anyway though. =D

EDIT : LOL, there was an audio tab, thank you very much Jedi, you can close this now. =D
u can always edit the properties of ur d2 icon thingy

make a copy of ur d2 thing

In the target, after everything, add: -nosound

u shoud not start with sound neither
Make a shortcut of d2.exe
See target
Add a ' -ns' [without quotes[ behind target...
Not sure if need to use d2loader...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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Oooh, okay then, the audio tab turned off the music game, and this will turn it all off. Thanks for the help, guys. =D

EDIT : Done, I was using c3po and all I accually had to do was in the part where is says "-noplugin" just type -ns, I didn't have to change the exe at all. Thanks!
... Hit control + m for out of game. In game just turn shit down. l0l

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